african ankh meaning

Commonly known by a variety of names, including “breath of life”, “the key of the Nile“, and the Latin crux ansata, meaning “cross with a handle”, the ankh simply read as “life” in the ancient Egyptian language. Sometime thereafter, Very Ancient African Sages said their “life force” arose from the spirit of God and it imparted the personal “Aliveness” needed for acquiring a pure spiritual essence as well as for communicating with Higher Powers. Such a union, which goes beyond the concepts of Duality, transforms one into an androgynous being—the union of opposites — the two becoming One. Sometimes it is seen placed on the forehead between the eyes, linking it with clairvoyance. Nov 2, 2015 | Dr. Joseph A. Bailey II, MD., FACS. It is known as the original cross, which is a powerful symbol that was first created by Africans in … The Egyptologist Sir Alan H. Gardiner (1879 – 1963 CE) thought it developed from a sandal strap with the top loop going around one’s ankle and the vertical post attached to a sole at the toes. It was also used as a “crux ansata” – a “handled cross”. While this is true, the word “ankh” translates to “life” in the Afro-Asiatic language of ancient Egypt. Along with the bust of Nefertitithe ankh has to be one of the most common symbols to be worn (or tattooed) by people of African heritage wishing to assert their connection to Kemet. Others point out the similarity with another shape known as a knot of Isis (or a tyet), the meaning of which is also obscure. But the story behind the symbolism is … Yet, most commonly the meaning of “Ankh” signifies everlasting life; the word for physical life; and the “sap of life” (i.e. This path involves the process of human deification or Rebirth as a Human-God or as a Spiritual Body (or Ba). This letter had the form of a Cross. Staring at an Ankh symbol, either alone or in conjunction with other types of Hekau, will mentally help steady the mind during deep concentration (Ashby, Egyptian Yoga p78). Subsequently, “Ankh” has also implied “to smell, to feel, to be alive” as well as to other forms of life. = The ankh is often shown in the hands of important Egyptian figures, such as pharaohs and kings. The ancient Egyptian staff sign or god staff ankh, which is also believed to be the hieroglyph used to symbolize reproduction and sexual union.According to other sources means life and zest for life.The best summary of its meaning is future life, life after death.. Hathor, who was both the goddess of the zest for life and the goddess of death, carried and gave life with it. It’s a cross with a loop, but what is this cross? The Cross of Ankh was also known as the mystical symbol of the Indians of Central America. See this here. Still others say “Ankh” refers to ones inner spiritual illumination — an illumination thought by Ancient Africans to convey the spirit of God or “life force” present in all real things — “a kind of individualized fragment of the Supreme Being.” Therefore the “life force” present in humans formed the Highest or Divine Self — the image of God — the “Soul”—the “Self”. Definition of ankh in the dictionary. Ankh and Christianity – Should I Wear the Ankh? Choosing Best Chains for Pendants: A Guide. There are very few religious people in the world, whether Christians or otherwise, who would object to the ankh’s use. It was a cross shaped like an Ankh but with a round rather than an oval loop on top. The ankh was the symbol for energy and vitality in this life, and… Those holding the Ankh were displaying the sign of Life associated with royal and divine power. Support for this derives from the sign of the Cross being commonly formed by the folded arms of the Deceased, as always found on the breasts of mummies (Gadalla, p92).

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