quantum immortality reddit

Our lifespan is clearly limited. It does not guarantee any degree of health or lack of suffering. If you are maimed, … Also, from the human perspective time is linear but in reality it’s not, so why does QI teleports them to the next chronological order of events and not to the past? The Joke That Never Dies. Quantum immortality only suggests that McAfee himself would be unable to experience his own death. We do it all the time but in ways we're accustomed to. In 2013 I joined a fantasy football league and my first two years there used the principle of quantum immortality to select only realities in which I won my games. It’s possible for you to be severely maimed, but nonetheless alive. For the same idea but in full extent read Alexey Turchin "Back to … I feel like im losing my fucking mind. I set out to explore this concept. that's actually how it works sometimes. I'm sure that you can all agree that reality has shifted for the bizarre and strange in the last decade, and the only possible explanation is reality shifting via quantum immortality. I think QI is somewhat real, but not in your context. This is a set of thoughts about ethics and Quantum immortality. **Please read forum rules before posting**, Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. I just feel like I did die and I teleported into another universe. An observer will see the gun click until it eventually measures "up", at which they would observe you die. The quantum information within the microtubules is not destroyed, it can’t be destroyed, and it just distributes and dissipates to the universe at large.” “If the patient is resuscitated, revived, this quantum information can go back into the microtubules, and the patient says ‘I had a near-death experience.’ All this shit has happened before. Ten days later I get a toothache. Quantum immortality refers to the subjective experience of surviving quantum … Everything happened so quickly, next thing I know my motorbike was on the ground and my ex and I were just standing in shock and we had some cuts, bruises. But that was a really weird day, and it was 5 months ago. I told her we thought about going to the hospital I was at 2 weeks prior (45 minutes away) and she said "oh no, I'm glad you didn't do that because your friend would have arrived with a body". it just is. Yes, you can instantly switch timelines/states of consciousness in seemingly dramatic or inexplicable ways. I get taken to the hospital, walk into the ER and immediately have a team of 6 people working on me. Granted, it isn't a cool as universe hopping but I'm just tossing that out there as a more grounded possibility. Whenever I might die, there will be another universe in which I still live, some quantum event (however remotely unlikely) ... Reddit user person594 replies to the above comment: We are born and eventually we die (some of us earlier than others). But there aren't just a few small concentrated groups of individuals who experience this, it's at different times at different places happening to many different people. Hallucinations, freezing cold but sweating thru my shirt and into my jacket. After 2 days it goes away and I go to a concert. This is a place for fans of various creative works to share theories, interpretations and speculation related to that particular creative work. If QI is real, then none of us are really concious? All over the world, every day of the year people are reporting possible instances of QI. You hop inside, and run 100 rounds of the experiment, and come out ecstatic: you’ve proved that parallel universes exist, and now it’s time to tell the … This concept is used to explain the phenomenon where someone lives through some horrible happening such as terminal cancer, a car wreck, attempted murder, etc, and either remembers their own death and/or notices that their current world is different from the world prior to their incident. Guys, it's my fault. I've had some bad crashes, and the brain just kind of edits out that crashing part sometimes. I was t-boned by a lady running a stop sign. Why would humans do that? If it's possible for you to continue existing that long. Yes, I've been subject to such glitchy events, which I may have related here before -- so apologies for any duplication. Nietzsche's eternal return fucked with me so badly and it just escalated. Quantum immortality, ascribing to the many worlds interpretation, essentially states that if multiple universes exist, than a conscious being can never truly die because in any situation where you are killed, the reality in which you weren't killed gets superimposed and you continue living in that alternate reality.. Quantum immortality is a variation on Schrodinger's famous "cat" thought experiment, where a cat's life or death depends on the decay of a single particle. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the FanTheories community. If such mechanism exist it has to be bound by a natural law and surely it has to be a reason for it. Quantum Immortality - is it real? A night in the ER getting my blood warmed and several IVs of fluids and another 2 days of being under watch I got cleared for release. Camus' Myth of Sisyphus helped me a bit, though. I'm sorry. Quantum mechanics shows that all particles are not particles at all but really waves of probabilities. Quantum entanglement is not hard to understand: Socks come in pairs. Sounds like you really did die in some other reality. The idea is spins off of the many worlds theory. If you believe that QI is real, then that drastically alters your view of reality and puts many other strange occurrences in perspective. It's one of those "this shouldn't be working" "but it is." Or maybe I did die. “Quantum suicide” and “quantum immortality” get their name from this idea and that it may be impossible to die (from your own point of view), no matter how hard you try. Life extending technologies will soon be available in your reality. Greedy Quantum Immortality. The first time was when, as a kid of about 8 years old living in Toronto, I was sent on an errand to a local corner store, only a few minutes away, when I noticed a drunken tramp stumbling along the … Quantum Immortality. Reply [-] Clippy 10y 6. And if QI is not to be believed, then all of these scared and confused folks are suffering from very similar symptoms of a mysterious psychological affliction. Quantum Immortality The TL;DR of QI is that whenever you die, your consciousness jumps over to the next universe where you didn't die in that situation. My evidence for this theory is that in a scant series of years we have progressed to a state where: the two top presidential candidates are Trump (a former reality show host / beef steak mascot / toupee support system) and Clinton (currently under a second FBI investigation for corruption, universally hated by half the USA), the Cubs are in the world series, cats and dogs are living together, Britain is internationally perceived as dumber than the USA, jet fuel can apparently melt steel beams, there are multiple reality TV series about how hard it is to find love when you are super attractive, and massive hurricanes are heralding worldwide climatic disaster due to global warming and no one seems to give a shit. "/sci/ - Science & Math" is 4chan's board for the discussion of science and math. Hello me, it's you from an alternate universe. I theorize that there have been multiple iterative realities where catastrophic events occurred. Based on what I've read online on the possibility of quantum immortality, I don't think it is probable, and quantum torment less so. Twice. It's basically just "what if plot armor is real?". It's basically Schroedinger's Cat but with a many-worlds conscious superposition added. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, internationally perceived as dumber than the USA, how hard it is to find love when you are super attractive. It just goes black. I've heard of people blocking out the memory of car/bike accidents just as you described. Taken from JRE #1352 w/Sean Carroll: https://youtu.be/TP5W2MG8Jjs Reality has just not been right ever since. It’s too focused to the physical ego of identity and survival IMO. We know why people of DID, OCD, ADHD, etc, but what sort of explanation would be sufficient to explain QI away? But you only when die you believe it’s your time! ... this is my first time posting on reddit, i’m not sure where else to go for answers, i tried to be as detailed as possible but i’m very disoriented from this so please bare with me. Then the questions arises, why would such a mechanism exist? But let's think about that for a second. Whatever dude, hold my beer. Nothing is that out of the ordinary. However, just in the interest of "objectivity" (: whatever the fuck that is in the ultimate sense :), you could assume that you were in a state of shock where automatic responses took over so automatically that you only became more personally conscious from the moment you were standing in shock. Again, while this may seem a very acceptable and plausible explanation, it remains speculative and imaginary: the experience was the experience. Maybe the reason you're still feeling 'off' is because your subconscious mind knows there's a part that it's keeping locked off from your conscious mind? They remember inexplicably returning safely to the road after tumbling off in a fiery death trap. Also other people beliefs can shape how you experience your world too! At least that's my very basic understanding of it. The thought experiment was created by Max Tegmark. The brain does it as a way of compartmentalizing the trauma of the memory so it isn't haunting you in your day-to-day life. Quantum suicide is a thought experiment in quantum mechanics and the philosophy of physics.Purportedly, it can falsify any interpretation of quantum mechanics other than the Everett many-worlds interpretation by means of a variation of the Schrödinger's cat thought experiment, from the cat's point of view. Which immediately should set a limit to the theory. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Quantum immortality seems very dubious. Perhaps it’s the lessons we were destined to learn that’s important and perhaps that’s why you need to see the end by using QI. I … How would their brain construct such fantasies, and so consistently among many different similar cases? This then is where the greatest mystery lies. I'm sorry. And now for something completely different. The error in your thinking is wrapped up in one sentence. The Bible say everybody has there time meaning you will experience death just at your appointed time! Ok, so you just read the beginning of this post, got excited about quantum immortality and secured the research grant you needed to build your quantum suicide gadget. Quantum immortality does not require a “quantum mind” or other quantum woo: it is based solely on MWI, a scientifically respected interpretation of quantum mechanics. The theory of Quantum Immortality entails the hypothesis that when someone dies in this dimension, they carry on alive and well in another timeline. The first version which I don't agree with, but the conclusions are the same. Quantum suicide is a thought experiment.It originally went as follows: Say I build a suicide device, such as a gun which will fire a bullet into my head, which is triggered by a quantum event - such as a device which measures whether a particle is spin-up or spin-down. Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal), There is also a completely anonymous hotline run by samaritans.org on UK number 116 123. Sourced from Reddit, Twitter, and beyond! I believe that doing this on a weekly basis repeatedly is what lead us here, to this. Now, I'm sure many of you are already familiar with this concept, and some of you may even be here because of your experiences with QI. If not there will always be mind uploading to the Cloud in a couple decades. On the lips of my love, I'm alone again On the lips of my love, I'm alone again. To you, you miraculously lived through the event while to everyone else you seemingly died. A circle is defined as infinite points all the same distance away from a central point. Sputniksteve. They strong emotions and beliefs can leak over and shape the world you are experiencing! Who determines this? Different stages in life teaches different lessons... life is a school... interesting ideas, but I’m not sure! Within 20 minutes of leaving the show I'm feeling like I'm dying. "....fuck if I know let's write it up and call it a day.". Please discuss and feel free to add your own supporting evidence for this groundbreaking theory. Death itself is what gives what we call time it’s power! It soon … Why do people need to reach end goal and for what sake? I got an experiment to run. Parallel universes are not a theory, but deductions from the "Many Worlds" interpretation of quantum mechanics. Infinite universes where every possibility exists, quantum immortality stipulates that you can't die because your consciousness will simply follow a timeline in which you survived. If the experimenter dies, then his consciousness persists in the reality he didn't. Why do so many people experience such an odd psychological phenomenon? Quantum immortality, ascribing to the many worlds interpretation, essentially states that if multiple universes exist, than a conscious being can never truly die because in any situation where you are killed, the reality in which you weren't killed gets superimposed and you continue living in that alternate reality. Welcome to /r/FanTheories! I neither watch nor care about football, but I was league champ. I would also recommend reading the lost bible book called the wisdom of Sophia! However, if you do not believe in QI, how would you explain the phenomenon that other people describe as QI? Quantum Immortality is a thought experiment like Schrödinger's Cat, it's not meant to be taken literally it just helps us better understand quantum mechanics. These events have "killed" so many people, that the superimposed survival realities are starting to become increasingly more and more bizarre. In this post I’ll attempt to show that quantum immortality … So "quantum immortality" actually means that you die infinitely many times and in every possible way, but there's no final death. I simply want to express my miniscule opinion and understanding of the theory of quantum immortality (or possibly how i would wish for it to be). r/quantum_immortality: Many people on a daily basis claim to have slipped dimensions temporarily only to die in them, and then return to the current … Either way, the questions will have to be confronted sooner or later by believes and skeptics alike, and no matter what the answers are, they will surely be momentous. Quantum Immortality Crywolf. The doctor was in the car behind me and witnessed the entire accident. Think Sliders (the TV series), only instead of jumping between radically different universes, we're just sliding along a series of realities with small incremental changes every time we die. The $1300 in winnings was nice, but it wasn't worth a Trumpocalypse/Clintagnorok. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. They're all noticing things that don't line up. This kind of quantum immortality only makes sure your consciousness persists to the next present moment by branching away from certain death. I have a body temp of 89F, hypothermic and going into Septic shock. I should have died twice in the span of 2 weeks in 2016. Nobody understands quantum physics even the people who study it. Quantum Immortality? I guess we just need to surrender to the possibility and take the leap of faith, as Kierkegaard puts it. As if I skipped worlds. Can't wait for Zeno to come and clean all this mess, Dammit Zamasu, fucking up all the timelines. Quantum Physics proves there are multiple version of every choice possible happening all the the time but the one you believe in most is what your experiencing in your time being alive in this physical body! Why should the universe spare you? Time can only effects things that can die! If either is true, then you are probably of the mindset that QI is either true, and we are all functionally immortal, or that it is false, and that when we die we either stay dead, go to the afterlife, or are reincarnated.

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