beaver hollow rdr2 missions

The other two requirements, including the time limit, are very easy to achieve. You do not want too many to bunch up at once, as they can absolutely blow you up if you're careless. You do not need to follow her if you don't want to, and for example the very start of this mission will be much easier if you hang back behind the large rock in front of the ranch. It will appear on your map no matter how far away you are as soon as it is available, so it is an easy way to check when your honor is high enough. Now, get back outside the way you came. It can be kind of annoying to get this to trigger. It is certainly harder than the average mission in the game, and if you're having trouble (and only going for 70 gold medals) you may want to skip this one since there are a lot more that are easier than this. Dutch gets really caught up on that word. Penelope is ecstatic to see you and begs you to help her get to the train station. Going For Gold: This is another I would classify as “fairly hard but a lot of fun”. After picking the second herb, he'll continue the rest of the way to the sacred spot without any further distractions. Regardless of your choices, go and talk to Trelawney in camp once the mission becomes available. With a hole now blown open, you can enter and collect the sweet, sweet loot. This is why you wanted to save your Dead Eye, as these five can be deadly if not disposed of quickly. Cue epic cowboy music. This includes The Veteran which will be available at the start of the chapter by O'Creagh's Run in Ambarino and Charlotte Balfour, Widow which is found in the northeast corner of the map and will also be available at the start of the chapter. Walk with him until he directs you to Rains Fall's tent, and go to the objective marker to go inside. A train is coming and John needs help moving the cart off of the tracks. They don't appear more than a couple at a time, so it shouldn't be too hard to deal with them. The hideout can be assaulted solo at any time or as part of a story mission in Chapter 5. The debtors have been dealt with, and Strauss needs to be talked to. Since you’re closer to the bottom, it will automatically trigger the scene where you and Dutch jump off the cliff after enough of the enemies have been killed. They'll provide cover for you after, so once they tell you to run for the other side of the bridge. The hard part is when you actually have to infiltrate the barn. Get cover behind the fallen log and use the same sort of strategy here. I found it easier, for some reason, to not skip any of the cutscenes after the very first one. Charles will move again, so follow him and stay close. When Arthur sees her son, he once again has a change of heart. Stay back a little longer, making sure most of the enemies have been cleared out. Run all the way to the back of the trail to find a Dead End. There will be one man over and above you to your right that can hit you behind most cover here, so kill him first. It is the gunfight at the end that will give you trouble. Once the hour has passed, you can find John at Bacchus Station. Make sure you are over it and adjust as needed, and then take a quick shot before getting back into cover. The time limit is pretty generous overall, as is the 80% accuracy requirement during the fight through the train. is your #1 source for all things related to Red Dead Redemption 2. This is the more dangerous option, and you should really only use it if you are desperate for headshots. The game has the requirement of "get a headshot after jumping from Dutch's horse in Dead Eye" but this the only guy you can do it to so you need to get a headshot on him. Just don’t use it all up as the final requirement can be tough without it. Luckily, Sadie has a plan and she leads you right to it - a hot air balloon! This part is relatively difficult, because you will be moving fairly fast on your hot air balloon and you'll need to be taking out men that are fairly far away and also traveling fairly fast on horseback. Just past him will be two guards, and this is the only semi-difficult part of the requirement. This likely won't kill them, but you can just pop back out of cover and get a second shot to finish them off. This first part is probably the easiest part of the mission, so if you need to conserve your Dead Eye now is a good time to do so. He'll repeat this another time during your ride, so just do the same thing and wait for him to return to his horse. Most of the requirements are very easy, but the time limit is incredibly tight and the first five minutes of this mission or so is nothing but cutscenes and dialogues. Prerequisite: Favored Sons AND The Fine Art of Conversation. So the three of you disguise yourselves to attend the hanging in person. User Info: SiriusStone. There are three more enemies that arrive on horseback, and you can kill them fairly quickly by just aiming at them while you are centered near them and firing almost immediately. The hard part here is getting to the horses within 2 minutes 45 seconds. These are the requirements for unlocking this mission: ... Chapter 6 - Beaver Hollow. Hanging Dog Ranch – Is the Gang Hideout controlled by the Laramie Gang. At camp, you can equip your bolt action rifle for its high accuracy and kill a couple of enemies while waiting for John to move into the cave. Dutch is now more than happy to whip Eagle Flies into a frenzy and send him right into the army for the distraction he needs. There are only a couple of men on the boat, so kill them as quickly as you can. When in chapter 6 at beavers hollow there is no way to donate because the box is broken and no ledger, is there anyway of getting the ledger or am i missing something was looking forward to upgrading the camps cosmetics or is that something that can not be done to the end of the game This is a decently long chase, so if you need to refill your Dead Eye it is a good idea to take a brief break and do so. Paytah will be in the general direction of a wagon fighting with a soldier in hand to hand combat. Once they are in a good range, aim at them to lock onto their torso, enter Dead Eye, and move up to their head to lock onto a headshot. There are only six enemies in total, so it won't take too long to make your way through them. The easiest way to do this is to approach the camp from the east as there is only one guard that patrols around here and another one that sleeps nearby. Follow him back downstairs. If your Dead Eye has recovered at all by now, use it. There is no point in waiting for her, as she just wastes time. On the shelf will be a potent snake elixir, and the mission just became a whole lot easier. It is safer here for what we're about to do. You want to make sure you're at the front as soon as the conductor stops the train which is always at a specific spot of the track. Run up the stairs that are on the very left of the Jameson Mining and Coal Company building until you get to the door Micah opened. Once you have it in hand, jump off the back of the wagon and get back on your horse. 12:10. After Just a Social Call, you will get a new mission marker down near Van Horn. The good news is if you fail you can easily restart since this occurs only like a minute into the mission. Sister Calderon is outside the church, looking for donations for the poor. Charles will now lead you to the back point of the fort, and he'll throw a rope the two of you use to climb in. Keep an eye on your mini-map to see where they're coming from, as they will ride alongside you and make life very difficult if you do not kill them quickly. There will be a couple of cutscenes here, and an automatic Dead Eye sequence. Keep using your Dead Eye as needed and shoot them before they can damage the stagecoach. You can also just ride alongside the back of the wagon and jump over to it. Go into the tower marked by the objective marker on your map and climb the ladder to reach the top. This won't be particularly tough. Once Sadie takes her position, look slightly to the right and you'll find two guys just standing there. Just aim at a target and you'll lock on to their torso. Keep fighting for as long as you need to until you hit your headshot total, and then retreat to the back of the cliff. Move from cover to cover and you should be able to keep yourself relatively safe, particularly if you are following the rest of the group. Just aim at them, quickly move the aiming reticule up slightly until its over their head, and pull the trigger. Once you get to the shore, get off your horse and quickly move tot he objective marker to wrap things up. Follow him as he crosses the street, and when he ducks into an alleyway go into it behind him. Pop out of cover quickly and try to get headshots if you can. I haven't always had the same pattern here, and sometimes you will find an enemy in a slightly different position so be prepared and keep an eye on your mini-map if you lose an enemy somewhere. Of course, you can wait until the Epilogue to finish things off, but there will be new things to do in the Epilogue as well so you may want to wrap things up now for the most part. Start riding down the side of the ridge to where the wagon is coming, but don't get too close as we don't want the drivers to see us. Keep on firing until the others tell you its time to move to the front car. Use these for cover to fight the guys on the ridge above you. The rest of the sequence is fairly scripted, so you don’t really need to worry about dying after this. Once they're dead, run straight ahead. Chapter 6: Beaver Hollow. With the men on the boat subdued, Dutch wants you to deal with the anchor. Go to the one closest to you and climb on it. Once you reach Rigg's Station, Arthur will take Penelope and Beau out and find them a stagecoach for the rest of their trip. Kills need to be quick and clean and you should be running basically everywhere and never using any cover. They won't attack you at the same time, so fortunately you'll only need to deal with one at a time during the fight. Again, you want to be moving the entire time you’re in here, going for kills as quickly as you can and tanking damage as needed. Plant it (don't throw it) using the indicated button prompt. The hardest part is actually getting through the barn itself without getting hit because you are in close quarters and it is easy for someone to sneak up on you. Charles will move at this point, and you'll want to move with him. This will be a relatively brief segment, as after you kill a couple of guards John and Sadie will make a run for it. Slowly make your way through the fort, and Charles will help with thinning their numbers. Possibly because there are three targets, but the enemies won't all target you at once and kill you in roughly ten seconds. The challenge here will be getting 35 headshots. Unfortunately, you cannot just sprint there as you will fail the mission for abandoning Sadie for some reason. Fight through the train with at least 80% accuracy. However, you also need to have a high honor level. Even on a replay, you will have enough Dead Eye to get headshots on at least five targets here. Briefly move the aiming reticule up and you will align with his head. If they get close, this is when you want to use your emergency Dead Eye stash and kill them as quickly as you can this way. Another bit of advice is you do not have to go for headshots here, and shooting for the chest provides a bigger target and will also kill them in a single hit. Help a Brother Out is offered as an Honor Story Mission in RDR2, which players have to complete in order to get the Lending a Hand trophy. If you complete these (and have been keeping up with the others) you should only have one more stranger missions left waiting for you in the Epilogue. You just don't want to be out where the gun can hit you, and as soon as you see where it is firing from, immediately go into Dead Eye and kill him as quickly as you can. One will be a bit further back and the other usually takes cover behind one of the crates (although exact positioning may vary slightly so be prepared). This may sound easy, but it is tough, especially on replays where your Dead Eye is likely a lot lower than where it was during your story playthrough. Against Rains Fall's wishes, Dutch and the gang accompany Eagle Flies into battle against the army. Go for headshots, and once you kill out this final group you will automatically make it back to the mainland. The ceremonial pipe is also gone, and he asks for your help tracking it down and figuring out what happened here. This will be the final portion of the fight, and enemies will be coming from every direction. Use Dead Eye as needed, but it is really useful for people hiding behind doorways as they are hard to hit otherwise. Prioritize killing him above all other, and use Dead Eye to make sure you get a quick guaranteed headshot. Asking is nicer, so select that response and then get back on your horse with Edith. There will be a stairway here, just to your right, and if you climb it you'll find your way to the top of the building. During the escape, you don't really have anything to worry about other than keeping your accuracy high.To do this, stay in cover and don't waste shots on headshots. Start by blocking, and once you block a hit you can counter with three or four punches. You'll start the fight galloping straight towards the chaos. After that, they will become unavailable. Always keep your scope close to her, and when she stops locate anyone nearby that is shooting at her. Prerequisite: The King's Son, The Bridge To Nowhere, AND Mrs. Sadie Adler, Widow - I. Press the indicated button to hold up your arms, and then while Dutch stalls for time walk slowly backwards. Going For Gold: The gold medal requirements here are not that bad, and the only thing you really need to do is get through the train relatively quickly and you should be able to get the gold. Go for headshots if possible, and keep firing as they ride by. You will find yourself without your best weapons against a horde of Pinkertons. There are only four enemies here, so quickly pop out of cover and take them out. Keep things quick, and make sure you don't stay out of cover for too long. The really important part of this mission is when everyone else gets off their horse and you have the gunfight in the woods. One on top of the water tower and a second in the middle of the bridge just ahead (picture below, left). The tough part here is that when the game says you need to headshot five soldiers, they don't mean that generically you need to headshot five enemies. The most typical seems to be guy on the right just past the entrance, guy on the second floor, guy coming from the back left door, and then guy coming from the back right door. Well...that didn't go well. Once the train arrives, make sure you are not out in the open because they will have a Gatling gun. Shucks. Abagail has been captured by the Pinkertons, and they'll execute her if Dutch doesn't go to Van Horn. John will have you stop and take cover once, but the enemies shooting you are far away. You'll know when an area is cleared out because Dutch and Micah will start to move again, so just follow their lead and thin the enemy numbers. It doesn't go well. If you veer slightly and feel like you may run out, you can quickly access the menu and give the horse the first goody you can find from the horse tab. Stay a little off the road, and once the wagon passes you can begin riding again and pull up alongside of it. There will be more Pinkerton agents here. Keep an eye on your mini-map to make sure no one is trying to flank you, and kill anyone that gets close to your position on the ridge. Follow him and he'll lead you to the cells. Once you kick it in, you'll start the next segment and can ignore everyone else out here. The next two are slightly further up the street, and after killing them you will want to follow Sadie to the right as the next two will be positioned close to the waterfront. There are a couple cigarette cards down here, so this is a good time to grab them if you're going for 100% completion. Follow Charles as he sneaks around the side. If you have a chance, kill some guys around the top walkway of the prison itself. Chapter 6 is a bit more of a return to the open world experience after Chapter 5 which was very linear. Once you're close enough and the game prompts you to, jump down into the river below. You'll next run over towards some small buildings in front of the railroad tracks. You'll also get an honor boost for your trouble. There are too many guards in front of the cells, so he needs you to cause a distraction. You now want to release the trigger but keep an eye on that meter. Go over to the objective marker and press the indicated button to start lowering the dynamite. While Icarus and Friends can be completed in Chapter 5, you will need to wait until Chapter 6 to start this mission. Right after you finish this fight, you'll cross over the train to the other side of the tracks. You will need to be good with the trick I've been suggesting in most of these missions now if that is the case, but if you are you should be able to hit your target number easy. You can mostly ignore the ones further away until you run out of ones close to you to kill. From here, you really don't need to even do all that much shooting. One tends to stand right at the exit out in the open, while the second will behind one of the small pillars where a potted plant is sitting (image below, left). Monroe requests Arthur's help to steal the vaccine from the army. Just keep holding up to make Arthur walk forward, and keep it held up so you keep walking as soon as you're prompted. As soon as it blows, run down the walkway to the right just next to the cart with the horses. Keep moving up when the rest of your group moves, and run to whatever cover is nearby. Other Arthur's widow is trying to pack up the house to move, so you'll need to talk to her before she leaves town. I had read that skipping can be slightly glitchy here and messes with the timer slightly, and I don't know if I was biased after this or not, but I always seemed to get the requirement if I watched the cutscenes and fail it if I tried to skip it. There will be an ambush waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs. There is a large rock nearby where she first starts firing, and this makes a great starting spot for cover. Aim to hit the following numbers: 3 on the horseback ride down, 4 in the small section after climbing down from your horse, 4 right after the bridge, 4 in the houses before the train arrives, 4 after the train arrives, 3 on the other side of the train, 7 in the back courtyard, and 3 in the ambush at the bottom of the stairs. It is a couple walking sequences and then the shootout at the end, so there is a really good chance that if you find the backup within 45 seconds, you'll complete the mission within the time requirement as well. The requirements for this one are a little muddled, depending on what you did during A Rage Unleashed. The only thing you need to be careful about is the guy from the back right door can run around the side of the barn and flank you. Shooting the oil truck to clear out all the enemies at once is a big time save, and running out to find the final stragglers is important as well. Kill these two from your canoe, and then ride to shore. Eagle Flies and the gang launch a raid on an army boat, to reclaim horses stolen from the Wapiti Reservation. Turns out the guy you saw wasn't John. For now, we have a bridge to blow up! As soon as they do, you'll throw away your meat shield and the other guards will open fire. Since you are likely to be very close to their head anyway, this shouldn’t use up much Dead Eye. Alternatively, you can kill all or at least some of them to make the rowing a bit less treacherous. When you get right over the fields, Arthur will hand controls over to Arturo and take out his binoculars. Arthur will head outside to fight them. There are a couple of ways to do this, but either way you want to get this done quickly. Return to Sister Calderon with any donations. Prerequisite: A Fork In The Road and Brothers and Sisters, One and All. Time to have some fun. You may want to explore a bit before this as well, because once we start this you may want to go on through to the end of the chapter. You'll have to move out from cover then, but there should only be an enemy or two left. Kill these guys until you hear Dutch say “they’re shooting from that building!” Immediately look up to your left to the large Jameson Mining and Coal Company building. Consider setting up camp and taking a rest before continuing on to the next mission. Arthur will have a coughing fit during it and be taken to a nearby tent, Follow the button prompt to move once Arthur hears talking, then follow it again to peak outside of the tent. For the first part of this mission, just follow Sadie as she'll provide a safe path. Pick up the sniper rifle on the tower. This missions starts the "almost at the end of chapter" string of missions, and you'll need to complete both Favored Sons and The Fine Art of Conversation to trigger this mission marker. The canoe part isn't necessarily hard, but there will only be 16 or 17 enemies total you have a chance to kill here which means you need to be very efficient. "Insists". Even this part is fairly scripted and you can't really speed it up. Don't run into danger, and if you know enemies are ahead do not run into them unless you plan on using Dead Eye. Seems a bit suspicious considering he was alive and well in the original Red Dead Redemption, but ok! The final thing you need to do is clear the shoreline. Red Dead Redemption 2 Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. Recover the relics within 1 minute 30 seconds. Right after Of Men and Angels - I, you can either leave to gather some supplies or talk to her immediately after the first mission finishes. You'll want to keep an eye on two things. Going For Gold: There are only two requirements here, and they are both fairly easy. For some reason neither driver will notice you climbing on the back. Follow the yellow trail on your map to get back to Captain Monroe and deliver the vaccine. Instead, go into Dead Eye and headshot the guy on the right. This final push is actually one of the easiest parts of the mission because of how many allies you'll have with you. Do everything as quickly as you can, and as long as you made it through the train fairly quickly earlier on you should be able to hit the time limit fairly easily. Ride off with everyone else to war. Once you reach the very top, John will stop for a moment to try and fight them off. Exit out the open doorway at the top of the stairs and turn left (image below, top right). There aren't a ton of enemies here, but soon after you arrive more reinforcements will arrive by train. Saving her falls to Arthur and Sadie. If you're skilled enough without Dead Eye, you won't need to worry about this technique as you can definitely do it without it. You can get a good head start though, and you should stop if the game indicates you need to return to Sadie. Luckily, there is a way to make this easier. There is one more guard at the top, and you can either send Charles to kill him or take the lead yourself. If you don’t get it your first try, don’t worry. A For in the Road must be finished first, and you need to complete this during Chapter 5 or Chapter 6. You want to go just past the brown tent, and you should be crouching slowly at this point. Follow Rains Fall just a bit further to reach the meeting. Afraid that the routes westwards where being watched by Pinkerton agents, the gang moed south and east and are now hiding at Clmens Cove, near the town of Rhodes. Run over to your horse, and Monroe will join you on the back. Each subsequent try you will have a better understanding of where you need to go and what you need to do. The gang fled into some dangerous county to the north and are now hiding in Beaver Hollow, awaiting their fate and riddled with internal disputes and anxieties. The bad news is Dutch and Micah will always ride in front of you and they tend to steal kills. Now move left further and down a bit. Arthur attends a truce meeting between Colonel Favours and Rains Fall, where Rains Fall hopes to negotiate peace. You want to ride as fast as you can back to the reservation, and you should follow the suggested path. This will reload the rifle, giving you a bullet ready to fire as soon as you get to the next target. Exit through one of the open windows and jump over to the roof on your right. Because of how many directions they come from, this is actually fairly challenging as well. The bolt action is certainly more accurate, but I found the repeaters better for this mission. It is easier on your first playthrough where you have Dead Eye restoring items, because unlike a lot of other missions you do not have the time to stop and loot enemies here. Fortunately, this is very easy and all you need to do is hold down a single button. Another guard will walk old from the holding area in the center to smoke. Sneak up behind him to stealthily knock him out before he notices you're there. The money lending missions will close after you start this mission so if you have any left outstanding, do them now. They will each take four hits to kill if using your pistol (which you should), so you can easily go 12/12 here. He'll move out, and you can sneak behind him for your second stealth knock out. You may have to deal with him as well depending on how helpful Micah and Dutch are, so just plan for it and if they kill him that’s just a bonus. I've essentially detailed the path you want to take for the entire fight below. It is probably one of the ten hardest gold medals to get in the game, so you can safely skip it and have plenty of gold medals on much easier missions to get to seventy if you want. Go and talk to Edith Downes, who is even worse off than the last time you saw here. There are some things that are missable, so you may wind up with a nearly complete compendium unless you were checking things very carefully along the way. As soon as you jump on the train, you'll want to begin moving forward. Trust me, I tried everything I could think of to no avail. Move to the railing when this happens and follow the button prompt to get over to Dutch's horse. There are three men here playing poker, and they are very rude about not splitting up and looking in the opposite direction. You'll want to see how this story thread wraps up, at least. Either way, wave goodbye to the lovers as they leave. Again, this technique takes practice so if you haven’t mastered it yet you will need to either move on to another mission for more experience or just keep trying until you get it right.

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