juicy fruit gum and gophers

Juicy Fruit gum down their holes (doesn’t work), Step 3: Place one of the pieces, which we cut earlier, into the hole. Step 1: First of all, cut many sticks of chewing gum into the pieces of about ½ square inches. Relevance. First of all, wear latex gloves on your hands, so that gophers don’t get your scent. Did you know that this gum can actually get rid of the furry critters digging up, in and around your garden. Full disclaimer, while we can tell you for sure that using juicy fruit gum is not a scientific backup to help get rid of gophers, it has been said to be effective. Ihave moles in my yard and tried everything juicy fruit gum ,poison mole and gopher poison i need help !!!,? By MARYANN HAMMERS Aug. 19, 1994 12 AM PT Does juicy fruit gum kill gophers? Sep 8, 2009 1,849 Colorado- near the Divide. Killing Gophers with Juicy Fruit Gum . I keep hearing about putting Juicy Fruit gum in their holes, but I'm wondering if anyone has actually tried this? This may sound crazy but by all accounts it works better than pest control. my yard looks like **** , last year it was fine Answer Save In general, most land animals are edible. With an orchard of approximately 250 apple, apricot, and cherry trees gophers were having a field day eating the roots and killing the trees. This is a question that has often sparked endless debate. There is one situation where Juicy Fruit gum has proven its worth in the gopher hunter's arsenal. I have found the mole will readily eat juicy fruit. I am talking about the yummy, good old fashioned Juicy Fruit gum we all know and love! Supposedly gophers, moles, voles, etc. After a few days the activity is gone. Victory over gophers, moles and voles depends on correctly identifying the culprit and meeting their challenges head on. Good ideas I will try. cannot digest the gum and it plugs them up and they die as a result of being unable to now evacuate waste. Attracted to the fruity scent, the gopher eats the gum… Gophers, moles and voles do extensive damage in a relatively short time, staying one step ahead of many homeowners. Since the length of time that would take is fairly long no one has really seen this happen, and in zoos where similar rodents do get gum, not on purpose, do not die from ingesting that gum. However, the smaller ones (squirrels, chipmunks, moles, voles, etc.) Sounds like a waste of a good piece of gum. ALTERNATIVES: I think it's an urban legend, but supposedly you chew some Wrigley's Juicy Fruit gum until the flavor starts to come out and then drop the stuff into a gopher hole. Juicy fruit does not work so well for moles I think . Many homeowners find that the Juicy Fruit brand works quite well, although there is no scientific research as to why. And would that work with ground squirrels? Step 2: Now, use a shovel, small hand spade, or any tool to dig into a gopher or mole tunnel. Onto each hole drop one piece of the juicy fruit gum. In fact, the captive gophers actually developed a sweet tooth. Does Juicy Fruit gum really kill gophers and prarie dogs? I may need to dig everything out and put down hardware cloth, but that's going to be a ton of work at this point. Chewing gum – It may sound odd, but gophers and ground squirrels enjoy sweet things. The whole idea behind this crazy DIY trick is that the critters will eat the gum and it in turn will “gum up” their insides. are not commonly used as a food source because the return of nutritious material is too low to justify the amount of work required to process the animal. Juicy Fruit Fruity Chews Gum, Strawberry, 40 Count. Unwrap one piece of Juicy Fruit, and stick down into the hole as far as it will go. The moles/gophers will eat the gum, it will stick to their insides (in theory), and it will kill them. Step 1: First of all, cut many sticks of chewing gum into the pieces of about ½ square inches. Place the bait in the center of your hole. Old 80s TV ads in the UK. 11 Answers. Non-Hearth Forums. Put on a pair of latex gloves first, so that your scent doesn't get on the gum. Attracted to the fruity scent, the gopher eats the gum, which it cannot digest, and dies. How To Get Rid of Moles / Gophers With Juicy Fruit Gum. So stop spending money on animal control and take control of the situation with a buck’s worth of juicy fruit gum. 2 thoughts on “ Garden Myth: Juicy Fruit Gum to Control Moles! Juicy Fruit gum consists mostly of sugar contained in a synthetic gum base 1.. Does Juicy Fruit gum kill gophers? Everyone had their favorite trick for managing gophers. Attracted to the fruity scent, the gopher eats the gum, which it cannot digest, and dies. Unwrap a fruit flavored gum and drop it in the gopher hole. Neither chewing gum nor chocolate laxatives killed them. There is no scientific research about it, but still a lot of people says that it works. This may sound crazy but by all accounts it works better than pest control. Killing Gophers with Juicy Fruit Gum. Sep 19, 2015 - How To Get Rid of Moles / Gophers With Juicy Fruit Gum. maybe they just breed too fast . Mole Myth #2: Kill or scare moles away with Juicy Fruit Gum, essential oils, castor oil, glass shards, cigarettes, hot peppers, etc. To get rid of pesky gophers, roll together two pieces (one won’t work) of Wrigley’s Juicy Fruit gum and put them down the gopher hole. Check out the comments too. The only way to determine if Juicy Fruit works is to see if the mole invaders quit tunneling. But they cannot be replaced with castor oil meant for human consumption. Sweet chewing gum sticks have been set out for gophers to find. Like said in the case of castor oil you can also try juicy fruit gum and gophers combination to get rid of gophers with juicy fruit gum. And I assume the mole. In the above section as we discussed in case of mothballs, the castor oil cannot be beared by the mole in grass or gopher rodents. I have also found that gophers are avid for Juicy Fruit chewing gum. Check out the tutorial. His tried and true method for getting them into his traps used Juicy Fruit. Check out the tutorial. Juicy Fruit gum VS. gophers. Thread starter Beetle-Kill; Start date Aug 11, 2012; Forums. Unwrap the gum and drop it into the gopher hole. The gophers invaded my raised beds this year and they've eaten nearly everything. Same thing goes with the famous “Juicy Fruit gum down the hole” trick. Without fast, effective action and the right animal-control products, your hard-won lawn can be destroyed. Answer Save. The University of California at Davis conducted an experiment whereby captive gophers were fed these food items. Killing Gophers with Juicy Fruit Gum. DIY and General non-hearth advice. Update: La Vie Boheme- If you eat food at all - animal or vegetable, set out ant or coachroach bates, or decorate your home with flowers, killing is part of your philosophy. Juicy Fruit gum for killing tunneling critters like voles, moles, and gophers is a home remedy that has been passed around for decades. Moile Control What Doesn T WorkMoles Effective And Quick Ways Of Eliminating TheMoles And Juicy Fruit Gum Colonial Pest ControlCool Facts About Carpenter Ants Mouse Controlled Robotic Arm HowHow To Get Rid Of … have reported that the use of chewing gum or chocolate laxatives will kill gophers, but Rex Marsh, vertebrate pest control specialist at UC Davis, fed these treats to gophers in captivity and found that most simply developed a sweet tooth. These remedies come from people treating gophers with “something” and later not So try using this tip at mole tunnels as armadillo repellent. Step 3: Place one of the pieces, which we cut earlier, into the hole. Also, how does Juicy Fruit gum kill gophers? Status Not open for further replies. ” Sean. Moles and gophers cinch traps moles and gophers cinch traps moles in yard with juicy fruit gum a mole moles in the garden or yard how to get rid of moles definitive. Food items believed to kill gophers include chewing gum and chocolate laxatives. Gum would probably work for gophers as it would smell like some sort of plant . Not sure . Juicy Fruit Fruity Chews Gum, Strawberry, 40 Count. ALTERNATIVES: I think it’s an urban legend, but supposedly you chew some Wrigley’s Juicy Fruit gum until the flavor starts to come out and then drop the stuff into a gopher hole. Flavor. How to Kill Moles With Juicy Fruit Gum By Charlotte Johnson Hunker may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. Do this with every mole hill in the yard. ALTERNATIVES: I think it's an urban legend, but supposedly you chew some Wrigley's Juicy Fruit gum until the flavor starts to come out and then drop the stuff into a gopher hole. Gophers turned out to be a consequential aspect of my life. A now retired gardener holds the unofficial record in Southern California for trapping gophers for his clients. Gopher vs. Nut : It took Juicy Fruit, hair and Howard Stern, but the critter dining in the garden is finally out-skunked. Juicy Fruit gum. ... Rodents, such as rats, mice and gophers, carry more than 35 diseases, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. bahbdorje. Can Juicy Fruit gum kill gophers? Step 2: Now, use a shovel, small hand spade, or any tool to dig into a gopher or mole tunnel. The rodents will be killed by excessive water or they will come out and you will kill them physically.There are various approaches you can use to eliminate the gophers from your farm without exterminating them. they do go get it about as fast as you put it in their holes but I have not got rid of my problem this way . Remember, no scent! Sweet chewing gum … You can also get rid of Gophers by using juicy fruit gum If you all of a sudden start noticing molehills or the gopher runs in your yard, just bring some juicy fruit gum and then start chewing it till the time the gum has turned soft and the flavour of the gum have started to come out. B. Beetle-Kill Minister of Fire. Try leaving some fruit-flavored gum or other soft, chewy candy in their tunnels. Fill the hole back in with dirt and make it flat so that its obvious if the hill becomes active again. Be sure to bait your hole; garlic pieces, some fresh vegetable leaf or the remains of what the gopher has devoured already will work. I poke several holes with my finger into the main tunnel and insert a stick in each hole.

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