how to tell if a chinchilla is pregnant

anyway sometimes it looks like she's missing a little fur around where her nipples probably are and so I'm not sure if I should be worried she's pregnant or not. The estrus cycle of a chinchilla is about 28 days and the heat period is 2 days so chinchillas are capable of getting pregnant every month but the likelihood of mating seems to be better during the late winter/early spring months. she was in a cage with her dad and sister even though she is about 6 months old. It is impossible to become pregnant unless the egg of your pet chinchilla was fertilized by a male chinchilla. Let’s start with the process of mating. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by Late in pregnancy, your chinchilla may begin to behave differently. She has gotten a little bigger but she is still growing I think. To be on the safe side, you can take her to the vet for an ultrasound. Not every chinchilla will follow the same heat cycles or the same duration of pregnancy. Chins give birth to between one and four babies, called kits. A chinchillas gestation is 111 days, so count from the day you put them together. Couple fighting at the trough, do not spoil each other's coats, sleeping peacefully side by side on the shelf or in the house. You wont be able to tell if your chinchilla is pregnant until very close to her due date. There is a chance your chin could be pregnant. They were rescued from an owner who could no longer look after them for health reasons. i got a chinchilla about a month ago. Because she is so new … If a chinchilla sleeps on its side, it can mean it is overheated, tired after exercise, bloated, pregnant, or simply feels comfortable at home. That said, always remember, the best thing you can do for your chin is to take it to the vet at the first sign of distress. Hours before the birth, your chinchilla may begin digging or appear nervous. trust me, you will know when she's twice her size. A mating plug is a white, waxy, pencil - shapped remains from mating that is about the length of the diameter of a quarter. There are ten answers to this question. Keep a close eye on her for complications, in case she is pregnant. From my experience, here is some signs that a chinchilla would be pregnant: * A Mating Plug will be discovered in the cage or in the tray below the cage. ... How to tell if a female chinchilla is pregnant? Pregnancy in young chins can kill them, if they make it through, then in most cases the kits don't. When I took them on the previous owner told me the female may be pregnant again as she was still caged with the male, but wasn't certain. Pregnancy on a chinchilla can be hard to detect especially during the first 3 months. How to know if a chinchilla is pregnant Finally, behind all the excitement about the selection and purchase of a partner, quarantine, pairing. I have a 4 year old female chinchilla who came to me with her mate and a 6 month old baby almost 3 weeks ago. Let’s learn how do I tell how old my chinchilla is. It's important to know your chinchilla's personality so you can watch for behavioural changes, which are typically the first sign that your chinchilla will soon give birth. I know its not your fault at all. It is not good for chinchillas that young to be giving birth when they are still little. Chinchilla Pregnancy For a relatively small rodent, chinchilla pregnancies last a long time -- an average of 111 days, or approximately 3.5 months. I am sure my chinchilla is pregnant, because we have seen the kicks and rolls, and I know the date she mated, however she hasn't given birth and we are on 114 days. the people weren't real sure on her age.

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