sapindaceae floral formula

Sapindus – Latin Sapo and indicus; Indian Soap berry Ritha. The maple sugar is obtained from the juice of stem. Both unisexual and bisexual flowers occur in the same plant; these flowers are polygamous. The style is mostly 1, but rarely 2-4 and 1- to 3-lobed. It is used as food. Be proficient in the use of keys. Stem: Erect, herbaceous, cylindrical, solid, branched, green, hairy with latex. Affinity and Economic Importance. Sub- class: Polypetalae Series: Calyciflorae Order: Umbellales. What is seed dormancy? TOS4. Variation in floral structures is also noted in this family. Embryo- curved or convoluted. 4. Species of the family generally have flowers that divide into four or five parts, usually with strong scents. 4. Range of Floral Structures 5. The family Sapindaceae owing to the tendency of unisexuality in flowers, presence of definite number of ovules with ventral raphe, tricarpellary pistil, and arillate seeds bears close affinity with Euphorbiaceae. Lianas in Udawattakele, Sri Lanka A canopy of Entada gigas that has formed over a monkey ladder vine (Bauhinia glabra) on Kauai, Hawaii. The Rutaceae are a family, commonly known as the rue[3] or citrus family,[4] of flowering plants, usually placed in the order Sapindales. Characters of Sapindaceae 2. Stamens are usually 8. Cardiospermum helicacabum, a common tendril climbing under-shrub of Bengal, in which the main axillary peduncle gives off three branches, two of which are metamorphosed into watch-spring-like coiled tendrils, the other one end in cymose inflorescence. Explain its main characters. 3. Sepal 5, polysepalous, imbricate, in actinomorphic flowers sepals become 4 by the union of 3rd and 5th. Asclepias curassavica (Fig. Floral Formula A floral formula is a symbolic representation of different floral parts, their numbers, arrangement pattern and how they are related. Before sharing your knowledge on this site, please read the following pages: 1. Floral formula: Distribution of Combretaceae: Combretaceae or Combretum family or Terminalia family includes 18 genera and 500 species. Euphoria syn. The leaves of Cassia senna and Cassia obovata giN c a drug called Senna. Erect, or weak, climbing by tendrils which are axillary and represent the modified inflorescence axis. Petals 5 in actinomorphic flower becomes to 4 as a result of suppression of one of the five petals, polypelatous, with hairy or scaly appendages, Petals are absent in Schleichera, Dodonaea etc. In India the family is represented by 24 genera and 72 species. Euphorbiaceae Characters , formula , floral diagram & economic Importance is discussed in this biology article. 1. Range of floral structures in the family: Both regular and irregular flowers are met with in the (Syn. (4) Balloon-vine (Cardiospermum halicacabum L.), a common weed with wiry stem found in waste places. Know the vocabulary terms that have been in the lab handouts and that are used in the keys. ), yield fruits which make lather with water. Floral formula: Distribution of Meliaceae: This family is also called Mahogany family. Members of the family Urticaceae have varied leaves and sap that is usually watery. Floral Formula A floral formula is a symbolic representation of different floral parts, their numbers, arrangement pattern and how they are related. panoja Falso pimiento Drupa Canal resinífero en tallo Canal resinífero foliar Diagrama floral K5 C5 Schinopsis O. Sapindales, Fam ANACARDIACEAE Schinopsis Based on the characters of the ovule, the Sapindaceae is divided into two subfamilies: Ovules 2 or more in each loculus, erect or pendulous with upwardly micropyle. The small greenish flowers often form clusters in the leaf axils. Floral formula: 4. Euphoria) Sapindaceae. Sometimes, bisexual and staminate flowers or bisexual and pistillate flowers are found in separate plants; these are polygamo-dioecious. It is monocarpellary, superior and unilocular. In botany, succulent plants, also known as succulents, are plants with parts that are thickened, fleshy, and engorged, usually to retain water in arid climates or soil conditions. Sepals—5, generally free, but in regular flowers frequently 4 by the union of the third and the fifth, imbricate. The ovary is usually trilocular; rarely, the loculus number is 1, 2 or 4. ADVERTISEMENTS: Family: Umbelliferae (Apiaceae). Floral Formula of Sapindaceae 3. and S. mukorossi Gaertn. They are forked at the apex and the branches are often flat and rolled like a watch-spring. (3) Soap­berry trees (Sapindus trifoliatus L. = S. emarginatus Vahl. Sapindus, Nephelium and Litchi have regular flowers; irregular flowers occur in Cardiospermum, Erioglossum, Allophylus and Aphania. Cardiospermum – From the Greek cardia – a heart and sperm, a seed, referring to the heart – shaped excrescence on the seeds. Variation takes place in the number of petals. Both regular and zygomorphic flowers occur. The number of style in most cases is one, but it varies from 2-4; ovary 3-locular, but rarely number of the loculi is reduced to 1, 2 or 4. Latex or resin present in special sacs or cells in the lamina. Definition of Floral Formula A floral formula can define as the numeric and symbolic expression, which reveals the flower morphological characteristics by employing different symbols, letters and figures.It is the conventional method accustomed to formulate the structure of the flower. Commonly found in FIA フォーミュラE世界選手権 (FIA Formula E World Championship、フォーミュライー、FE)は化石燃料を使用しない電気自動車のフォーミュラカーによるレース。俗に「電気自動車のF1」などと紹介される。2014å¹´9月から開催されている。 Answer Now and help others. Petals—5, but become 4 by suppression of a petal, rarely 0, free, often provided with scales, imbricate. Most of them are xerophytes, hydrophytes and semi-aquatic. A number of In India the family is represented by 24 genera and 72 species. Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to share notes in Biology. Dodonaea – evergreen shrub, flowers without corolla. The family is mainly restricted to tropical and sub-tropical regions. The general floral formula of Solanaceae family is as follows: Here the symbols ⊕ 3. Gossypium (Fig. This family consists of 130 genera and about 1,100 species which are chiefly found in the tropics. Floral diagram with floral formula (Pisum sativum or garden pea):Some Welcome to BiologyDiscussion! often form clusters in the leaf axils. Distribution: Generally distributed in tropical and sub-tropical parts of the world. = Litchi chinensis Sonner), a common fruit tree. Wehrwolfea, with striate pollen, a floral formula of K 4 C 4 A 10(?+) G [3-4], and placed in Sapindaceae, is known from the middle Eocene of western Canada (Erwin & Stockey 1990), however, Acer and Dipteronia are older (see Apocynaceae, dogbane family (order Gentianales) of flowering plants, including about 400 genera and 4,555 species of trees, shrubs, woody vines, and herbs. = S. olesa Oken. Common Plants 6. Habit: Annual perennial Herbs, shrubs, or tree; most of plants are xerophytic; presence of milky juice. Between petals and stamens the floral axis is developed to form a disc, which is generally ring-like and bears glandular swellings opposite the petal insertions. This family is allied to Anacardiaceae from which it is distin­guished by the pinnately compound leaves, mostly irregular poly­gamous flowers, scaly outgrowths on petals, usually eight stamens, tricarpellate ovary and arillate seeds. Schliechera oleosa yield Ceylon oak – a good timber. Bisexual and staminate flowers are found in some species, while bisexual and pistillate flowers occur in others. (6) Aphania danura Radlk., chiefly found in the Sundribans. (9) Dodonaea viscosa Jacq., a twining under-shrub. The leaves mixed with jaggery and boiled in oil, are specific for eye sore. Rosaceae, the rose family of flowering plants (order Rosales), composed of some 2,500 species in more than 90 genera. Number and Distribution 4. This is a question and answer forum for students, teachers and general visitors for exchanging articles, answers and notes. Fir (Abies), Keteleeria, Cathaya, Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga), hemlock The stamens are frequently 8, but 5 in Turpinia and numerous in Deinbollia. Trees, shrubs or climbers with watch-spring like tendrils. General Characters of Sapindaceae 2. Floral and vegetative features. The varnish tree (Koelreuteria paniculata), Xanthoceras sorbifolia, Melicocca, Ungnadia are ornamental plants. Range of Floral Structures 5. In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Privacy Policy3. They have the following characteristic features: 1. Aristolochiaceae: Characters, Distribution and Affinities, Flacourtiaceae: Characters, Distribution and Affinities, Comparison between Acanthaceae and Lamiaceae. Acer saccharinum a native of North America is the source of maple sugar. Common Plants 6. Fruit—dry (a nut or capsule), or fleshy (berry or drupe). ), often cultivated for its edible fruits. Beaumontia jerdoniana. Some palm species are also found in warm temperate regions. : Leaves—alternate, usually … Floral formula and floral Diagram Economic Importance Food: Many plants of this family are used as food. PlantShare Connect with other plant fans Join our online community of plant enthusiasts. Seed—exalbuminous, often with an aril. This website includes study notes, research papers, essays, articles and other allied information submitted by visitors like YOU. Alstonia scholaris, devil tree.Native from India to Solomon Islands. Root: A much branched, deep, tap. Nephelium litchi yields a fleshy edible aril. B. Lobularia maritima ( Brassicaceae or Cruciferae - sweet alyssum) (pp. Vegetative Characters: Habit: Plants are mostly annual or perennial herbs with aromatic odour due … Aesculus hippocastanum, the horse chestnut,[1][2][3] is a species of flowering plant in the soapberry and lychee family Sapindaceae. It is a large deciduous, synoecious (hermaphroditic-flowered) tree. Alternate compound, pinnate, stipulate (climbing species), stipules small and soon falling off, sometimes imparipinnate, the end leaflet of a paripinnate leaf is bent round to serve as a terminal leaflet. 5. Leaf: Longan (Nephelium longana) also yields an inferior quality of edible aril. Sapindaceae is allied to Anacardiaceae from which it differs in having compound leaves, spring-like circinately coiled tendrils, of lianous genera, usually irregular flowers, more than 5 stamens, typically tricarpellate ovary and usually arillate seeds. Urticaceae, nettle family comprising about 54 genera and 2,625 species of herbs, shrubs, and small trees. They range in form and size from herbs to shrubs and large[5] trees. The arillate seed establishes a link with Euphorbiaceae. Stamens—usually 8 or 10 in two whorls, free, inserted inside the disc or outside it or on it. These are herbs, shrubs or trees. Commonly found in North Eastern and North Western Himalayas. Keying. The typical pentamerous genus Turpinia possesses 5 stamens. Share Your Word File It is widely distributed in : Root: Tap, branched and perennial. Trees, shrubs or climbers usually pinnate leaves, the spring like circinately, coiled tendrils of lianous genera. Share Your PPT File. Floral formula and floral diagram Economic Importance----- ----- Fruits: Some of trees of this family yield edible fruits. = Eupho­ria longana Lamk. 2. Petals are found to be absent in some genera, such as, Dodonaea, Schleichera, etc. The leaves may b… It includes 50 genera and 1400 species according to Willis. The number of stamens varies from the genus to another. Koelreuteria paniculata (varnish-tree) and Xanthoceras sarbifolia are cultivated as hardy ornamentals. Floral formula: 2. Plants—trees or shrubs, sometimes tendril-climbers (e.g., Cardiospermum). The number of stamens also differs in different genera. Yeast: Origin, Reproduction, Life Cycle and Growth Requirements | Industrial Microbiology, How is Bread Made Step by Step? Leaves—alternate, usually pinnately compound, ex-stipulate (but stipulate in climbing species). Dodonaea uiscosa and species of Allophylus are also medicinals. The flowers are regular in Litchi, Nephelium and Sapindus, but irregular in Allophyllus, Cardiospermum and Erioglossum. What is a living organism? This species has a very broad corolla tube which makes it possible to easily see the anthers (With Methods)| Industrial Microbiology, How is Cheese Made Step by Step: Principles, Production and Process, Enzyme Production and Purification: Extraction & Separation Methods | Industrial Microbiology, Fermentation of Olives: Process, Control, Problems, Abnormalities and Developments, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. O. Sapindales, Fam ANACARDIACEAE Schinus aerira “aguaribay” Infl. Name the types of nitrogenous bases present in the RNA. It can represent particular species, or can be generalized to characterize higher taxa, usually giving ranges of organ numbers. ADVERTISEMENTS: 1. 38.6 & 38.7): Habit and habitat: A cultivated shrub, for fibres and oil. Fruit: A legume or pod with few seeds. UH Campus, Honolulu, HI, February, 2005. (8) Ceylon oak (Schleichera trijuga Willd. 4. Species of Pappeae, Melicocca, Euphoria, Nephelium and Litchi yield edible fruits with sweet, fleshy aril. Tricarpellary, syncarpotfs; ovary superior, trilocular, with one or two ovules in each loculus, axile placentation; style terminal; stigma trifid. Las sapindáceas (Sapindaceae) son una familia de plantas perteneciente al orden Sapindales. Warburg is of opinion that Sabiaceae and Sapindaceae are two closely related families. General Characters of Sapindaceae 2. (7) Erioglossum edule Blume, usually found in village-shrubberies. Content Guidelines 2. ), a large tree. Floral formula is a means to represent the structure of a flower using numbers, letters and various symbols, presenting substantial information about the flower in a compact form. (5) Allophylus cobbe Blume = A. serratus Radlk., a small tree or shrub sometimes met with in hedges. Affinities. The tendril in climbing species is the metamorphosed peduncle or its branch e.g. Ovules in each loculus, erect, with downwardly microphyle. In India it is represented by 20 genera and 70 species. Common name: Palm family or Palmae Number of genera:This family includes 217 genera and 2,500 species Propagation type: Most palms are propagated from seeds. Taproots are modified into tubers. Obliquely pentamerous, zygomorphic, or actinormophic, bisexual or unisexual, hypogynous, polygamous or polygamodioecious, extra staminal disc is unilateral or glandular. In this article we will discuss about:- 1. The roots of Cardiospermum halicacabum are diaphoretic and diuretic and given in decoction as aperient. Solanum tubersum (potato-white or Irish potato): It is an important plant in this family. Sapinadaceae or Litchi family or soap-berry is an important family with 158 genera and 2230 species. Multiple stamens are noted in the African genus Deinbollia. Saxifragaceae, the saxifrage family of flowering plants (order Rosales), comprising 36 genera and about 600 species of mostly perennial herbaceous plants. Floral Formula: (K5* C0-5* A∞↓) G(2)↓Vc10-11 flowering branch of Cuphea ignea Flower section apex of hypanthium spur section with nectaries flower of cuphea hyssopifolia 1965-75315 flower section Floral diagram Both bisexual and unisexual flowers are found in the same individual (polygamous) or bisexual and staminate or bisexual and pistillate flowers (polygamo-dioecious) occur in separate individual plants. Find friends, share your plant sightings, get help with plant … The stem might be erect, hairy, woody or prostrate. Stem: Erect, woody in mature plants, cylindrical, branched, solid, hairy. Pinaceae, the pine family of conifers (order Pinales), consisting of 11 genera and about 220 species of trees (rarely shrubs) native to northern temperate regions. Chiefly tropical but occurs in S. Europe : Floral Formula of Sapindaceae 3. The petals are absent in Dodonaea, Schleichera and others. Flowers— small, regular or irregular, bi- or unisexual, apparently polygamous, with an annular or oblique disc between the petals and stamens, pentamerous. Leaves: Opposite decussate There are numerous ovules on parietal or marginal placentation. [4] It is sometimes called horse-chestnut,[5] buckeye,[6] conker tree, … The family is primarily found in the north temperate zone and occurs in a wide variety of habitats. Some of these are Mulberr bread fruit. 5. How do you appreciate about the organization of cell in the living body? It includes 80 genera and over 600 species according to Jones and Liechsinger (1987).

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