kitten rib cage

I asked him how long he had been a vet; he said 7 years. All I had was a hotdog and the cat ate it all. He told us that all her symptoms pointed to cancer. Not saying to put it down yet, but you should watch for signs. My cat has a large oblong lump under net arm pit ,now limping and a bit of a cough she is 19 years old,thoughts. He said he could just remove the mass & leave the leg but if he does it would spread & she might live 55 days. I noticed a lump but thought he had been in a fight. Explain the timetable of your cat's swollen abdomen. The definitive manifestation of pectus excavatum is the aforementioned sunken appearance of the chest bone. Thanks for this. I hate to see it suffer and it's giving a false sense of home if I continue to feed it. I want to advise all the people who have written here and who will write here that as vet's are all animal lovers at heart, they appreciate seeing all people try to do the best for their animals and even if you cannot afford it, they will do the best they can within your budget to help you out. Get that xray. If the prescribed treatment does not work, get a second opinion, and or go see a specialist. The amount of time that the kitten will need to be braced will be different for every kitten and as the kitten grows the brace may need to be made bigger or just adjusted. I took my cat, Sheena, a 16 1/2 y.o. I don't know if I could have done more for him. Our female wild cat had a tumour and we had her ex rayed I was going to have her put to sleep but needed to check. I took her to the vet two weeks ago they did an x-ray and said there was nothing wrong but the other night I went to give her a bath and found a mass in her stomach. I let him take the urine sample and I left with a prescription for Steroids to be administered 2x daily hoping to relieve the peeing. All I can do is turn the heater on full and leave it on for him until he passes or we reach the day we'll be returning to the vet to get him put to sleep. This is why my neighbor left. i have no good vets near me. This is important information your vet will need when they diagnose your cat. © 2020 Wag Labs, Inc. All rights reserved. Cat Cow Pose Rib Cage Circles Steps. While your cat is in a standing position, with the legs perpendicular to the ground and the head upright (good luck with that! they think it might be cancer and ui hope she doesn't have cancer and I don't want to have her paw taken off. FlourishAnyway from USA on July 28, 2019: I've always had several cats, and over the years I, unfortunately, have had multiple cats pass away from cancer. I really miss my cat Wyatt, he was healthy then in few weeks lost so much weight, did not want to eat or drink water. My cat is 19 he is very skinny and frail and now has developed a swelling on the left side of his face, he will not go into a crate, and I will not force him he is too frail, I was just wondering if I can give him Tylenol for the swelling!! We just can't find it in our hearts to put him down yet, Thanks. How it looks and smells. A cat that's been given a shot may have a lump for a few days, too. Maine Coon, to a vet because she was suddenly peeing all over the house and licking herself. The first few weeks after treatment is crucial, since there’s a strong chance of complications occurring. She's 15/16 yrs old. Benign tumors in cats usually grow slowly and have well-defined edges, while malignant ones grow faster and may cause bleeding or pain.Nobody likes the thought of their kitty ever getting cancer, but ignoring the situation won't help. I love bumphead to death and hope my other cat who is just over 2 stays healthy. If the lump is like bone, then soft tissue disease is much less likely there. Available in a range of colours and styles for men, women, and everyone. I also noticed a large mass on its right side at the bottom if the ribs. If a wound doesn't heal and you are making repeated trips to the vet with no results do not be afraid to get a second opinion. I asked my veterinarian what would be a sign and she said sneezing and nasal discharge. The next nearest vet is 2.5 hours away (we are very remote). Just recently he wouldn't come in, ignored me when I called and wouldn't eat his food. What should I do it’s cold outside and she won’t stay in the shelter I made for her.... [email protected] on September 23, 2018: My 16 year old male Siamese cat has a bump under the fur on the back of his head. Sores tend to develop on the underside of the cast, so make sure you rub them when it’s time to remove them as advised by the veterinarian. "'he had some form of mouth cancer". He is the most sweet and lovely cat. This usually involves one of the following: The method of treatment that the veterinarian chooses depends on how bad the condition is and how old the cat is. She was my constant companion and never failed to console me when I was sad or greet me when I came home. *The cat appears to be maybe a year old. CT scan. And each time I mentioned these things with concern. She's lost weight, she coughs a lot too her neck doesn't hurt when I tough it. I took her to the vet the next day and when the vet aspirated it, this yellow fluid came out. I relate to all the stories on this web page because I too just had to put down my beloved cat Spooky. On arising today, the first thing I did was make an appointment with my cat's vet. In people with CG, the middle and lower areas of the rib cage arch forward. Not sure what kind but a bad one. He started sleeping under the bed and still I thought he'd be okay. Any affordable help out there? Im 15 now but our cat had her when i was like 2. He had a fast-growing cancerous lump removed a year ago, but it quickly regrew within 4-5 months. If you detect any issues with the cat’s behavior, breathing, or chest movement, call your veterinarian immediately. Does it have a bad odor? Doc told me tigers jaw line is deteriorated do to gum cancer! my cat has many lumps many on her chest and head and in other place they have been there for 1 yr and more have appeared over this time its started with a couple and then more have come up over time they are hard and more under the skin, to me they resemble itchy bite consistency. He also said cancer treatment with chemo would be around $10,000. I don't understand how I cam miss this. There are usually no potential long-term effects from these fractures. I got her into the vet Friday. He was also had saliva and blood dripping from his mouth. That was one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make and I pray I never have to do it again. It is the best possible thing for your cats. I took her to the vet and he said it was most likely a food allergy of sorts. ShadowGrandma from Brooklyn, New York on June 05, 2012: I found this site and read all the symptoms and my baby Shadow had then. He was at the vet 2 weeks ago, with a cough, now his cough is gone but a lump appeared on his lower right ribs on Monday, today (Fri) it is too large to ignore. Buddy. The hardest part has been explaining to my 5yr old daughter that Princess isn't coming home from the kitty doctor tomorrow. She looked like a burn victim and the smell was awful. She has gotten a lot skinner i can feel her ribs. My Shadow was a 13 years old Russian Blue, Male. We are choosing palliative care and will not wait until the very end to euthanise him because his comfort and happiness is my concern. When I pet it, I noticed that it is literally bones. It should be kept away from other animals, as well as active children; the best way to ensure this might be to keep it in a cage. I adopted him from the pound at 3. Now if only I could stop crying. They will not be turned away and you will not be charged. She is like my baby. My shadow has a lump on the side of her mouth/jaw...she is 11 years 3 months old. up until about 2 weeks ago was active with healthy weight given his condition and fear if I don't do something now I'm going to lose my kitty amazing..what can I do? As a result, the affected cat has difficulty breathing, and when it does, there’s an increased depth to the breathing. WHAT--cannot process info---this cat is active and plays with his brother???!! If he is losing weight, he may have parasites, or an infectious disease. World-Class Care. Please help! Cancer in cats used to be a death sentence, but with recent advances in veterinary medicine, it may be possible for your cat to be with you for several more years. Please take my advice and do as I advise. Inform them if: Your cat developed a swollen abdomen overnight or over the course of several days. I can't give him any nice food to experience before he goes. I cry when I read everyone comment here and my heart goes out to everyone animal and owner alike. Overall, hard bone lumps that only appear on one side of cat's rib cage would be considered abnormal. Is there anything I can give my kitten to help put some weight on him? By the time I let the vet cut him open, his numerous cancerous tumors had choked off his digestive tract and was completely inoperable. When he coughs he cranes his head back and forth. She is about 4 years old, and overweight. The lymph nodes behind the knees and under the jaws are easiest to find. Any help would be greatly appreciated as we want to give little Nala the best life possible. My question is will she get stressed out if the leg is removed & will it help her to live a longer time. The Neanderthal rib cage was, however, subtly different in shape. Also, change the cat’s bandage material every two weeks. My first thought was to get it food. She sneezes a lot. May they all be playing together and keeping each other company. She has surgery , but it is back now. Shop high-quality unique Ribcage T-Shirts designed and sold by artists. Sophie,Jack and Nala miss you too. Feline Rib Fractures Isolated fractures of the ribs are uncommon in cats. Pectus excavatum is a condition in which the chest bone (sternum) and the ribs to which it is connected grow abnormally. Debra Allen from West By God on January 04, 2010: Thanks for the article. This includes using echocardiography to take pictures of the heart to see if it has shifted from its normal position, or whether it has any functional defects. he plays outside a lot well today I noticed he kept sleeping and sleeping I go to pet him and he starts growling at me which is very uncommon I had to take a drive to Louisville so I didn't get to see him much today but when I came home I went to pet him and he snapped at me and started crying again well I finally caught him sleeping again under my daughters bed and he wouldn't come out he finally came out and I started stroking him and I found a hard won't right above his weight on his left side and it is very sore to touch he's barely moving and he usually jumps on the bathroom sink to drink his water and he can no longer jump up there he has to climb on the toilet and then climb onto the sink and he has trouble jumping back down and this all happened within one day and just came out of nowhere he was acting perfectly fine last night I am very concerned and very worried can someone please tell me what this may be I hope and pray he didn't just get cancer all of the sudden. Seems my 7 week old kitten has a protruding chest bone. I'm not sure from the details you have given what actually happened to Snuggles, or what condition he is suffering from with his chest. Pectus excavatum is a structural deformity of the anterior thoracic wall in which the sternum and rib cage are shaped abnormally. I cry so much when she went in with him and even more when she came out with his body in a box to be bury. Now I have 3 others that have died subsequently from tumors. Yesterday morning we took her to another vet to get a second opinion and that vet said she was in a lot if pain and the most humane thing we could to for her was to put her to sleep. My cat had a lump removed her ear because it kept bleeding every now and then she scratches the same area which causes it to bleed quite a bit I am not sure what to do about it. Hello, I'm Ribcage Kitten, your average weirdo with too many hobbies. All she's done tonight is roam the apartment, back and forth from room to room. We did not want our beautiful baby to suffer anymore so we made the painful decision to uthanize her while we were there with her and could hold her as she slipped into eternal sleep. It hadn't been there before or I would have seen it. Sheena still has an appetite and is very frisky and does not show any sign of pain; however, the vet said she WAS in pain and hiding it as cats will do. Instead, you should kitten-proof your home; confine your kitten in a room with their litter box, fresh water, and a fun scratching post when necessary, and keep an eye on them when they do have run of the house. Except for the x ray showed nodules on his lungs. The vet said once he gets in there & if he doesn't have to remove the leg he won't. Pectus excavatum is a latin phrase that literally means "sunken chest" or "hollow chest." She had been sick for 4 months and our vet said she just had a skin infection and was allergic to the food we gave her. Bless you all and your beloved pets. She looks like she is suffering and due to her physical state I'm sure she is :(. The smell was pretty bad but it didn't seem to be distressing for her so I decided to try and treat it first which I'm glad I did. Detected as a firm lump or mass. Those are my options. *Wag! :3. ;-; when I first got my cat I didn't notice this but she has these weird white things in the corner of her eyes , I don't really know what it means.. What home remedy can I use to have help my cat stop drooling and having a sore mouth, can it be cauht early canthere live alonger life, I found a lump on left side of her lower neck by the breast area shes had no kitens .... it doesnt hurt to touch its the size of a golf ball im scared to death for her please help. First was the lumps over the eye, then the neck lower stomach, back, and side legs. 2. (These are the three most common types, although cats also get leukemia, mammary cancer, and other types.). When you see a kitten suffering from this condition, you will understand exactly why it is called this. Thank-you Carl (vet) for handling Spooky with such kindness and compassion, I will always be greatfull. I noticed in the past few days his stomach seems a little bulbous. It was all flesh. I would then get a second opinion on him. Broken hearted. So the doctor Euthanasia him. Whjat would you do? Sadly, after the second surgery, another lump elsewhere on his body popped up and then another in a lymph node in his jaw area. I'm taking my Munchkin to the vet this afternoon, hoping it isn't what I suspect. Unusual lumps or swellings anywhere on your cat's body, especially if they're getting larger or changing shape. She seemed to go through the procedure well and. I’m scared she’s got cancer. Please help my kitten who we rescued is about 6 weeks old and has a divot right below his sternum and a small rib cage he also seems to lack enthusiasm and sleep more than his sister who is the same age. Last night I found a nipple shaped painful lesion on my 17-year-old cat's leg. I don't understand? Since I cannot see him, it would be a good idea to have him examined by a veterinarian, as they can look at him and determine what might be going on and how best to treat him. As the months went on our cat lost more and more weight and began looking very frail. I could take her to a specialist but that will cost lots of money & they could diagnose her a little better & give her Kimo which might help. so I'm looking for a second opinion. Meow meow. My cat is quite old (around 12 to 13 years) and her eye was full of blood after she was attacked by a stray cat. It was diagnosed as a spindle cell sarcoma, a cancer that may not spread but is prone to re-occur. Ensure that the cat limits exercise or moving around when the cast is on, especially considering that it may feel sore. My Caesar is 15 years old. My 7 week old kitten seems to have a narrow, pointed rib cage, rather the opposite to pectus excavatum. He took an ultrasound, chest x-ray & blood work. In retrospect, I did not feel at all confident in this doctor. She had lost so much weight by this time and was barely even drinking water. Low cost clinics are everywhere. Items are sold by the retailer, not Wag!. The emergency vet that took care of him in the late night Er was probably the most compassionate and caring vet I've ever met. You simply take your previous year's income tax form with you to your appointment. If in the mouth: Bad breath, loss of appetite, weight loss. The deformity compresses the lungs and the heart, thus hampering their ability to function normally. This weekend I found a large mass on the side of my kitty's face. Tiny tina may have a birth defect that is affecting her breathing, but she may beokay living with this problem. This produces a caved-in or sunken appearance of the chest.It can either be present at birth or develop after puberty. 1 talking about this. I feel devastated, she changed me into a cat lover, I am going to miss her soo much. WE will make a place for him in the basket and favourite pillow he loved and place him under the Mulberry tree in the backyard. I think she's looking for a spot to pass away. She has never shown that she is in pain. I think this might be some undetectable cancer as her normal tests for liver, kidney, etc. Ava, peanut, lucky, tiger!! She would scratch so much she would bleed and her wounds would ooze. Accept that it may cost a little. he’s been a playful healthy happy kitten until these last few days. He withered away to just bones and fur in front of my very eyes and still I thought he could recover. There is no set life expectancy of a kitten with pectus excavatum since the severity can vary from case to case, however affected kittens are more prone to secondary respiratory and cardiac conditions; I really cannot say how much this is going to affect Moe’s life. i rescued a kitten outside. Bye baby Spooky, I love you and will see you at the rainbow bridge. They is no need to do the biopsy cause you only prolonging his pain and ya two ladies which it was my daughter and me she was talking about. I'm going to cuddle her and sing to her and tomorrow as I hold her she will slip away from her pain and into peace. My vet has been very helpful and has recommended Manuka honey for the tumour which is helping to keep it clean-along with gently washing the area in boiled salt water. I am disabled and I live in poverty, but I have always done the best I can do for my cat. Once a diagnosis of pectus excavatum has been made, the veterinarian determines the best course of treatment for the condition. Let's face it—the thought of your sweet kitty friend ever developing cancer is terrible. ; Swollen lymph nodes are a symptom of lymphoma. A shelter may put it down, not sure. Even the night I had to rush him to emergency,his last effort was to try to jump on the bed and be with me. If you are really in a bind, go to the SPCA. I'm lucky to be able to treat her myself because she is very placid and just enjoys the fuss while I'm cleaning her and putting on a variety of home-made dressings. So this is your warning. I will be having my beloved Princess put to sleep tomorrow. Rib cage pain on the left side or right side of your chest is a common symptom experienced by many people. I feel horrible I had no idea she was in so much pain. And if she has not had weight loss of belly distension, then we cannot assume that this rib is just more obvious due to internal issues. We took a pile of pictures with her tonight and we will be making a photo collage to hang on the wall so she's always here. He is extremely frail and thin, every breath is labored and visible with his lack of weight.

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