filling large hole in yard

We would get ALL the yardwork done! We also refer to it as “the wheel barrow with an engine”, since the primary non mowing use is hauling stuff with the trailer. At the surface, use a hand tamper to pack the topsoil in place. I have often wanted to put my kids in those holes, though usually when they get a bit older! This hole is a cylinder shape, some water flow clearly removed a large mass of sandy soil. i can’t stop laughing about abe in the hole! Tie the top off to… whatever using three lines (simple stakes in the ground are OK). This is going to work!” Dave said. Sometimes you're living the life, sometimes you're filling a hole with concrete in your backyard which is more like a crater. And while coarse builders sand can be applied to fill very shallow spots of 1/2" or less, the majority of situations do much better with an application of a dry topsoil/sand mix. Watering will help settle material added to the depression and reestablish roots of vegetation taken out. We’d known all about these holes in the backyard that we needed to deal with for a long time, but we were shocked to discover such a giant hole right in the front yard. In Rear corner of backyard there is a 2 foot wide by 3 foot deep hole. There is a huge hole in my yard... About 3 feet deep, 15 feet long and 8 feet wide. Now get a rope going from the roots to a pulley and then to the car. I know from experience. …and this is probably the part where we SHOULD have started filling in the hole, but Dave got really, really invested in trying to get out the remaining hunk of rotting stump. Follow us on Twitter. Then fill the depression with topsoil to bring it slightly higher than the surrounding soil, replace sections of grass or groundcover, and water it in. What we have in our yard now in place of trees is a bunch of big, unexpected holes where there are rotting stumps that no one ever bothered to deal with. !” She was, by the way. Click to see full answer People also ask, can I use potting soil to fill a hole in my yard? The material that you fill the tree hole with will not react to the weather in the same way the tree wood will. Size does matter. No one likes random holes! So–yardwork! If I’d put my cat in a hole, though, there’d be NOTHING ELSE on the internet within 24 hours . If the area is low AND compacted, perhaps caused by heavy equipment, try using a digging fork under roots of grass or groundcover. we have a new three foot deep hole in the backyard now….thinking of planting an apple tree in it . So mostly we get along just fine in our big treeless yard. Oh man, Abe in the hole made me laugh out loud (sorry…that wasn’t nice!). Like us on Facebook. We usually do pea gravel first and then fill in with dirt nowadays. Its a Classic! Garden Talk is written by Sallie Lee of the Alabama Cooperative Extension System (ACES). She is housed at the C. Beaty Hanna Horticultural and Environmental Center, which is based at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens. This is probably caused by drainage to the lowest part of the yard as it slopes that way. For large holes deeper than 24 inches, if turf is still present, remove it and set it aside to replant later. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Exactly the kind of post I was looking for. Funny story about our dangerous holes: a few weeks ago we had a fire going in the fire pit, and I was carrying Fiesta the Beagle across the yard to bring her inside. bahahahaha “YOU DON”T PUT BABIES IN HOLES!” The time capsule was a really good idea though Glad you got that taken care of. I’m sure there’s some complicated geology going on . Enjoyed your article plus the pics; from Brockville, Ontario. I am inclined to get 3-5 yds of fill and just have it dumped on the hole… In the past, it was often recommended that filling holes in tree trunks was a good way to correct the tree hole. ... Big Hole After Wisdom Tooth Extraction. Fill the hole with broken bricks or large stones and cover with soil, bring the soil level to 1 to 2 inches above the surrounding grade. If you intend to use rock fill in a large hole and cover it with vegetation, you will need to top the rock fill with heavy layers of organic clean topsoil perhaps followed by compost, mulch, or manure. Its easy to say toss dirt in a hole, but i think you know this already. At any rate, both methods seem to be working okay. Large Rocks in the Yard Fill. As it settles we could then add more dirt on top. Most tree experts now agree that this advice was incorrect. Depends on your garden area and what you really want to do with it afterwards. OMG! Love Mary Shelly – and will have to keep that in mind when filling holes lol Brooks describes it as a surface drain that looks like a black or green grate. July 31, 2019. Note to readers: if you purchase something through one of our affiliate links we may earn a commission. Prompt, proper hole repairs are important for your lawn's beauty and safety. Isn’t he used to all the shenanigans around there?! We just bought one this year with our new house. I think Abe just needs more time in the holes, to get used to it. I have no idea how that hole got so big without us noticing it before….maybe it kind of collapsed from underneath? It can be as simple a hole dug with a post hole digger and filled with gravel and sand, or as complex as a pre-cast concrete sleeve lowered into a large hole and fed by drainage pipes. Will a drywell work in your yard? If not, you’ll need to buy it. First we had to stand around and be impressed with how deep the hole was: Everyone was a little obsessed with the hole. You do not need to let the concrete dry before you move on to filling the hole with sand and soil. December 19, 2020. Should I just have a load of sand or topsoil dumped in my yard to fill in the bare spots in and around holes or sunken areas? We didn’t think this was particularly odd until after we bought the house and gradually realized that every other lot in the neighborhood is heavily wooded. When you said holes I was thinking like 5 inches or so…what the heck…3 feet!!!!??!! Oh my…his face said it all! Blog Design by. I think your neighbors would have looked at you funny :b Dave’s TRACTOR rocks!!!! Neighborhood lore, a.k.a. What is a good temporary fix until next spring or later? You don’t put babies in holes!” So we had to take him right back out. If the area is still too low, let grass grow about 4 - 6 weeks, when another 1/2" of the mix can be added. Once we commit to buying the sand, soil and maybe gravel, I’ll try to report back with some depths and an exact hole count. No math tournaments, no plays or rehearsals, no birthday parties, no pet adoptions….the only thing we had Saturday was our neighborhood’s annual barbecue, and that didn’t start until five. Whoever took out all the trees did not do a particularly thorough job of it (story of our house. For now, you are all welcome to come hang out in our front yard, but we’ll still have to make you sign a waiver before you venture out back. e.g. A lawn tractor is a riding lawn mower that does more than just mow the lawn. I had a couple of big holes which developed at the end of the gutter downspout splash block in my back yard. I won’t say the stump wouldn’t budge, because it DID kind of budge. Glad I found this. At this point, we don't even know companies that do that. I refuse to sign a waiver and will be over shortly. If the professional states that the property is likely to have a sinkhole, you need to take these safety precautions: Stay away from the property. OMG Abe is priceless in that hole. ha! We have a minimum of 10 holes with 2 or 3 very deep holes. After adding the leveling mixture, water the area to help settle it, and if fertilizer is applied, use a light hand. Not that he DOES do any of those things….but apparently he could . Right?! Some people add compost to the mix, which enriches the soil and gives that organic matter boost to root growth. Oh boy… Reminds me of pulling roots of vines. I stumbled into one of the big dangerous holes, twisted my ankle, and fell….dropping Fiesta a very small distance onto the ground as I did so. Getting some upward force in there was the next thing on Dave’s mind, when I finally convinced him we’d spent enough of the weekend on this ;). Including the neighbors on either side of us. Anyway, what is the best way to fill such a hole? It smashed right through the back window of the truck, to the shocked silence of my 10 kids and me, followed by thunderous laughter ( and 100 insurance deductible.) Right?! It was a really beautiful weekend, weather-wise, and we had a much more open schedule than usual. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. If there wasn't anything growing in the low spot or hole, simply fill the spot using same process as above, then reseed, re-sod, vegetate the spot, or mulch it heavily to prevent weeds from moving in until you've decided what to do. All rights reserved. Guess I will go get some sand. It just didn’t come out. Tadaa! Everyone is welcome! Don’t use the car – when it does let go, the roots will smash right through the rear window. And little Abe! The kids decided to put a time capsule in it (I have no idea what’s in the time capsule): ….but that didn’t last long, because Abe was immediately like, “what the hell is WRONG with you people?! This guide helps diagnose what's digging, tunneling, feeding, and otherwise disturbing turf grasses. The Alabama Cooperative Extension System (Alabama A&M University and Auburn University), is an equal opportunity educator and employer. 1 inch diameter, soil thinly scattered around hole, edge of the yard: cicada killer wasp. A drywell is used to quickly transfer excess surface water deeper into the subsoil. I don’t understand what Abe’s problem was. Yes, I think the picture is definitely worth the psychological damage from the few seconds when he probably thought we were going to leave him in there forever . Funniest post about a yard hole I’ve ever read. Softening the edges of our boxy house in the suburbs of Atlanta....also homeschooling 4 boys and tripping over assorted dogs and cats. It turns out he was talking about the lawnmower, which he insists is a “lawn tractor.” Okay. Thankfully, I moved. Every other house has tons of trees. That is insane! Water would pool during a rainstorm and end up coming into my basement through a window well. 1 inch diameter, two inches high and made from balls of mud, near creek: crayfish. No matter how many we fill in, there are always more! large … A “plug” simply means … This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Being hole-sized may not be a good thing for him! The area was "low" prior and water would pool there and weep down into the earth. You can also use large rocks to landscape your yard. And how funny that your little man went to help your pup first…ha classic! Better get used to it now, kiddo! Is there a drop in the elevation in the yard? what the neighbors told us, is that a few years ago a tornado took out a bunch of trees in our yard and whoever owned the house back then decided on clearing out all the trees as the cheapest or easiest way to deal with the aftermath. It had been rotting for 4 years, and came apart in chunks…down 3 feet. I didn’t mix it with sand though. That is too hilarious Gretchen LMHO!!! Filling the hole may not be the issue here. Glad some of the holes are gone. If you are experiencing holes in your yard, there are a variety of things that could be causing them. What does work is converting your forward force to an upward force through… SCIENCE!! We’re still dealing with new holes every summer all these years later–trying to stay on top of them lest the whole yard turn into one big sinkhole . Use the links above the graphic to find more information about many of the offenders and be sure to check out our Problem Wildlife page for more details on other wildlife conflicts around homes and farms. So, if the sinkhole is 4 feet (1.2 m) deep, fill it with 1 foot (0.3 m) of concrete. Dave’s switched to filling the many holes in the backyard with a combination of dirt and bags of pea gravel instead….I can’t remember what his rational was for the switch, though. These aren't small holes like those created by chipmunks or crayfish or ground-dwelling bees. HAHAHA! Where the hole is located maybe. Also, Abe looks quite distressed. This column includes research based information from land-grant universities around the country, including Alabama A&M and Auburn Universities. Big Holes. His reasoning was that the stump was going to continue to rot and that we’d be right back where we started, with a big hole, once it decomposed some more. I had pulled up some vines in that area last September, so that may have started the problem. Naturally, everyone was incredibly excited about this new development. Filling Holes in a Yard by Hand The best approach for fixing one or two holes in the yard created by a dog or child is to simply backfill dirt into the hole by hand. He tied this rope around the stump and pulled: No luck. How best to fill this large hole (in the garden)…..DIY/builder experts please. My tractor!”. If you're filling a hole in a cabinet, wall, or a wardrobe, place the craft sticks on the inside of the hole. The key is to add no more than a half inch to an inch at a time so roots can regenerate new growth that pushes up through the mix. What kind of kind of fill is appropriate and how should it be layered? Is the ground sandy or clay based? Except. Bottom line: in several locations there is a chunk of dead turf or a hole where grass used to be that I'd like to replace. We could have just left Mary Shelley there forever, I guess, but it seemed like this solution would please the neighbors more , Haha, that’s something my hubby would do, to run past me. If earthworms are present, birds will make large numbers of pencil-sized holes seeking them out. Has anyone ever filled a large hole with something other … Now, to fill it, so I can drive over it without losing my car. If DIY (do it yourself) is your choice, and you're willing to pace the process instead of trying make one application do the job, this is a good time to start. Abe doesn’t look too happy in the hole! ooh, I can’t believe Dave didn’t think of tying the rope to the car! We’re thinking another $40 or so might take care of all of them. I had two trees removed from my front yard 11 years ago, and holes are present there as well. I pointed out that, while true, this would happen pretty slowly and we could just add more dirt as needed. Copyright © 2012-2017, Boxy Colonial. As for the effort to pull the stump out, we tried something similar, but with a Dodge Ram 1500 pickup truck instead of a “lawn tractor.” It was a particularly stubborn azalea stump. Some people have ready access to extra dirt on their property. Filling Animal Holes In Yard. I just bought a home with several holes, and I was planning to do the same thing, sand mixed with soil in each one. Seriously this post was hilarious. Animals, children at play, rotten roots, flooding and irrigation problems are the usual suspects. When low areas are more than a few inches deep, using an edger or sharp shovel remove pieces of grass or groundcover, along with attached soil, from the bottom of low area and set them aside. Look around the open yard for small, dug-out pits, which can be a sign of skunks or raccoons seeking food. Instead, it gets kicked out behind them so you can’t just put it back. I mean rolling girl! During home construction, when the yard is graded and compacted to its final shape, large rocks may be buried in the soil. Some are the result of machinery brought into the yard to repair a broken irrigation system. Hahaha! Small holes in yards are generally from insects, invertebrates or burrowing rodents. Set saved sod into place and sow additional grass seed as … ‘ Long sturdy rope secured, tied to the trailer hitch…truck driving away, about 200 yards…when the bush gave up and let go of the ground, at which point, it came flying across the yard with enough ” bungee” speed to decapitate anyone standing in the way. This makes our yard more….exciting than we really want it to be. I won’t let him see this comment, lest he go dig the hole back up and try again , Pinterest isn’t ready for Abe in a hole! How to Fill Large Holes in Concrete Cement Floors ... Keep the bottom of the hole uniformly level and chisel the four sides of the square so they are undercut slightly. Omg! These are large holes created when trees have been removed or a sinkhole has developed. Dave filled up a total of five holes (the one in front plus four in the back–the ones in back not as cavernous) with the $20 of dirt and sand. I’ll show him your comment, though–I’m sure he’ll want to try this for one of the remaining backyard holes! I had almost convinced him to give up when suddenly he exclaimed, “Wait! All rights reserved (About Us). in a hole on the construction site rather than hauling all of it … It’s kind of like in Poltergeist where they built the new houses on the old cemetery and just moved the tombstones but left the actual graves….only the trees were the tombstones, and the stumps are the corpses, and the worst thing that happens is a sprained ankle, not one of the kids being sucked into the TV. © 2021 Advance Local Media LLC. The simple process of reclaiming those spots by filling them in with soil is basically the same across the board. What causes sinkholes and how to fix lumpy py lawn causes and fi what s making this hole in my yard 3 easy ways to fill chipmunk holes fill dirt vs topsoil pick the right. Is it ok to fill it with chunks of wood and let the dirt fill in around the wood. you built a crane. Nice to know I’m not the only one out there with tons of holes on her yard. Most experts suggest the best time to fill uneven spots in your lawn is during vigorous growth - this time of year. Step 1 Remove the top layer of sod around the hole. Filling the hole Choosing a nutrient rich soil is crucial to the success of your lawn repair. We’re STILL dealing with holes however many years later with this house. One-fourth inch diameter, mound two inches high & wide, several in middle of the lawn: ground bee. We have approximately two trees on our half acre lot. Lift the roots up a couple of inches above surrounding grass or vegetation and let it settle back down - that may be enough to correct it. Glad the holes are gone , I love Abe in the hole, but I’m happy you decided to keep him. Trying to route the water across the yard surface is the best option but a catch basin is the second solution. Hope the hole is filled for good! Fill the hole with soil until it is approximately 4 inches below surface level. If the issue is to level a turf grass lawn because it's too bumpy to mow evenly or risk damaging the mower, then there are actions you can take short of hiring a company to do it for you, also an option. Meanwhile, it seems to serve as a sandbox! Gus came running over immediately, full of concern….ran right past me and my hurt ankle, kneeled down by The Beagle, and asked her gravely, “are you okay, Fiesta? Home Hole Filling Large Holes In Yard. Drive car forward, pull roots up. Dig down 4 inches into the soil, slide the shovel blade under the roots, and lift the sod out of the area. Aim to fill at least a quarter of the hole with concrete. If not, use the same process outlined above to lift out any surviving vegetation, add topsoil or a topsoil and sand mix, then resettle vegetation. We tied some old shrubs up to the bumper of our car and tried to rip them out of the ground with the force of the car once. But Dave was determined. haha I love mary shelley… and also abe in the hole. Continue filling the hole with soil and firmly packing it until you reach the top of the sinkhole. When I first started reading your story, my mind wandered and I remembered that we’ve since bought a Ford e350 to tow our travel trailer with and that I bet IT could get the job done….I’m glad I finished reading before we rushed outside to give it a try! But I think it was good that you didn’t leave him there or you would have had a talking bump in the lawn. What should you do about holes in your yard? ... so you just concentrate on filling the hole using the material you have there. I love trees, I really do, but I have to say yards without them are a lot easier to deal with. So Saturday morning he headed off to Lowes and came back with 3 bags of sand and 2 of soil….for a total of about $20. He’s no fun. Filling Large Holes In Yard. If a soil lacking in the proper N-P-K (nitrogen phosphorous potassium) ratios, or lacking in the necessary organic matter is used then there is a good chance that your lawn will not grow back in properly. Squirrels bury and unbury nuts in the ground. Bottom line, dumping a load of sand and shoveling it into holes isn't the best practice. Okay, so anyway. Sure looks like a lawn tractor to me! XOXO, Thanks, Suzan! Diagnosing Holes in the Yard. A blend of equal parts of potting soil, sand and compost provides a good base for replacement grass to root.Use a tamper or a 6-foot, 4-by-4-inch board on end to compact the soil and prevent future settling. This post had me rolling! Filling holes in trees causes problems for several reasons. Be patient, even if it takes a couple of seasons to even out a really rough yard, fill in holes that used to be trees, or other gaps in the ground. My mother recently had her pool removed from her back yard, but now there's a big gaping hole in the ground. “Usually they are a 6 inch round or a 12 inch by 12 inch square grate that keeps debris from getting in there and lets the water flow in,” she notes. okay, then–he says he thinks it can do those things! The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. Do this in layers or mix it. We would weed and mulch and trim hedges and cover up the garden bed and be pretty much DONE until spring. This is just the best…thanks for making this tired mom laugh out loud!!! Also I agree with Dave…that’s totally a tractor. Thank you for any info! X Research source If you're covering a hole in a wall or wood that you can't place on a flat surface, you might need to hold the craft sticks for 5 minutes so they stick to the glue. It’s sunk back down a little and could probably stand some topping off, but it’s not dramatic. Rocks prevent even compaction of the yard. Rock fill is usually obtained from blast sites or deep excavation sites. So shocked that we spent nearly the whole day on Saturday dealing with it. The surrounding area may need supporting to prevent the erosion. So it’s like trees, trees, trees, trees, our big empty lot, trees, trees, trees, trees. Any leftover soil will go in those holes. This is a technique where the hole is wider at the bottom than at the top so that the concrete patch adheres firmly. Email questions to Sallie at [email protected] or call 205-879-6964 x11. The objective is to open pore space in the soil so roots can re-establish. If the pond was very large and deep, consider refilling with soil and a sand mix to ensure irrigation. One bag wasn’t enough, so I will buy another. So if it has the ability to use attachments for tilling the garden or digging posts or a hitch to haul a trailer, that there is a lawn tractor. Then, Friday night, Dave discovered a surprisingly and alarmingly enormous hole in our front yard. How to get rid of burrowing rats fast how to get rid of burrowing rats fast sinkhole solving drainage and erosion stop animals from digging up the lawn a gopher or mole. After quite a few attempts with the, err….tractor, I convinced Dave to give it up. Plants can be helpful. “This is perfect! Back in 1982 when my house was built, a common practice in Georgia was for builders and contractors to cut corners by burying their excess trash (things like tree stumps, regular trash, other yard debris, etc.) Learn how your comment data is processed. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your California Privacy Rights (each updated 1/1/21). I resisted the urge to shove them all in that whole. Really. If a large sinkhole appears in your yard or if a sinkhole threatens the foundation of a home or building, immediately contact your homeowner insurance company. Look up rigging a “Gin” or “Sheer Legs” for details ( Until we could fill it in, we put this on top of it to protect people from accidents: Dave had read/heard from a couple of different sources that a mix of sand and dirt was a good way to fill in our holes. That’s probably the day that removed all doubt in our neighbor’s minds about just how redneck we really are. It’s holding up pretty well! Take a 4X4 (or bigger) and bury the end of it in a hole about a foot deep, so that the ‘up’ end is over the hole. When dogs dig holes, they don’t neatly pile the dirt next to the hole as if they had shoveled it out. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. Or at least any parts/projects not original to the house). So far I've learned that it could cost a couple thousand dollars to have someone come fill the hole up. I filled them this evening using the exact lawn soil you bought from Lowes. I don’t know you, but I have 10 kids and a yard FULL of holes, some the result of those same kids and not tornados or trees. So, how is this holding up? Love, The Girl who now lives in the country. I just finished breaking a stump apart with a hammer. Home Hole Filling Animal Holes In Yard. And we finally filled in the hole: I’ll report back on how the sand and soil combination holds up over time (and what kind of luck we have getting grass to grow in our bald spots). When filling in low spots on a lawn, fill to a depth of no more than 1inch (25mm) at a time and fill in no more than twice a year, once in early to mid Spring and once in early Autumn (Fall). I’m new around here, but found this hilarious! Portions of the rotting stump may be found in the hole, or rot patterns on the surface may indicate the presence of an old stump. Question:  I've got several good sized holes in my yard.

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