stephanie brown and tim drake

Damian handed Tim the newspaper article Vicki Vale wrote that says Tim is engaged to Tam Fox. 2: THE VICTIM SYNDICATE, Building Boyzarro: Patrick Gleason Expands the Bizarroverse, Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps: The Ballad of Soranik Natu, Doctors, Demons and Daddy Issues: The Strange Partnership of Nightwing and Robin, Being Bane: The Truth About the Bat's Most Devastating Foe, All Will Be Well: Meet the Blue Lantern Corps, Mine! Up on the roof, Steph informed her she had changed, and she was fighting for all the people in Gotham now. 2. They escaped, and Tim told Steph to go check on Barbara. Kissing doesn't make babies." Badly injured and clinging to consciousness, Tim thinks he's hallucinating when he suddenly finds himself back in Gotham. Pediatric AssociatesTim Drake And Stephanie Brown Fanart Photos, videos, and other materials. Waters were not calm forever, and Stephanie was fired by Batman, which caused her to reevaluate what she was doing. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Following the death of his father in Identity Crisis (2004) and the presumed death of his girlfriend Stephanie Brown in Batman: War Games (2004–2005), Tim relocated to Blüdhaven, the city where Nightwing fights crime, for a period of time in order to escape the "ghosts" of Gotham City and to stay close to his stepmother Dana Winters who was admitted into a Blüdhaven clinic after … Follow. Steph rules. She was upset by how much harder and colder he fought. 1 Debut … Her motivation was primarily about disrupting her father's criminal activities, but the role of vigilante began to grow on her, so she started fighting crime every night. It wasn’t pretty. Steph explained that Batman had ordered her to make him sweat, in order to make him a better Robin. They handily defeated the ninjas, but Steph got so caught up remembering those "old times" that she accidentally punched Tim in the face when he suddenly popped up in front of her just after the last ninja dropped. Stephanie: [cutting Tim’s hair] A little more off the top… behind the ears… a little more glue… aaaand voila!. However, Tim stuck with Steph throughout the ordeal and even took her to Lamaze classes, using the identity of Alvin Draper. Without Bruce’s influence, Tim might still be around. She thanked him by clobbering him in the face with a nearby brick and running away. Date information was found mostly on Comixology, ComicVine, and Mike's Amazing World. Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown are a superhero couple that has endured supervillains, growing pains, and even a faked death. She loved Tim 'til the end. Tim, watching from the Batcave and saw the incident on his news feed, and momentarily worrying if Steph was okay, told himself to focus and went to fight Anarky, wearing the Red Robin cowl he fished out of the exploded warehouse he was in earlier to cover his burnt head. Timothy Jackson "Tim" Drake (also known as Tim Wayne) is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, commonly in association with Batman.. 1: Rise of the Batmen. #dc icons #cassandra cain icons #stephanie brown icons #tim drake icons #red robin icons #batgirl icons #spoiler icons #stephcass icons #timsteph icons #cassandra cain #stephanie brown #tim drake #red robin #spoiler #batgirl #timsteph #stephcass #stephcass match icons #timsteph match icons. Stephanie was fired as Robin, and shortly after appeared to die. Tim freaked out, thinking internally that he should have stopped Steph from day one on the vigilante thing, but his emotions clouded him, that he should never have trusted Prudence, that he didn't have time to save Stephanie and that his weakness had just killed her. But I don't know who you are." The two teamed up several more times. Steph was amused with this, and let Tim know if she ever met him without the mask, she'd know it instantly. Stephanie complied, and got to interact with a few team members, including Tim's ex Cassandra Sandsmark, Traci Thirteen and the explosive Amy Allen, before she left in the Bat-Plane with Tim. Due to his mother's involvement in the DA office, four-year-old Tim was in attendance with his parents at the campaign event for Harvey … Soon after, however, she was picked up by Batman, who wanted her to check on Tim. They had a less amicable parting in Red Robin #2 where Tim kicked her, shouted at her and refused to talk to her. Just make sure to … However, despite that, their romance has largely been sidelined thanks to a combination of reboots and revamps. Stephan… Tim: [turns to the mirror] Holy shit, it’s perfect.. Stephanie: I don’t know how I got that arm hair to look so sad, but I did it.. Bruce: [knocks on Tim’s bedroom door] Tim, do you have any updates on the—[sees Tim dressed and styled exactly like him] Oh my god. Which turned out to not matter all that much, because, well...Tim’s life took a turn for the worse not long after he’d told Steph about his ideas for college, and now everyone thinks he’s dead. Unfortunately, she overheard Tam Fox giving Vale the cover story that she and Tim were engaged. Gotham City is no stranger to...tricky relationships. After Bruce "dies" and Dick takes up the mantle of Batman, Tim gives up the title … She admonished him for not trusting her and then working with criminals, for kicking her in the stomach earlier, for leaving Gotham and admitted she had been really worried about him. Eventually she came clean, and Tim mediated a discussion between the two women and Steph moved back in. Realizing there was so much she didn't know about her boyfriend, and suspecting him of cheating on her, she tearfully told Robin, "The mask doesn't hide everything. Pairings: TimxSteph. Tim sat up with a cry and Steph calmed him down, telling him it's okay and he's in the Batcave. Tim sped off to the batcave, thinking that there's no one's help he wouldn't take. Young Justice(54) Detective Comics (648) Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown burst into Rebirth with their relationship revived and more complicated than ever before. She decided something needed to be don… DETECTIVE COMICS VOL. Stephanie Brown/Tim Drake (6) Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain (5) Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson (4) Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne (3) Joker (DCU)/Harleen Quinzel (3) Cassandra Cain/Tim Drake (2) Roy Harper/Jason Todd (2) Kate Kane/Harleen Quinzel (2) Tim Drake/Dick Grayson (1) Include Additional Tags Batman: A Key Sidekick Broke Bruce Wayne's Most Important Rule in Future State. We have arranged her issues primarily by release date, grouped by rough "periods" in her character development and history. Stephanie's father spent most of his childhood in prison or away from the family, and though he claimed to be \"rehabilitated upon his return to Gotham\", Stephanie was furious to discover that he was actually returning to crime without his need to leave clues behind. Teen Titans (second series)(17) The baby was not Robin's (they had never gone beyond kissing), but an earlier boyfriend's. Who cares? Later on, Tim needed information about the Scarab, so he visited Steph in the Batcave. ", "Cute girl. Stephanie saw "Alvin Draper" calling on her cell phone, but didn't answer. This may have been where Stephanie genuinely fell in love with Tim, seeing the gallantry he was capable of. Those crime fighting (or crime causing) couples that can never seem to decide if they love or hate each other. 1: RISE OF THE BATMEN) and Steph trying to sort out her place on the team, things are a bit of a mess for them, romantically. Don't worry, she won't listen. All rights reserved. As Tim Drake, the high school student, he was dating a classmate named Ariana who had no idea about his second life. Steph accepted Tim's hand, saying "okay, now I really don't know who you are.". But she wondered if making Tim a better Robin would make him a worse person. He told her the reason he had really wanted to tell his identity but that he thought Batman wouldn't want him to, and it was Batman telling her the secret without asking him first that really hurt his feelings. It was undeniable they made a good team, and Tim found hanging out with Steph much easier than constantly making excuses to run off and put on the tights to his civilian girlfriend, Ariana. History (Submitted by Oracle)Early Years: 1994 - 1998. GOTHAM GAZETTE: BATMAN ALIVE? "I should have known. Red Robin (10), Comics where Tim and Steph interact: Grief stricken, Stephanie thrust herself into an unneccessary battle with someone over her weight class, and Tim had to rescue her. Tim came back, and let Stephanie know he wasn't mad at her, but Batman. This is just a simple quiz to see which Robin you are! Tim's assassin friend Prudence appeared, sticking a gun in Steph's face and declaring she had been sent to kill her. But he ran into someone he didn't take into account in the cave. Steph will keeps being Spoiler, against Tim's wishes. Steph snapped "That's not funny" and Tim replies "who said I was joking?" For better or worse, Bruce agreed to give Steph a trial period as his new sidekick. Just as Tim was about the be killed by an assassin, he smirked that Steph's seen minutes were up and the Ricochet smashed into the assassin. It was Rebirth that kickstarted things between Tim and Steph all over again in earnest. . Stephanie Brown, also known as The Spoiler, is a fictional superheroine in the DC comics and universe, and is a vigilante in Gotham City. He told her they had both made mistakes, but now they had a second chance and could do things right. Sounds kinda familiar, huh? See more ideas about tim drake, tim drake red robin, stephanie brown. You can learn how she decides to cope with her grief and her rage in Detective Comics Vol. 1 History 1.1 Starting on the Path 1.2 The New Boy Wonder 1.3 Flying Solo 1.4 Second Sabbatical 1.5 No Man's Land 1.6 Brentwood … Timothy Drake was born the son of Jackson Drake, a successful accountant, and his wife Janet Van Dorn-Drake, a very successful prosecutor for the Gotham District Attorney's Office. Robin (182). WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Future State: Robin Eternal #1 by Meghan Fitzmartin, Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira, Adriano … Steph decided to let the baby be adopted, not even wanting to know it's gender. Tim tried to keep Steph out of trouble and went after Arthur on his own while Steph stalked the two other villians, but this backfired, for when the Baffler and his friend buried the armored car they had stolen in concrete for safekeeping, Tim was trapped in the armored car with the Cluemaster, unbeknownst to Steph. Robin/Spoiler Special Steph, of course, did not have those resources at her disposal, so she remained woefully in the dark as to who Robin was behind the mask. BAMF Stephanie Brown; Tim Drake Needs a Hug; Damian Wayne Needs a Hug; Summary. Tim Drake (also known as Tim Wayne) is a crimefighter that works with Batman. Stephanie found out soon after the couple first hooked up that she was pregnant. Tim informs her that if his plan fails, he'll be dead, and Scarab will be all hers. ...Or, well, Spoiler thought she was seeing Robin. They almost kissed, but Steph cut it off, saying it wasn't good for her right now. Tim yelled at her, telling her he knew she'd been under a lot of pressure, and that he loved her, and that's why he couldn't have "Spoiler" screwing up anymore. Steph asked him why he wants to bring up the whole Scarab mess again after all she'd done to put that behind them, and he let her know it's noting like that, and he just needs to know what she knows for a plan he's hatching. When fighting Ra's, Tim was kicked out a window and rescued by Dick Grayson. She decides something needs to be done. Genre: Family/Romance A/N: This was too preciouuuuuuuus! This, combined with her desire to do real good as well as prove herself to Batman, motivated her to replace Tim as Robin. Between the pressure of Batman and Batwoman’s “boot camp” and Tim’s recent acceptance to a college that would ultimately force him to retire from the super hero scene, there was almost no time for planning for the future in a romantic sense. Tim told her he was proud of her. Steph yelled at him for this, telling him he had done far too much good. ", Relationship: Romantic interest, friend, partner, Aliases: Robin III, Red Robin II, Alvin Draper, Mister Sarcastic, Gary Glanz, Family: Jack Drake (father, deceased) , Janet Drake (mother, deceased), Dana Drake ( former stepmother), Bruce Wayne (adoptive father), Dick Grayson (adoptive brother), Cassandra Cain (adoptive sister), Damian Wayne (adoptive brother), Jason Todd (adoptive brother), First appearance: (As Tim Drake) Batman #436, August 1989; (As Robin) Batman #457, December 1990. and the plaza promptly exploded. That pressure would eventually boil over the day that Tim’s father found out about his second life as Robin. ", The gun wasn't loaded and it turned out Prudence really was on their side, but once Stephanie found out Tim had been working for the League, she ripped into him. Stephanie Brown/Tim Drake (748) Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson (155) Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne (82) Tim Drake/Jason Todd (67) Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent (59) Dick Grayson/Koriand'r (42) Stephanie Brown & Tim Drake (42) Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain (39) Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne (39) Dick Grayson/Jason Todd (30) Include Additional Tags She handily stopped the crook, demonstrating her new ability to turn invisible. Wherever the Cluemaster goes, the Spoiler can't be far behind. Steph’s time as The Girl Wonder was cut short abruptly, and just in time for Gotham to spiral into the chaos of WAR GAMES. Stephanie was startled, and Tim accused her of letting her guard down. Tim let her know he thought this was a bad idea for a girl still in high school, but let her make her own decision, saying "I can't tell you what to do." The question over her legitamcy goes all the way up to the heads of … He and Batman had been tracking down The Cluemaster when he saw a mysterious figure scaling the rooftops and went after them. Tim sped off and Stephanie followed him. The relationship strained further when Tim was forced to move to Keystone, Kansas by his father. Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Barbara Gordon & Dick Grayson & Jason T. & Damian W. Martha Kent & Kon-El | Conner Kent Clark Kent & Kon-El | Conner Kent Stephanie Brown was born the daughter of the Cluemaster, one of Gotham City's third-rate villains. Stephanie sniffled. He soon realizes he's not in his Gotham, but he's somehow slipped into another universe, one in which Jason Todd never died. Stephanie was trying to protect Tim and help him rebuild Gotham in the Dark Knight's absence, though going about it in a rather unorthodox way, enlisting the help of Scarab. Steph’s been handling the whole situation about as well as anyone could expect. After all, Tim got the job by declaring that Batman needed a Robin, so who was she to argue with that logic? All Site Content TM and © 2020 DC Entertainment, unless otherwise noted here. He agreed, and apologized for being too harsh earlier, but told her he still didn't think crimefighting was her path. Tim didn’t fake his death and flee the country like Steph did. Tim moved back to Gotham, but was restricted a bit from his costumed life when his dad put him in the local boarding school for boys, Brentwood. After it all went down, Steph and Tim met. She is the daughter of the villainous Cluemaster, and becomes a crime-fighter to atone for his crimes. She even tried to follow him home once, but was attacked by a fellow teammate of Tim's from Young Justice, The Secret. Tim bent down to Stephanie's stomach. Tim then realized the General had to be the one who shot Steph and began to get suspicious about her secrecy.Going back to The General's warehouse to investigate, Tim was seriously injured in an explosion from a bomb the General, now posing as Anarky, left. Mine! As they fought the assassins, Tim knew Steph had a plan and begged inwardly for it to work. He told her he needed her help to save the people they loved. Meanwhile, Damian starts a hostile takeover of the League of Assassins at the physical age of 5. This time, Stephanie seemed to be interested in Tim romantically and frustrated she didn't know who he really was. (Cluemaster had said he didn't believe the young Steph when she told him about the assault, but stopped inviting Murray over immediately after, and he'd died a few days later despite not being a user of narcotics). Oct 31, 2018 - Another superhero couple that got wiped out with DC continuing reboots. Eventually, Robin asked Spoiler to be his girlfriend, though he regretfully told her he had sworn not to tell anyone, even her, his secret identity. Despite misgivings she went. : The Secret of Agent Orange, Love and Robins: The History of Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown, Meet Black Mask, the Real King of Crime in Gotham City, Miles To Go: The (Un)familiar Faces of All Star Batman. With Tim missing (you can read all about that in DETECTIVE COMICS VOL. Everyone ran out, and Anarky threatened them with a bomb. Then he went off to become Red Robin and search for Bruce Wayne. tim drake: you should be addicted to shutting the fuck up. Tim eventually returned to Gotham, having finally dug himself out of his depression because he'd discovered Bruce Wayne was not dead, but lost in time. In the Batcave, Stephanie, Damian Wayne, Dick and Alfred Pennyworth congregated around him and waited for him to wake up. The Trapeze Swinger: Dick Grayson's Past Comes Back to Haunt Him, The Archer and the Canary: The Not-So-Secret History of Oliver Queen and Dinah Lance, detective comics vol. She was hasty to get revenge on Gully and Tim had to take a bullet directed at her from the man. See more ideas about stephanie brown, tim drake, batgirl. Stephanie Brown Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. He unmasked the person, surprised to find a blonde girl under the hood. Steph’s constant fear of being seen as incompetent by the rest of the Bat family versus Tim’s perpetual anxiety about not being strong enough to protect the people closest to him made for a pretty volatile combo when things got shaken up. Stephanie's father spent most of her childhood in prison or away from the family. One night she woke up when she heard a loud noise, only to see Batman with his hands on her father's throat. Mine! Back in the earliest days of his time as Robin, long before he picked up the Red Robin moniker, Tim Drake was a struggling high school student doing the best he could to balance his secret identity and crime fighting activities with keeping up his grades and maybe having some semblance of a normal social life with friends who don’t swing around from gargoyles in the middle of the night. Stephanie quickly knocked Gully out with a diamond and went to check on Tim, who was merely badly bruised thanks to his body armor. Stephanie later was preventing Lynx II from hurting someone at an attempted truce meeting between the Gotham gangs, only to have the meeting erupt into fighting.The fight was interrupted by a man yelling that Anarky was outside. Stephanie Brown was born the daughter of the Cluemaster, one of Gotham City third-rate villains. A lot?". #dc #stephanie brown #tim drake #timsteph #she made the mistake to encourage it once & is now like nope nope nope absolutely fucking not get back on the straight & narrow path mister. Her father spent most of her childhood in jail or away from the family. Mention of DickxBabs. Which is true? The earliest days of Steph and Tim’s flirtation were a hilarious game of cat and mouse with Steph doing her share and then some of the chasing. Tim found himself undeniably attracted to his sometimes crimefighting partner. ...No really! Discovered her identity as Spoiler: Detective Comics (648), Teaming up with her for the first time: Robin (4), Tim kisses Steph for the first time: Robin (5), Steph kisses Tim for the first time: Robin (16), Robin discovers Steph's pregnancy: Robin (57), Robin helps Steph have the baby: Robin (65), Steph discovers Tim's secret identity: Robin (87), Steph and Robin get back together after a brief time apart: Robin (99), Steph recounts a traumatic childhood experience to Robin on a date:Robin (111). Tim expressed anger over Stephanie not telling him she was alive, but the two clearly still had strong feelings for each other. Nice freckles. 1: RISE OF THE BATMEN) and Steph trying to sort out her place on the team, things are a bit of a mess for them, romantically. He did not take it well. She asked him dangerously if there's anything he forgot to tell her after she saved his life "even after you yelled at me? Batman saw her and decided not to take Arthur in. She somersaulted off the high bars, saying if Scarab's in town, Steph wanted a piece of her. Stephanie let him know this gesture had piqued her interest in him and she planned on seeing him again, much to Tim's chagrin. Also, he just so happened to be a person trained by the World’s Greatest Detective, so it didn’t take long to figure out that Spoiler was indeed Stephanie Brown. A Spoiler X Red Robin Tribute Song: What About the Love By: Massari "I'm sorry Steph, I promise I will never leave you, I will never abandon the baby, or let him grow out with a loving mom or dad." Later on, thinking he could possibly die the next day in a battle with Lady Shiva, Tim called Stephanie to tell her he's sorry (even though a part of him wasn't) and he wished things could have worked out differently (even though he chose how they went). 131 notes. Though he did not contact Stephanie after the incident, she knew he was alive because she combed the rubble for him after the police left. Stephanie Brown is the daughter of the Cluemaster, and one of Gotham City's third-rate criminals. Oh wait I'm stuck with Stephanie Brown as well. Okay, I hate to be That Person™ but it's all in the title. They went to Tim's base, but Steph discovered a bomb. Tim's first introduction to Stephanie was a brick to the face. The two resumed their relationship, and Steph became involved in Tim's civilian life as well, meeting his father, Jack and stepmother Dana officially. Tim found out and came to rescue her, and she decided to thank him for saving her life the same way he thanked her when she saved his and pinned him forcefully to the ground and kissed him- in the middle of gunfire! Red Robin(2) But that’s where the similarities end. Driven to insanity, Arthur attempted to blow up the remaining cast of the program during a live e… I'm not wearing the Spoiler costume anymore, just like you asked.". When Tim found out, the dynamic between the two became even more tense. Spoiler yelled that she would stop it before it hit the ground, to which Anarky said, "but will you stop the one I planted three hours ago?" Stephanie was angry at her mother's reaction to her father's death, thinking it was pathetic, and stayed in hotels instead of her house, though she lied to Tim and told him she had made up with her Mom. The following is a chronology of Stephanie Brown's complete appearances in the Post Crisis continuity from creation until her solo Batgirl series.

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