is it illegal to kill a skunk in texas

For any of these reasons, people are driven to kill sighted skunks. This could be a dilemma because skunks almost always spray when they are killed. Before shooting a squirrel in your backyard, you must first purchase a gun and ammunition and get the proper licensing. But most people like to shoot them and just throw them away, but killing a skunk is never the best way because the body of the skunk stinks like hell. Maine- illegal Maryland- illegal Massachusetts- illegal - August '06 Michigan-legal with permit, outside cage must be built, must be Michigan bred. In Texas, skunk owners must have a permit and letter of authorization. The following are the poisons that can be used to exterminate skunks … The DNR also lists when and how you can kill the squirrels. They do dig though, so make sure you dig a trench to set the base of the fence into. In certain areas, killing skunks are illegal. However, if you kill a snake for no reason, this would be considered to be illegal. The poisons that are used to kill skunk is also dangerous to other pets in the home, so it is strongly advised to keep pets off in the process of placing poisoned food for a skunk. So it is your choice if you want to kill … The Big Stink Researchers delve into the marvelous, malodorous world of Texas skunks. Otherwise, you risk facing serious charges and possible imprisonment. Live traps, baited with cat food or canned sardines, are an option – although it’s a risky strategy from the skunk-spray-avoidance standpoint There are several ways to kill a skunk, and the major challenge while carrying out the act, is how to avoid being sprayed. Alberta: Illegal (780) 422-2079 : Refer to Wildlife Regulation Section 135 Possession of non-licence animals 135(1) Subject to subsection (2), a person may possess any live non-licence animal except a raccoon, a skunk or a bat of a kind that is a wildlife animal. Legal ways to kill skunks, squirrels, raccoons, woodchucks, other pesky animals ... "It is illegal to move or relocate an animal off your property. They do travel as much as a mile a night but seldom venture more than four miles from their den. It’s illegal to kill any snake unless they “pose reasonable threat or endangerment to persons or property.” According to, a man killed a rattlesnake when it attacked his dog. Nobody ruins a party like a skunk. When Texas Parks and Wildlife Department mammalogist Jonah Evans came across a road-killed spotted skunk and decided to save the specimen in the freezer at work, his co-workers were less than enthusiastic. In some countries, it is illegal to poison the animal. Skunks are poor climbers, so a relatively short metal fence will keep the stinky little rascals out of your garden. Skunks are nocturnal and emerge from their dens at dusk. So if you want to hunt or kill one, you will need to comply with the DNR rules and regulations. He was within his rights to do so because it was threatening his property. If it’s illegal in your area, then might as well just trap them up and relocate them. Most Popular. By Russell Roe. Minnesota- legal with permit Mississippi- illegal Missouri- illegal Montana- illegal Nebraska- illegal Nevada- illegal New Hampshire-striped skunks are illegal, however hooded and spotted are legal. Besides, skunks are primary carriers of the dreaded rabies virus.

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