high vibration food pyramid

In 1942 the famous scientist Dr. Nikola Tesla pronounced to the world: If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. Milk, … It doesn’t take me 15 minutes to scrape myself out of bed anymore, I wake up alert and ready to take on the day. However, it also gives you patience, good judgment, perspective, humility, and sobriety. We are electrical beings made up of vibrating cells! Whereas, happy healthy bodies are high vibin’ and doing the Macarena at around 62 to 68 MHz…. lemons) and botanical formulas that can help to draw these toxins back out of our body at the cellular level. If you would like my help, in-office or as a distance client, click on the icon above for more information. When they are denatured in this way, their biological activity and those natural synergistic effects are largely destroyed. Chromotherapy is also a vibrational technique used to balance the diseased energy pattern in the body. These will be the foods with the highest vibrational energy. Tainio suggested that cancer can grow when the frequency of the body drops below 42 MHz. If you do yoga you might have heard it referred to as ‘prana‘; pain relief from the release of energy. Once this really hit home for me, I’ll never be able to look at a plate of food in the same way again. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1297510/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3693132/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4892323/, https://www.dontolmaninternational.com/products/carillon, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28812699. A high vibe eating plan is also insurance against chronic disease and inflammation. Commonly even zero. And if we want to take it a step further and regenerate brain and nervous system tissue, then clinical studies have reportedly shown that fruit (as opposed to vegetables which are more for building muscle and skeletal tissue) can be used as an effective tool.[2][4]. Youthfulness, health, wellbeing, vitality, and consciousness* is the reward. All Rights Reserved. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition. Everything in the universe has an energetic vibration, including ourselves…. It demonstrates that energy and matter are dual expressions of the same universal substance. Leafy greens, like spinach, collards, kale, dandelion greens, Brussels sprouts, zucchini, broccoli, and bok choy vibrate at high frequencies. For healing our body and rebuilding new and improved cells and tissues…. I always thought it was the bubbles that made my throat close up when it hit the back of my mouth. So if we want to heal and increase our brain power and energy levels, high frequency foods are essential. Your email address will not be published. “If you wish to experience this pure energy you must consume pure energy. Some people think about food in terms of vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients. These 10 signs may indicate that you are experiencing a vibrational shift: 1. Dairy. So what really is your true energy potential? One powerful way to do this is by eating a diet made up of natural, toxin-free foods that will provide the nutrition you need to fuel your body’s electrical currents. It is based on the understanding that every organ in our body has an energetic level at which it functions best. Unfortunately, this concept is poorly understood by the pharmaceutical scientific community…. On the other hand, eating high energy food can lead to spontaneous outbursts of what I like to call “Cellular Macarena”. Pyramid power is super natural or paranormal properties of the ancient Egyptian pyramids and objects of similar shape. All fresh fruits are fabulous and will boost your vibration, but berries are at the top of … Feng Shui Begin by pouring positive energies into your foods and try to make a few small changes to help redefine your relationship with food. Food can help or hinder your health, depending on its vibrational frequency. It’s not only food frequencies that can help us to increase the vibrational frequency of our body. Foods and herbs having the highest energetic frequency include: Fresh, organic fruits and vegetables; Green smoothies; Fresh, whole herbs; Superfoods such as fresh blueberries and spirulina; 100% pure therapeutic grade essential oils; If you want your cells to do the “Cellular Macarena”, I suggest you start with the list of high frequency foods above. We are energetic beings, and some of us just happen to operate at a higher energetic, vibrational, state than the rest. The first pyramid was published in Sweden in 1974. You are thankful for the things you have. Required fields are marked *. Food is not just about taste, visual or comfort appeal, we also need to consider how much energy and nutritional value it is going to give us. When we eat raw cacao, the Anandamide produced by our brains along with the Anandamide found in cacao may continue to circulate in the body for extended periods of time, helping us feel great all day long. 1. Eating low energy food can give rise to hypoactive or underactive tissues. A food pyramid is a representation of the optimal number of servings to be eaten each day from each of the basic food groups. Photobiomodulation – Joovv, Sperti, and FIR Light Therapy, Facebook February 06, 2021 – More Sun Less Disease, Facebook January 03, 2021 – Blood Pressure-UVA-UVB-Nitric Oxide, Facebook December 27, 2020 – Niels Finsen, Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET). When this occurs you begin to feel and see the difference, within and around you. People with high vibrations are very thankful in general. by Marcus Ettinger | Aug 29, 2016 | Diet, Energy/Vitality/Creativity, Friday Five | 4 comments, We are far, far more than just tissue, fluid and bone. 2. I’m sure I feel the same level of excitement when treating a difficult case as a golfer may when getting to play Pebble Beach or Augusta National. When our organs and glands aren’t functioning properly or are diseased, their vibrational energy decreases. DON’T FORGET: If you would like our Top Smoothie and Juice Recipes for FREE, to help detoxify your body an induce Cellular Macarena —–> CLICK HERE! Now when I eat low quality food, it is really obvious to me how that impacts on my mind, body and energy levels. Essential oils are whole concentrates, containing volatile aroma compounds from plants. This will cause you to gain more weight over time, as many studies have shown. Let these suggestions serve as a guide. Sprouts (light by weight) and green sprouts — alfalfa, broccoli, chia, clover, garlic, onion, radish. Statements on this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. High frequency foods are essential for supplying us with long lasting energy. One of these neurotransmitters is Anandamide, also known as The Bliss Chemical. 7. A verbal or silent prayer, or giving of thanks, reflecting love and gratitude for the HHF meal you are about to eat, will increase the energy in you and around you even further. In general, high-vibration foods don’t have chemicals, additives, or flavorings. What enables one to operate at a higher vibrational state depends on many factors. Dr. Fuhrman’s Nutritarian food pyramid is based on the principles of high nutrient eating as illustrated by his Health Equation: Health = Nutrients / Calories (H = N / C) Low-calorie, nutrient dense foods are at the base of the pyramid, and high-calorie, nutrient poor foods are at the top. We can’t always be perfect though. Mango, papaya, pineapple, and carambola or starfruit. In fact, quantum physics describes the universe as nothing more than vibrating strings of energy! In contrast, low vibration is linked to fear, anxiety , sadness and depression. These are more or less edible versions of sunshine. Leafy greens, like spinach, collards, kale and dandelion greens, Brussels sprouts, zucchini, broccoli and bok choy vibrate at high frequencies. Theobromine: Cacao contains about 1% Theobromine. UNTIL I learnt about food energetics and found out the reason WHY my digestive system couldn’t cope so well with raw foods – adrenal fatigue and a damaged microbiome (leaky gut syndrome)…. heavy metals and POPs – persistent organic pollutants) also have low frequencies and are known to interfere with our body’s own healthy frequency. 3. But some people hate the thought of eating raw food and I get that. Theobromine dilates the cardiovascular system making the heart’s job easier (heart tonic – increases shen – see #5). To the degree that the above factors are absent from one’s life is to the degree that youthfulness, health, wellbeing, vitality, and consciousness will also be absent. However, when you start thinking in this way you are ignoring the synergistic effects of those components and the overall chemistry of the food. Share the knowledge!FacebookemailPinterestTwitterBufferPrintOuch…could this really be true? If you would like a personalised solution for your health challenge, either in-office or as a distance patient, please call us at 714-639-4360 for more information. What would you DO if you had absolutely no pain or symptoms?Â, I’ve been helping people get out of pain, in my office and as distance clients, for over 27 years. This power, is said to preserve foods, improve health function, align us with our higher vibrational frequency, cure illness and disease and cause other dramatic effects. Fresh raw fruits and vegetables are the highest frequency foods on earth…. Foods high in vibration are; fresh organic fruits and vegetables, pure clean water, sea vegetation and raw honey. What I now know is that the frequency of food can be used to unleash your self self-healing capacity and boost your energy levels naturally. There is no case too complicated. So how do we turn things around and what really is your potential? Fresh and Raw fruits are an essential part of what we like to call ‘Cellular Regeneration‘. Coffee, tea and meat are just three of the dietary changes that people make as they begin to vibrate faster. Don’t forget: Processed and canned foods have been measured to have a vibrational frequency of zero. Theobromine is a chemical relative of caffeine but it does not act as a nervous system stimulant. Green vegetables contain chlorophyll, plant blood, which absorbs sunlight. In one such study, healthy adults consumed a 600 calorie meal that contained either whole or processed foods. Students will identify names, correct portions, food types and basic nutrients for each food group in the food pyramid. They know how important it … When you think about it, is it any wonder that a child intuitively grabs for the fresh fruit at a young age? And when you have a cold or the flu your body is at a frequency of around 58 MHz. For this post, I will only be focusing on High Frequency – Vibrational Foods (HFF’s). MyPyramid graphics; Development of MyPyramid (Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior Supplement); Technical revisions to the Food Guide Pyramid Foods and herbs having the highest energetic frequency include: If you want your cells to do the “Cellular Macarena”, I suggest you start with the list of high frequency foods above. Alfalfa, mung bean, sunflower seed, brocolli sprouts, etc. Sprouts! In 1992, Bruce Tainio, of Tainio Technology and head of the Department of Agriculture at Washington University, developed a Calibrated Frequency Monitor (CFM) that has been used to measure the frequencies of the human body and various food. Copyright © 1998-2019 The Advanced Healing Center of Orange. The more of this that makes up one’s life, the higher vibrational state he or she will operate at. The 1992 pyramid introduced by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) was called the "Food Guide Pyramid" or "Eating Right Pyramid". I knew that my energy levels were affected by what I ate. Clinical studies have shown that therapeutic grade essential oils have the highest frequency of any natural substance known to man! The combination of Theobromine and Magnesium make raw cacao an important part of a heart-healthy diet. It’s time to pay respect to the brilliant minds of Einstein and Tesla whose message can be used by all of us in our everyday living. Lately I've been getting a few questions from viewers regarding high vibration foods. All edible mushrooms resonate with high vibrational energy, but Chaga and Reishi possess the highest vibrational energy, in my opinion. So that sad face you used to pull when mum put some overcooked beans in front of you…. You are emotionally balanced. In 2017, scientists even published research which suggests that it wasn’t actually social pressures that ultimately led to the evolution of the large human brain. It is a centuries-old concept that was commonly practised in ancient Egypt, Greece, China and India [1]. High-vibration food makes a person’s vibration higher. This is not only my job but my hobby as well. And if you are wondering about the Calorie (kcal): this is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 degree Celsius. A meal prepared with love and gratitude not only tastes better it resonates with a higher energy level. When this happens, we may begin to experience a vibrational shift and eventually find ourselves in a state of high vibration. I decided to change my relationship with food by focusing on high vibration food and mindful eating. Raw, freshly picked will always be the superior choice. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. 1. MyPyramid was released in April 2005 and replaced the Food Guide Pyramid (1992). They are destroyed…and the food (if you could call it that) ends up having a significantly lower vibrational frequency and little nutritional or microbial value. The 5 High Frequency - Vibrational Food Groups 1. Kim is an amazing soul and loves sharing her love for food and food … “The more you feed your body what it needs, the more efficient it becomes and the less you need to feed it. Raw herbs like cilantro, basil, mint, tarragon, chives, dill. Foods, including herbs and especially essential oils, have the capacity to increase the vibrational frequency of the cells in your body. Fruits and Vegetables. Since angel communication happens through an exchange of electromagnetic energy at a high vibrational level, you can perceive more of what angels are trying to tell you if you raise your own vibration to a higher energy frequency. So the three words: energy, frequency and vibration are intimately related. When something vibrates, it propagates a wave of energy and emits a frequency that can be measured. Energy to Burn - are you Eating the Highest Frequency Food on Earth? Chinese Medicine also teaches us that the flavors of food correspond to specific organs and can be used to raise or lower the energy of our body. And that energy takes many different forms. Supplements, which include herbal extracts, are generally isolates of the natural active ingredients that are highly processed. Medicinal mushrooms possess immune-modulating, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. 17 Signs You Have A High Vibration: 1. At Work. Instead, a developmental hypothesis based on frugivory (an animal where fruit is the preferred food type) was presented.[7]. High vibration is linked to positivity, love, compassion, and peacefulness. Reishi, like raw cacao increases “shen.” Shen is the life-force energy you have in abundance when the heart is in balance. All liquid and solid food products that are derived from animal milk fall under this group. So! For good health eat an abundance of food with high vibration energy and nutrients such as organic nuts, fruit, vegetables and fresh herbs. We are energy, prana, chi or qi. Dark leafy greens and green juice Land versions Green vegetables contain chlorophyll, plant blood, which absorbs sunlight - energy. They know that without the universe and the powers at play they would not be where they are. Keeping a Pyramid nearby helps you to strong your aura gives protection, mental focus and increased energy levels. Think weight loss, weight gain.” Dr. Ettinger. Â. So, an organic apple directly off the tree is going to have a higher vibration than, for instance, the ones that are already cut up in a bag with some preservatives on them at Trader Joes. Shen gives you passion, enthusiasm, confidence, purpose, and vision. Top 7 Crystal Pyramid Uses. One of the greatest scientific discoveries from the last 30 years is that we actually have our own Endocannabinoid System and cannabidiol (CBD) actually binds with receptors in our body to transfer a therapeutic effect. Placing a pyramid in your office, can help improve your concentration, memory, creativity and removes any stale energy in your workplace. It has also been said that when you cook or alter these foods in some way, we deplete its electrical energy. While humans have to work hard to produce enough Anandamide to reach higher levels of ecstasy, only one plant produces this chemical as part of its normal metabolism: Cacao! As a general rule, the highest vibrational foods are Raw, Organic, Local and REAL FOOD including: Organic fruits and vegetables. 2. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The bottom-line is, I’m passionate about uncovering what’s going on inside your body and fixing it. Think of it as how much proportionally you should eat. So when you think about processed or canned foods, that have been chopped up, heated, pasteurized, radiated, preserved etc….what do you think happens to those natural synergistic effects? Sea vegetables — arame, dulse, hijiki, nori, Pacific or Atlantic kelp, bladderwrack (, Algae (blue-green; freshwater) Algae (green; freshwater) — chlorella. The #1 Most Neglected and 'Mysterious' Process Occurring In Your Body - That Some Say Is The Origin of Cancer, The frequency of this motion is known as a. Next, as you can probably imagine, high vibrational foods are typically in their purest form and connected to the earth. The highest energy center in our body is our brain and nervous system. Seeds (sprouted) — flax, hemp, pumpkin, sesame, sunflower. I have never really been a soda drinker myself I have to say…. The Food Pyramid Lesson 2 Lesson Objectives: Students will learn be able to identify The Food Pyramid and apply knowledge gained to their life and diet. This is where, the aura enters the scene…, The electromagnetic energy field that surrounds our body. I decided to change my relationship with food by focusing on high vibration food and mindful eating. This is similar to the when a mother rubs her sick child’s stomach. Anandamide: The human body naturally produces endorphins after exercise, neurotransmitters which flood our brains with positive feelings. Dawn James shares with us some high vibration food-buying tips to stimulates your own frequencies, and assist your body in moving energy effectively and efficiently. The Egyptians are even thought to have placed food in the Carillon Bowl, to lift the vibrational frequency of the food prior to consuming it. Other ways to increase the frequency of our own body temple include: The Egyptians have been using vibrational energy to improve their health for thousands of years. This is why we feel tired and run down when we get sick. Learn how to raise your vibration by eating a high vibration diet! [GIF], Even your emotions have a specific vibration as documented by the HearthMath® Institute…, Before we get too woo woo here, let’s get back to the science…. I was lucky enough to have sourced a pure crystal quartz Carillon Bowl myself, and can attest to its power to transform your health. Perhaps the only foods that are truly off-limits are foods that contain trans fat from partially hydrogenated oils. How about vibrations in any frozen product, including veggies? Fresh, frozen is still way better than canned. May stamina has been improving and so have my competition results. Food Vibration Categories 1st Food vibration category (6.500-10.000 angstrom): Fresh fruits, vegetables, sunflower seeds, olive, sweet almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, coconut, soy (although since then have been modified) and whole grains (although since then have been modified). They contain the highest energetic and electrical tissues, with nerves requiring more energy than a typical cell in our body. Scientist from the University of Napoli and Trento in Italy, have now shown that cancer cells are about 70% softer and show a lower frequency response compared to healthy cells.[1]. Information is shared for educational purposes only. But I had never really sunken in that just like my body, food has its own vibrational energy. Water can actually store and deliver energy.[5]. Organic food , especially that grown by conscientious farmers practicing biodynamic principles or at least good stewardship of the land, are better yet. Linking high vibration food and mindful eating is a fantastic way to practice gratitude, appreciate your food, think about what you are eating and decide whether you are really fuelling your body. Things like creativity, sun exposure, motion, fun, games, eating high-frequency foods, gratitude, and love all possess a very high vibrational state. 2nd Food vibration category (3.000-6.500 angstrom): Many pollutants (e.g. Wild berries! I used to leave the high vibes to the hippies…. Yes, organic food costs more than non-organic food, but it’s worth it! The science is telling us that the lower the vibrational energy of the food that we eat, the lower we can expect our energy levels to be. First of all are fruits and vegetables, grown via sustainable, hygienic farming practices. Processed foods take less energy to digest and absorb than whole foods do, which means your body doesn’t have to work as hard to access those calories. And by applying the Planck-Einstein relation (Energy = Planck Constant x Frequency) we can see that: The higher the Hertz the higher the energy! Sprouted seeds (including nuts, grains, legumes and beans) are loaded with vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and enzymes, as well as highly digestible forms of complete protein. That is…before the refined sugar addiction takes hold at a later age…. There are some astringent foods (e.g. What Is Food Pyramid?It is a simple visual guide designed to make eating healthy easier. It is also used by Young Living Essential Oils to measure the frequency signature of their essential oils. Whole cacao beans and nibs are best. It can be used to break up and clear physical, mental and emotional blockages in the body and has even been known to boost anti-ageing hormones. You can also call me directly at 714-639-4360.Â. That is why it is much better to have the wholefood (whole herb) itself or a concentrate (botanical formula). The longer we take to eat it, the lower its frequency generally becomes (Note: bananas are one of the few, if not the only fruit, that increases in electromagnetic energy if picked unripe [2]). Not only is this a cookbook, but there is also useful and thought provoking information to read prior to the recipes about how to raise your vibration daily; in mind, body and spirit and attract high vibrational people in your life. ! It’s similar for supplements vs whole herbs and botanical formulas. Crystal pyramid meditations for clairvoyance and high spiritual vibration. Organic and full spectrum CBD oil (an extract from the hemp plant like an essential oil), is also a high vibe gift from nature that offers neuroprotective properties. Nature’s intelligence supports our own intelligence and we really are solar powered animals. Now that you know that some foods have a vibrational frequency of zero, it could be time to start re-considering what you put in your mouth. When I started looking into which foods could help me increase my lagging energy levels, what I uncovered was quite unexpected. When eaten, that energy is then transferred to our body and cells via a poorly understood process known as ‘biological transmutation’. By merely changing your diet to include more HFF’s your consciousness and health will improve. They gather the sun’s energy, which is an excellent high-vibration source. Altering nature’s intelligence is never a good idea…. These … I put that largely down to shifting away from eating highly processed and preserved non-foods, to a more wholefood based eating plan with lots of high energy, raw and alive foods. Being hydrated is also essential, because water is required for electrical conductivity. While it can temporarily feel good, alcohol is a depressant and lowers a person’s vibration. Organic Foods You lose almost all of the health benefits when you eat commercially produced chocolate. Not only does Cacao contain Anandamide in high concentrations, it also contains enzyme inhibitors that decrease our bodies’ ability to breakdown The Bliss Chemical. The energetic vibration or frequency of food is most commonly rated in units called Hertz (Hz) or Megahertz (MHz – one million cycles per second). Reduce or Eliminate Alcohol and Toxins from Your Body. Now that I have strengthened that underlying weakness, I can now work on introducing more and more raw foods into my diet in order to reach my full energy potential and bring that spark back into my life. A fruit picked directly from the tree is the highest energy food we can eat. 4. Einstein helped us to understand this through his renowned equation E = mc2. Here are the top seven ways you can make use of your crystal pyramid. High Vibration Diet Food Pyramid - Trying to develop your psychic abilities and wondering about the psychic diet, high vibration foods, and raising your consciousness? Pyramid energy is generated through an energy field produced by a pyramid. This captures all the energy and energy patterns of the universe, concentrating in an area that has a high vibrational frequency and that, due to its characteristics, can store this force. Your email address will not be published. Plus get my free high vibration food chart! Fresh Berries. diet includes more foods from the base of the pyramid than from the higher levels of the pyramid. High Vibration Foods List: #1 Fruits Fresh fruits are very important because they actually are your most natural vibration raising foods, which are designed and already prepared for consumption by nature. The more shen one possess the more ethereal he or she becomes. If you would like our Top Smoothie and Juice Recipes for FREE, to help detoxify your body and induce Cellular Macarena —–>CLICK HERE! It really has been one of the key factors in turning my energy levels around. I thought about putting my cat in it (for one second) and then thought again….the sound when you play it can actually get very loud and you can hear it many streets away. High-Frequency Foods are those left in their native state, unprocessed, with no chemicals or genetic modifications.  HFF’s are also grown in abundant sunlight and in nutrient dense soil. With rose essential oil having the highest recorded frequency at 320 MHz. #2 Green Vegetables Crystal pyramid energy healing for the aura and 7 chakras. Although, after looking a little further into the effects of eating high frequency food on your body, I’m starting to sense the good vibes. It’s grown in volcanic soil, on the highest mountains (Hawaii) in the world, with unimpeded sunlight. So if you are interested in food frequencies or the natural vibrational frequency of foods…. It’s that simple.”. The subtle transition of energy provides instant relief. I know this may sound silly, but if you know me you know I’m speaking the truth. If you would like to take your health to the next level, I’m here if you need me. It is still alive, intact and unprocessed and vibrating at a high frequency. The higher your vibration, the more authentic you are, and the more capable you’ll be of tuning into what you really want and then manifesting it in the world. The energy of your body, is dependent on the vibrational frequency of your cells….which is in-turn dependent on the food you eat and other factors such as your state of health (both physical and emotional). Raise your vibration, a new life and a new world will reveal itself to you. Luckily, in the U.S. and Canada, trans fats must be listed on nutrition labels – and are eliminated from the HUDS menu. Before we go any further let’s get clear about…. May 12, 2019 - Are you putting the right fuel into your body? Below the list, we expand on each method. MyPyramid. All organs, cells and atoms exist as energy, and each form has its own frequency or vibrational energy [1]. This leads to weakened organ function. Preparation of High-Frequency Foods is just as important as quality when consuming HFF’s. The highest frequency (electromagnetic energy) foods on Earth are fresh and raw fruits and vegetables. If Plants, baby (sprouted) — buckwheat, fava bean greens, peas, sunflower, sweet potato greens, wheatgrass. Raw chocolate (see #5 for additional information). A perfect example is a pineapple, which is one of the highest of all HFF’s. Cooked or processed meats?….they have a vibrational frequency of close to zero.[2]. Eating foods loaded with refined sugar was a big part of why my adrenals became hypoactive and fatigued. Or that some of the world’s most elite athletes are choosing to go vegan? This can be used as a tool to reset your body in its best form ever. My recommendation is to completely avoid them or buy them organically grown. In 2011, MyPlate replaced MyPyramid and represents the current USDA guidance. Given the S.A.D diet that most westerners now consume, there is an incredible opportunity to experience dramatically improved energy levels and brain function.

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