pathfinder conjuration feats

If you or your companion possesses the earth package of the Nature sphere, your companion may either gain the ability to see through up to 5 ft. of dirt and stone or gain tremorsense 30 feet. Benefit: Each creature you conjure with any summon spell gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution for the duration of the spell that summoned it. While having two attacks is better than one, the claws are also subject to the limbs to which they are attached being needed for shields, weapons, holding other objects, casting spells, or other activities. Thoughtsense can distinguish between sentient (Intelligence 3 or greater) and nonsentient (Intelligence 1-2) creatures, but otherwise provides no information about the creatures it detects. The only Pathfinder item that grants an enhancement bonus to natural attacks is the Amulet of Mighty Fists, which is 2.5 times as expensive as an equivalent weapon. If the companion possesses a bite attack, a successful grapple check to swallow whole deals bite damage. Spell Focus (conjuration) or conjurer level 1st, ... A conjurer can select this feat as a wizard bonus feat. Your companion may shift its coloration to mimic its environment, granting a circumstance bonus on Stealth checks equal to 1 + 1/2 the companion’s Hit Dice. One sting (primary, 1d4 Medium, 1d3 Small, requires tail). While it is still an outsider, magical effects and spells that specifically target plant creatures may affect the companion as if it had the plant type. Benefit: Each creature you conjure with any summon spell gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution for the duration of the spell that summoned it. If your companion is reduced to 0 hit points and disappears, you may re-summon it by increasing the spell point cost of summon by one. You are skilled at working with animals and mounts. The companion adds 1/2 its Hit Dice to Perception checks made to locate traps and to Disable Device checks (minimum +1). In this case, the companion gains a +2 bonus to Dexterity, a -2 penalty to Strength, as well as the usual changes for being Small (+4 Stealth bonus, +1 AC, +1 to-hit, decreased damage size, etc.). The companion can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps. A companion may gain this talent multiple times. Your companion gains the ability to use webs to support itself and up to one additional creature of the same size. Creatures tied to alignment planes may consent to the bond to increase their patron’s influence in the world or to guide the caster toward their alignment and goals, potentially leaving once they feel their goals are sufficiently advanced or that the caster has gone beyond the limits of what they are willing to assist with. You gain an additional companion. When a hostile creature is called, it is rooted to a specific location within range (you can decide how much space to give it, up to a 30-foot radius). Your companion loses all natural attacks granted by its base form and never gains multiattack, but gains the benefits of the Battle Creature (form) talent taken twice. Two slam attacks (primary, 1d4 Medium, 1d3 Small, requires arms). Class - Wizard 9. ), and if the companion possesses another talent that grants it equipment (such as Battle Creature or Shield Bearer), it may choose to combine the benefits of the implement and the summoned equipment, creating one item that functions as both. You must spend 2 additional spell points as part of your summon to grant your companion the benefit of this ability. Size Medium; Speed 20 ft.; AC +4 natural armor; Saves Fort (good), Ref (bad), Will (bad); Attack slam (primary, 1d6 Medium, 1d4 Small); Str 16, Dex 8, Con 16, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 11. hide. Serpentine The talent remains suppressed until you end this effect as a free action. You may increase the size of a Huge companion to Gargantuan or a Gargantuan companion to Colossal. The second creature is uncontrollably violent toward the first and attacks immediately and implacably. Your companion’s Dexterity increases by 2, +1 per 2 Hit Dice. | Swords and Wizardry SRD It does cost two feats (Spell Focus (Conjuration) probably won't see much use from her), but its likely to be worth both of them. When you spend a spell point to allow this companion to remain for 1 minute per caster level without concentration, you may spend an additional spell point to allow it to remain for 1 hour per level instead. At the end of its task, or when the bargained duration expires, a called ally returns to its home plane (after reporting back to you, if appropriate and possible). Effect receives a -4 penalty to caster level (minimum 1). If you are not willing to give the requested payment, but attempt to press the target into service anyway, treat the creature as hostile. You may select (form) talents multiple times, but no more than once per companion, unless the talent says otherwise. Each time it is gained, they gain a new trait from the list. If taken twice, your companion’s bonuses improve to DR 3/cold iron +1 per 3 Hit Dice, +1 saves vs. illusions and mind-affecting effects +1 per 3 Hit Dice. While in rage, the companion gains a +4 morale bonus to its Strength and Constitution, as well as a +2 morale bonus on Will saves. Attacks count as evil for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. This talent may be taken more than once; each time a different ability may be gained: Stench: Your companion secretes a stinking chemical offensive to most living things. A martial companion does not gain the evasion, devotion, multiattack, and improved evasion special abilities. Prerequisites: Blood sphere (Extract Blood Construct), Conjuration sphere. Special: If your GM permits, you may instead use the rage ability per the unchained barbarian, modifying the above ability accordingly. Impossible demands or unreasonable commands are never agreed to. Ooze: Size Medium; Speed 20 ft.; AC +4 natural armor; Saves Fort (good), Ref (bad), Will (bad); Attack slam (primary, 1d6 Medium, 1d4 Small); Ability Scores Str 16, Dex 8, Con 16, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 11. Life A puppet companion takes a -2 penalty on all rolls if it is outside of your close range. In addition, it can throw a web up to once per minute as a standard action. Attempts to burst a web by those caught in it take a –4 penalty. A companion can never possess the Conjuration sphere. Your companion becomes connected to that alignment, and may smite a target of its opposed alignment once per day, as the Paladin class feature. Your companion increases or decreases permanently by 1 size category. Divination Your companion gains spell resistance equal to 10 + its Hit Dice. Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Additionally, when you make a diagram with the Diagram advanced talent, you may imbue the diagram with additional effects: If you possess the charm ability of the Mind sphere, you may cast a charm, paying the normal cost (if any), to automatically target any creature called into the circle. Two claw attacks (primary, 1d4 Medium, 1d3 Small, requires arms or the front pair of at least 4 legs). Mounted Combat: If you plan to ride your Eidolon, the Mounted Combat tree can be very effective. This does not automatically grant any additional attacks. Regardless, this payment must be made before the creature agrees to perform any services. How to Build a Practitioner At 7 Hit Dice they are treated as cold iron and silver for this purpose, and at 14 Hit Dice they are treated as adamantine. The effect fails and the action is lost. For the duration of the effect, the summoned or called creature is invisible to the caster’s allies. Companions with a base form that grants a speed of less than 20 feet are not eligible for this archetype. This is similar to an attack with a net but has a maximum range of 50 feet, with a range increment of 10 feet, and is effective against targets up to one size category larger than the companion. Additionally, they may attack creatures warded with the appropriate protection from (alignment) spell, the Hallow word of the Fate sphere, and similar effects normally, can enter antimagic fields and similar effects, and can’t be dispelled. This ability may be used even on effects that normally can only target the caster. Every companion comes with one of the following base forms, chosen by the caster. Benefit: Each time you cast a summoning spell that conjures more than one creature, add one to the total number of creatures summoned. Ignore any results that require rerolls. Augment Summoning is a Feat in Pathfinder: Kingmaker.Feats can give your character various bonus or allow them to perform all sorts of actions. Your companion loses all natural attacks granted by its base form and never gains multiattack, but gains the benefits of the Battle Creature (form) talent taken twice. The summoned or called creature is two sizes smaller than normal, per the Altered Size (form) talent, to a minimum size of Fine. Nondetection, mind blank, and similar effects can block thoughtsense. Additional (form) talents may also be created, though particularly powerful abilities may increase the cost to summon the companion. Jan 31, 2005 #8 I have most WoTC books and just a few third party from rpgnow. Find out what you can do. Dual Wielding Prerequisites: Specialist wizard 1st; cannot have conjuration as a forbidden school. Something does not work as expected? Additional costs to summon each companion must be paid separately, as well as spell points spent to allow the companions to endure without concentration. Companions with a base form that grants a speed of less than 20 ft. are not eligible for this archetype. Nature Sphere ((earth) package): Your companion may either gain the ability to see through up to 5 feet of dirt and stone or gain tremorsense 30 feet. Ooze For 10 minutes per caster level, all calling, summoning, and teleportation effects within long range of the caster automatically fail, wasting any spell points, spell slots, and actions used to cast them. When falling the orb may choose to descend at a slower rate to control its fall and to negate all falling damage it would take. The caster takes untyped nonlethal damage equal to caster level. For the duration of the effect, the summoned or called creature laughs loudly almost incessantly, making Stealth impossible and imposing a -2 penalty on all concentration checks made within 30 feet. Prerequisites: Conjuration sphere (Altered Size (form)). Feats: There doesn't appear to be a way to retrain Eidolon feats, so be sure to plan out your feat selections well in advance. Your companion gains armor as appropriate for its form and appearance (a suit of armor, a tougher hide, buffeting winds, etc.). Your companions can deliver touch spells and sphere abilities for you. The die size of this bleed damage increases by one size for every 4 Hit Dice the companion possesses (1d3, 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, etc.). If your companion is dismissed, any webs it created immediately disappear. You must spend 1 additional spell point per companion, but may summon up to 1 additional companion, +1 per 5 caster levels you possess as part of the same action. When the 1 day duration is complete, you may pay the summoning cost again even when unconscious to renew the duration of the summon without your companion disappearing. This stacks with any resistance it already possesses. Your companion gains energy resistance to that element equal to 5 + its Hit Dice. While some companions resemble denizens of the planes, others may be less concrete in their origin. Ability damage, ability drain, and other effects persist while the companion is not summoned. The duration of the charm does not begin to expire until the called creature leaves the diagram. The companion can end its rage as a free action and is fatigued after rage for a number of rounds equal to 2 times the number of rounds spent in the rage. You may not assign cursed items to the companion. Spending at least a move action this way counts as concentrating on the summon for that round. The companion must choose the Magical Companion (form) talent as its free (form) talent, but may choose Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma as its casting ability modifier, and is a Mid-Caster. Mystery Man First Post. Your companion gains poor base attack bonus progression (equal to 1/2 Hit Dice, rounded down) and uses a d6 for its Hit Dice. Matt . If both rolls thus ignored, there is no effect. For the duration of the effect, the summoned or called creature gains resistance to acid equal to your caster level. Domains … Decent DC’s for heightened control Spells, pet, some heals, bit of damage, summons. The die size of this bleed damage increases by one size for every 4 Hit Dice the companion possesses (1d3, 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, etc.). Similar to a summoner’s eidolon, a Conjuration sphere companion does not gain the normal skill points, weapon proficiencies, or darkvision trait normally granted by the outsider type. Once made, this choice cannot be altered. Whenever you summon a companion, you must select only one of your companions, although you may have multiple companions summoned at once. Your companion gains one of the following traits: Constrict (as the Tentacles talent from the Alteration sphere), grab, lunge, pull, poison (as the Vermin Transformation talent from the Alteration sphere), or trip. The companion gains moderate fortification. Once used, this ability cannot be used again for 1d4 rounds. If a creature successfully grapples this companion, the companion may use this ability as an immediate action, inflicting the damage with no attack roll, but allowing a Fortitude saving throw for half damage. Your companion is a natural talent for the trapbreaker’s art. Biped If any of your companions would not be eligible for the chosen talent, such as choosing a (type) talent where a companion already possesses a (type) talent, those companions do not gain any benefits until they become eligible. Feats - Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Spell Focus [Conjuration], Augment Summoning, Metamagic (Extend Spell), Superior Summoning. Roll twice and choose the result. Size Medium; Speed 40 ft.; AC +2 natural armor; Saves Fort (good), Ref (good), Will (bad); Attack bite (1d6); Str 14, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11. Benefit: Your companion gains the earth glide ability. As long as you have control over your companion it obeys your commands and treats you as friendly for the purposes of the Handle Animal skill (if it possesses the bestial archetype). 2 slam attacks (primary, 1d4, 1d3 small, requires arms). If gained a second time, it gains proficiency with all martial weapons and treats its Hit Dice as fighter levels when meeting the prerequisites for feats. The summoned or called creature does not retain any feats or casting ability it would have and the affected creature does not retain any extraordinary or supernatural abilities derived from race, template, or other sources other than classes and feats. Mana For the duration of the effect, the summoned or called creature gains vulnerability to electricity. Feats: At level 17, you have a choice between taking Metamagic (Maximize Spell) or (Empower Spell). A charm cast this way gains a +2 bonus on its save DC and ignores the creature’s spell resistance. The companion may select magic talents with its feats and treats Charisma as its casting ability modifier. This is a supernatural ability. The summoned or called creature and the caster are empathically linked, splitting all damage either receives evenly between them regardless of distance. You may take this talent twice. For the duration of the effect, the summoned or called creature is staggered for 1 round any time it received damage. The caster retains all mental ability scores, feats, base saving throw bonuses, and class abilities but uses the physical body (including physical ability scores, extraordinary abilities, hit points, and all abilities derived from (form) talents) of the summoned or called creature. Prerequisites: Ravenous Companion, caster level 10th. Companions may not carry equipment or items back and forth when summoned and so cannot be used to store items in their home plane or bring items to the caster’s plane. The companion gains the undead creature type. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, maybe check out my previous post:). Negative levels from multiple uses of this ability stack. A companion may gain this talent multiple times, gaining a new trait each time. Improved Initiative is always a good choice. Size Medium; Speed 20 ft.; AC +4 natural armor; Saves Fort (bad), Ref (good), Will (good); Attack bite (1d6), tail slap (1d6); Str 12, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11. Manufactured weapons typically have a higher base damage than natural weapons (a greatsword does 2d6, a bite 1d6) and can have abilities like Reach, Disarm, and Trip. This damage is inflicted on the companion as normal. This talent may only be applied to companions with a base form suitable to serve as a mount (usually quadruped, serpentine, or vermin, though others may be allowed at the GM’s discretion). At 7 Hit Dice they are treated as cold iron for this purpose, and at 14 Hit Dice they are treated as adamantine. The transferred damage bypasses all damage reduction, resistance, and immunity. This bonus may increase your companion’s Hit Dice. BB Code Profile Template Mind Sphere: Your companion may gain thoughtsense 30 feet. Prerequisites: Spell Focus (conjuration). The check is assigned a bonus of +0 to +6 based on the nature of the service and the reward. Benefit: A companion that possesses Battle Creature or Shield Bearer may substitute the enhancement bonus to its weapons and shields granted by those talents for weapon and shield special abilities available per the armorist bound equipment table. The caster takes 1d4 points of Constitution damage even if he would normally be immune to ability damage. If protected against fire damage, it can even glide through lava. Any effect that would possess or exercise mental control over a puppet companion (including enchantment charm effects and enchantment compulsion effects) requires a successful magical skill check against the summoner’s MSD. Choose a school of magic. A puppet companion may make attacks of opportunity by spending your attacks of opportunity if you have controlled it since the beginning of your last turn. Benefit: As a standard action, you may suppress your companion’s Altered Size talent and Greater Altered Size advanced talent. The caster returns unharmed at the end of this period, though he continues to subject to all on-going effects and such effects continue to expend duration as normal. For the duration of the effect, the summoned or called creature gains resistance to nonlethal equal to your caster level. Prerequisites: Conjuration sphere (Extra Companion, any (form) or (type) talent). Any caster level prerequisite must be met by the caster. 1 bite attack (primary, 1d6, 1d4 small, requires head). You are viewing the legacy Pathfinder Reference Document website. Vermin However, at the GM’s discretion, if the task is strongly aligned with the creature’s ethos, it may halve or even waive the payment. The duration of the fatigue or exhaustion expires even when the companion is not summoned. Your companion gains the shield proficiency feat, and when summoned, appears carrying a type of shield it is proficient with. You may take this talent twice. 1 Hit Die companions may be summoned by this ability once per day, but take a -1 penalty on all d20 checks in place of the negative level. The creature may be summoned or called again as normal. Damiel, Pathfinder iconic elf Alchemist. Your companion gains the ability to rage, as the barbarian class feature, for a number of rounds per day equal to the higher of its Constitution modifier and its Hit Dice. Effect receives a +2 bonus to caster level. If the companion accumulates negative levels equal to its Hit Dice, it may not be summoned again until the negative levels are removed by resting to regain spell points. See the Alteration sphere for a description of each ability. Scout You may spend an additional spell point to choose a different base form for your companion each time you summon it. The companion reappears at one quarter of its maximum hit points with 1 temporary negative level. Apply the target’s damage reduction, immunity, and resistance prior to splitting the damage. Your companion becomes connected to that alignment, and may smite a target of its opposed alignment once per day, as the paladin class feature. Ser Comguitoz. Additionally, your companion can apply its poison to a weapon or natural attack by dipping it in its own blood as a swift action. Light \$\endgroup\$ – Hey I Can Chan Dec 4 … If the swallowed creature escapes the grapple, success puts it back in the attacker’s mouth, where it may be bitten (if the companion possesses a bite attack) or swallowed again. The companion gains moderate fortification and DR 2/adamantine +1 per 3 Hit Dice. When the explosive companion detonates, it uses the die size and damage type of the (blast type) talent and applies its additional effects as if it were a destructive blast. If the companion is not on a surface that can support it on the end of its turn, it glides to the ground, taking no falling damage. As a standard action, the companion may move up to its speed and attempt to engulf any creature smaller than itself that is in its path. If the caster attempts to summon or call the same creature again during this time, the casting fails. These creatures are not controlled and act according to their natures. This implement gains a +1 enhancement bonus for every 3 Hit Dice possessed to a maximum of +5 (minimum +1). When you summon a companion, they may appear in any square within Close range, rather than only in an adjacent square. Your companion may use the Stealth skill to hide even while observed. A (type) talent might change the companion’s creature type to a creature type stated in the talent, although it retains the (extraplanar) subtype. If you spend 10 minutes and succeed at a DC 20 Spellcraft check to prepare a summoning circle before you call a creature, that creature finds it very difficult to escape. Companions also gain power as their caster’s power grows, according to Table: Companion. The target gains one of the following traits from the Muensterous Traits talent from the Alteration sphere: Cheese Body, Dangerously Cheesy, Spray Fondue. Specializing your companions for different situations and only summoning them when needed, such as summoning a rogue-like companion to check for traps, then dismissing it to summon a more battle focused companion before setting an ambush, reduces the number of bodies on the field. Duelist The caster takes a number of points of ability damage to his casting attribute equal to the effect’s caster level/4 (minimum 1) even if he would normally be immune to ability damage. The increase to Constitution grants the companion 2 hit points per Hit Dice, but these disappear when the rage ends and are not lost first like temporary hit points. The creature might later seek revenge. Your companion mimics the properties of undead. It may even choose to drift ‘upwards’ to reduce its rate of descent, even allowing it to negate it entirely and hover midair (though cannot move horizontally if it begins its turn doing so). If your companion possesses a burrow speed or the earth glide ability, you may travel with it while mounted. Prerequisites: Conjuration sphere (Shadow Creature (form)). The companion must choose the Magical Companion (form) talent as its free (form) talent, but is not required to use natural casting, and may gain a casting tradition of your choice. The companion gains the construct creature type. Reply. Sell at the Open Gaming Store! If you would like help with Pathfinder player options not covered here, please email me and I am happy to provide additional assistance.I will use the color coding scheme which has become common among Pathfinder build handbooks. You must spend an action for your companion to take the same action (swift for swift, standard for standard, etc.). The responsibility to keep turns manageable ultimately belongs to the player. This stacks with any resistance it already possesses. You must spend 2 additional spell points as part of your summon to grant your companion the benefit of this ability. Your companion mimics the properties of oozes. How often a character is allowed to choose a new Feat depends on his Class. If you do not have line of sight to the puppet companion, it is treated as being blinded. Boxing The Magical Companion (form) talent does not grant the two free bonus talents for possessing the casting class feature. Your companion deals 1d3 damage of that element’s type with all of its natural attacks. If this were to happen, the caster can form a link with a new companion after resting, transferring (form) talents as appropriate (or retraining them to suit, with GM permission). Destruction Open Hand To call a target, you must choose a location within close range for them to appear, and the kind of creature to be called must be known and stated. However, if you choose to maintain these summoned companions via concentration, you may maintain all companions summoned through Mass Summon as part of the same concentration action. After using this talent you may re-summon the companion as normal without an increased cost, but if the target is reduced to 0 hit points and this talent is used on them again, the negative temporary levels stack. The caster gains knowledge of one talent of his choice from this sphere for 1 round. If taken by the caster, the feat only applies to a single companion that qualifies for it, but may be taken multiple times. Your companion can change its appearance at will. Similarly, a scorpion could start with the vermin base form and replace the bite attack with a pair of claws (primary, 1d4 Medium, 1d3 Small, piercing and slashing), possible sacrificing the climb speed for a tail with a stinger (secondary, 1d4 Medium, 1d3 Small, piercing). A long-term task, one requiring up to 1 day per caster level, requires a payment of 1,000 gp per Hit Die. 2 talons (primary, 1d4, 1d3 small, requires 2 legs and creature must be airborne to use). This talent may be taken more than once for the same companion to enlarge the companion from Gargantuan to Colossal. An orb lacks any limbs, but may treat its body as a head for the purpose of adding natural attacks. Mind Benefit: When using the Diagram advanced talent, you reduce the time required to make the diagram to 1 minute, or 10 minutes if you take 20 on the Spellcraft check. Each time it is gained, they gain a new trait from the list. 11 You have passed the grueling Test of Summoning and graduated from the Acadamae. It cannot, however, use the run action while climbing. Blood The summoned or called creature retains all mental ability scores, feats, base saving throw bonuses, and casting ability but uses the physical body (including physical ability scores, extraordinary abilities, hit points, and all abilities derived from race) of the affected creature. A companion cannot become smaller than Diminutive or larger than Huge. This may increase the creature’s size beyond the limits of Altered Size, granting an additional +4 Strength, -2 Dexterity, and +2 Constitution per additional size category. An orb lacks any limbs, but may treat its body as a head for the purpose of adding natural attacks.

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