list of itchy and scratchy episodes

From: Itchy & Scratchy & Marge Itchy blows up Scratchy's head with a bazooka. Year: 2014 Synopsis: In black-and-white footage, Scratchy is led though a crowd à la Lee Harvey Oswald. Messenger of Death. During Scratchy's funeral, the dynamite explodes, killing all the cat mourners. Simpsons episode: "The Heartbroke Kid" Scratchy comes back as a ghost to haunt Itchy. It's common in older adults, as skin tends to become drier with age. The producers reason some new gimmicks are needed to inject fresh air and - after a focus group doesn't quite go as well as planned - decide to introduce a new character named … Year: 2015 Scratchy tries to hold the gasoline inside, but he pops and is reduced to cinders by the lava. Year: 1990 Simpsons episode: "Clown in the Dumps" Sentences for List of Itchy & Scratchy episodes. Simpsons episode: "Funeral for a Fiend" The attendant opens the luggage case and various weapons come out and attack Scratchy. Itchy then holds up a sign that says "You're eating cat." With his suitcases, he goes to Itchy's house where Itchy and some animal friends of his are playing poker. As the bomb comes back up the returner, Scratchy tries sawing his tongue in half to save himself, but the bomb appears before him and explodes. Simpsons episode: "Homer Goes to College" Baldwin . Synopsis: In an episode written and directed by C. Montgomery Burns, Scratchy is protesting outside the Nuclear Power Plant, when Itchy spears him with a forklift truck, telling Scratchy about the benefits of nuclear power, such as generating energy for the local orphanage and hospital. Simpsons Episode: The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show. "Says mouse friend mistreats him" reads the caption. Scratchy takes them and hits a home run that goes all the way to the South Pole. Title pun: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on February 9, 1997. He is taken to the hospital where he is relieved to see a sign that seems to read "A&E" (which shows that this is a British ident—in America, the A&E, or Accident and Emergency, is called ER) - which soon turns out to be "SUPER KILLING LASER". Year: 1991 Lisahood 3. As Scratchy sighs with relief, Itchy fills his intestines with gasoline. Title pun: 100-yard dash Note: This is not a category for actual episodes of The Simpsons, nor is it a category for episodes of the Simpsons that focus on The Itchy & Scratchy Show. Synopsis: Scratchy is a guest on a talk show. He threw the bomb out the window and got a relieved look on his face. Title pun: Come Fly with Me Simpsons episode: "Itchy & Scratchy & Marge" Title pun: The King's Speech The animation cel of Poochie is lifted off of the scene, followed by a handwritten note that reads, "Poochie died on his way home". Year: 1997 This is a list of the Itchy & Scratchy cartoons shown on The Simpsons. Title pun: A Trip to the Moon Krusty says, "I've never watched one of these sober! Itchy sells Scratchy's remains, labeled "Cat Ligaments" and "Cat Intestines", to dogs who are seen eating them. Itchy sneaks by the back of the computer. This will create an email alert. The episode is number six on MSNBC ' s top ten The Simpsons episodes list, compiled in 2007. Twenty-fourth episode of the eighth season of The Simpsons. Simpsons episode: "The Daughter Also Rises" The audience upon watching it were left gaping in shock and horror, with barely any applause. In 2014, The Simpsons writers picked "Scratchtasia" from this episode as one of their nine favorite "Itchy & Scratchy" episodes of all time. Synopsis: Itchy and Scratchy are trapeze artists in a circus. Scratchy thanks his master for freeing him from his desire for revenge that enslaved him. Title pun: Hold that line, college football cheer in common use before World War II Note: This is a dream in which Lisa imagines herself in Itchy & Scratchy after winning the Krusty's Lil' Star Competition. Scratchy's headless body begins to chase the severed head. Itchy and Scratchy were dining at a fine restaurant. Title pun: The expression 'death warmed over' Number of episode; Cartoon Name [Simpsons production code] D - indicates dialog; Episodes. Itchy uses his stethoscope with his ears and stretches it until he reaches a French nuclear testing site. Plot. Mice paparazzi arrive to take a picture of Scratchy's head on display at the Hall of Shame podium. Simpsons episode: "I Don't Wanna Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" Synopsis: During the Thanksgiving Day Parade, Itchy fills Scratchy up with hydrogen, turning him into a parade balloon. ", the sound travels through the stethoscope until it reaches Scratchy and makes his head explode; another patient leans over to shush him. Year: 2011 Simpsons episode: "Itchy & Scratchy Land" Itchy chases Scratchy in a desert-like landscape until Itchy notices a church and stops to pray. 20th Anniversary Special – In 3-D! Scratchy quickly dons his spacesuit before being blown out into space. He repeats the process again, but the head comes off and lands near a girl mouse picking flowers. Directed by Steven Dean Moore. I Don't Wanna Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, List of Itchy and Scratchy Episodes at The Simpsons Archive, Bart Goes To Driving School 2. Title pun: The Glass Menagerie He builds a cloning machine, using a sample of Scratchy's blood from a meat cleaver, and makes Scratchy clones. See J. D. Baldwin's ``Itchy and Scratchy Episode Guide''. Title pun: Breaking Bad Chester Lampwick invented Itchy in the year 1919 and owns the rights to that character. Year: 2007 Synopsis: Scratchy goes to a barber shop for a haircut, with Itchy as the barber. I have to get this bloodbath off my kids' show!" He shoves him into the volcano, and as soon as he is about to plunge in the lava, the intestines hold on. Synopsis: Itchy impales and kills Scratchy, who is tied to a wooden column, with a nail. Scratchy takes off on his motorcycle, chasing Itchy, his skin gets torn off, his body and the song stops. Title pun: 500-yard dash Simpsons episode: "Little Big Mom" Title pun: "The Sound of Silence" Title pun: Remember the Alamo Simpsons episodes similar to or like The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show. In fact, they have turned into vampires, and the plane crashes. Title pun: Four Weddings and a Funeral The laser is turned on Scratchy, who appears unscathed, until the Sky1 "crystalline" logo falls down and squashes him. Year: 2001Synopsis: Itchy pokes a stethoscope into Scratchy's ear, then chomps roughly on a Butterfinger. He tosses a pie at the camera and in the message, "We'll be right back", Itchy rips out Scratchy's spine and throws it under the word back. Scratchy meanwhile keeps running until he is squashes by God's foot and ends up in Hell, burning in the Lake of Fire. Itchy and Scratchy place their loose articles against the ride room walls, and Scratchy bangs his head while trying to enter the vehicle, followed by Itchy banging him with a mallet. Simpsons episode: "Like Father, Like Clown" Scratchy kisses his newlywed wife and feeds her wedding cake. Itchy and his son play catch using Scratchy's head as the ball. At first, this makes Scratchy faster and stronger, allowing him to circle the earth several times in the time it takes Itchy to almost reach the finish line. Directed by Rich Moore. Simpsons episode: "Labor Pains" He stands up and finally tries to run as the logo is zapped with the laser, causing the logo to shatter into shards, slicing him into pieces. Scratchy - Blown up by Itchy with a bomb. Year: 1993 Scratchy goes to the bathroom to comb his hair when he notices the bombs which blow him up. Itchy pulls Scratchy's tongue into the ball returner. As Itchy makes the "D," one last cat suspect comes in and is hit and killed with the bullets for the "D," revealing "THE END" written on the wall in bullet holes with a blood-smeared "D" from the last cat suspect. Synopsis: At the Olympic Games, a fanfare is heard and the theme for Chariots of Fire plays. He stops and tips his hat forward, rocks backwards and forwards, then continues walking. Year: 1995 Synopsis Scratchy is chasing Itchy, armed with a sword, until Itchy cuts off Scratchy's head using a guillotine. Year 1993 Synopsis: Scratchy reads of a space launch in the paper. Itchy serves it as rare steak decorated with an olive. Year: 2002 storyboard (Untitled) From: Itchy & Scratchy & Marge A squirrel resembling Marge appears, telling Itchy & Scratchy to stop hitting each other. Title pun: From Here to Eternity This is a list of the Itchy & Scratchy cartoons shown on The Simpsons. Directed by Steven Dean Moore. Due to a pun, Itchy throws a pile of safes onto Scratchy, crushing him. The Big Bopper-Wikipedia. He feels relieved, but Itchy plugs the machine in again and the laser slices Scratchy to pieces. It first aired on the Fox network in the United States on October 2, 1994. storyboard. The Illuminati symbol on the back of the burning dollar suddenly looks at the fire and screams without its mouth moving, ending the short. Synopsis: Scratchy is marrying a female cat. This page was last edited on 19 February 2019, at 01:46 (UTC). After much time passes (shown by a set of time lapses), Scratchy's body finally finds its head, which has two eagle eggs planted in its neck. Scratchy - Decapitated by Itchy with a guillotine and his head is blown up with dynamite. Synopsis: In a segment of a Halloween special, Itchy decapitates Scratchy's head and prepares to use it as a jack-o'-lantern. His mouth doesn't move while a voiceover of Roger Meyers, Jr. saying "My planet needs me" plays. Synopsis: Scratchy is reading a speech for the cats that are at war in an animal-esque World War II. Year: 2011 The moon crushes his house with him inside. The loud speaker tells riders to walk when the doors open. The Simpsons attend a convention where Krusty the Clown hosts a panel discussion about his show. Fourteenth episode in the eighth season of the American animated television series The Simpsons. Even though it is Itchy wearing a Garfield costume, Scratchy does not seem surprised that he refers to him as his "cousin". Title pun: "Ain't I a stinker?" Title pun: Faster, Pussycat! Scratchy drinks the wine first, thus learning that Itchy actually gave him carbolic acid. Synopisis: Scratchy is on a plane filled with Itchy-like mice. This pulls the moon towards the earth, and Scratchy only noticing now, panics and hides in his closet. Synopsis: Scratchy walks along Itchy's Cat Hospital and looks at a sign that says "We Pay Your Pet $75". Title pun: Up He sees Scratchy (who was a black kitten) with a sign that says "Love Me". However, Bart and Lisa are trapped in the cartoon and are caught laughing at Scratchy's pain. Simpsons episode: "The Ten-Per-Cent Solution" Title pun: "Candle in the Wind" Synopsis: Scratchy buys a ticket to see the musical Cats. Scratchy's tongue snaps back into his mouth and the box lodges itself in his throat. Title pun: The Buck Stops Here Itchy then points to the screen, causing Scratchy to realize with horror that his Brain is now integrated into the computer. Synopsis: Scratchy is dining at a restaurant and orders a steak. Originally Itchy was called \"Itchy the Lucky Mouse\" (a parody of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit). As a result, the cat and mouse duo try to teach the Simpson kids a lesson. Synopsis: Scratchy marries a female cat. Synopsis: Scratchy is part of an ice sculpture. Three million years later, futuristic Itchy-like mice (with large beating bulging heads with visible brains) open up the wall with lasers. He sighs and accidentally inhales the powder. Year: 1990 Pinnitchy-o promises that he will never hurt Scratchy. The mice use their superior knowledge to help Scratchy back to health, and dress and groom him with their telekinetic powers. Year: 2003 Itchy jumps up on Scratchy's head, pulls his eyeballs out, and throws them out the window. Scratchy participates in the 100-yard dash event. It is a category for the in-series episodes of the fictional Itchy & Scratchy Show series. Private 11. Simpsons episode: "Itchy & Scratchy & Marge" Simpsons episode: "Lisa Simpson, This Isn't Your Life" Lisa then talks about animal cruelty and to save the violence for cartoons. Attacking Itchy, Scratchy cuts off his ears, then his muzzle, and cuts himself to pieces. First episode Itchy and Scratchy go on a run. Krusty becomes alarmed at the flagging ratings for "The Itchy & Scratchy Show" and demands it be corrected. It aired in the United States on Fox on March 24, 2019. Krusty becomes alarmed at the flagging ratings for "The Itchy & Scratchy Show" and demands it be corrected. Title pun: The Broadway Melody Simpsons episode: The Girl Who Slept Too Little. Simpsons episode: "A Star Is Burns" Year: 1991 Title pun: Reservoir Dogs His wife explodes, taking Scratchy with her. When Itchy gets out of the car, Itchy pours gasoline on him and sets him alight with a cigarette. Synopsis: It is Scratchy's birthday. The victims include an Irish man (who is hit by a light bulb and rung through an old washing machine starting with his beard) and Theodore Roosevelt (decapitated with an axe). Year: 2004 This is a list of the Itchy & Scratchy cartoons shown on The Simpsons. As a "gift", Itchy puts a bomb into a box and Scratchy screams, allowing Itchy to pull his tongue out and use it to wrap the box. The Lincoln Monument comes to life and rips off his head then hits it for a home run. Simpsons episode: "Stealing First Base" The episode features an Itchy & Scratchy cartoon called "100-Yard Gash", which uses the music from the 1981 film Chariots of Fire. (this was not edited to ruin or defeat the purpose of this episode list). Itchy, as a policeman, holds his billy club while he thinks, thumping it into the palm of his hand. In the first sketch, Itchy is about to cut Scratchy's hair, but cuts Scratchy's head off instead with the razor and dances around a red, bloody fountain on Scratchy's body. While swinging towards each other, Scratchy hanging with his hands, Itchy with his legs, Itchy pulls out two knives and cuts Scratchy's hands off. Itchy takes off his disguise and detonates the bomb, and Scratchy explodes. He dutifully sees his adopted son through various milestones. Scratchy then shatters into pieces. Title pun: Good kids, bad choices (a phrase sometimes used by parenting advisors) butter. When the old cat denies him, Itchy slices his head off. Synopsis: Itchy controls the mind of Scratchy, a chef in a restaurant frequented by cats, making him cut his intestines with a knife and fry them, and remove his eyeballs to stir them and roll them into the cups, put nitrogen on them and put the cooked intestines and the eyeballs on the dish. This episode was shown, followed by an hour of questions and answers. Itchy spins Scratchy so fast that only half of his skeleton is left by the time Itchy finishes. "Itchy & Scratchy Land" is the fourth episode of The Simpsons' sixth season. So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show, Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious, I Don't Wanna Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, "Itchy & Scratchy episode guide — Simpsons Crazy", "The Simpsons Archive: Itchy & Scratchy Episodes". Title pun: iPod playlist Year: 1996 Synopsis: Itchy blows Scratchy's head off with a bazooka. Simpsons episode: "Boy-Scoutz n the Hood" Year: 1993Synopsis: Itchy nails Scratchy to the ground and uses him as a tent in order to shelter himself from the thunder storm. When Scratchy is frozen solid, Itchy chips the eyes out and uses them as ice cubes in his drink. Title pun: Hoop Dreams Title pun: Safety Last Later, Itchy hits Scratchy in the back of the head with a sledgehammer which knocks out his eyes, then inserting two cherry bombs in their places which somehow work as eyes. He attacks Itchy, which splits him into several smaller Itchies, who attack Scratchy. Itchy attacks Scratchy, leaving him unconscious. Simpsons episode: The Front Wikipedia. Title pun: My Funny Valentine We hear someone say "Oh my, God! Simpsons episode: "Bart the Murderer" On the way they run into their new "friend" Poochie (voiced by Homer Simpson). Year: 1993 Itchy then controls Scratchy's actions by pressing the mouse buttons causing him to poke himself in the eyes in the left-right-left-left-right-left order, then begins to position his finger over the "delete" key. He notices a newspaper headline about a cloned sheep and gets an idea. While the camera is rolling, the mice get into the rocket ship. They are killed by Itchy and his son with a combine. The UCLA visit On 4 Mar 92, Matt Groening and Nancy Cartwright paid a visit to UCLA. Comic Book Guy-Wikipedia. Essentially a parody of Steamboat Willie. Itchy shoots the arrow and it hits the apple. The victorious mice celebrate. Send comments, questions and corrections directly to me for inclusion. Title pun: What's New Pussycat? Simpsons episode: "When Flanders Failed" Scratchy "doesn't know slashing is imminent", but panics when reading this last caption. Year: 2003 Simpsons episode: "Stark Raving Dad" With Dan Castellaneta, Julie Kavner, Nancy Cartwright, Yeardley Smith. Scratchy falls on the safety net, which slices him into dices. Simpsons episode: "Kamp Krustier" It features special introductory titles with a new theme song indicating the pair now "love and share". Itchy winks at the screen and the cartoon ends with credits posed by Lampwick. Seen in: Butterfinger commercial. View more Itchy & Scratchy cartoons featured in episodes: Share this Itchy & Scratchy with a friend: Explore the Show: Episode Guide Characters Guest Stars Lists & Gags Themes Cast Crew: Learn About Cels: Simpsons Animation Cels What is a Cel? Synopsis: Scratchy comes to the clinic because of a sore paw. Simpsons episode: "Cape Feare" Cat Splat Fever. Simpsons episode: "In Marge We Trust" Year: 2002 Scratchy - Shot by Itchy with a flaming arrow. Title pun: Remembrance of Things Past The bear claws Scratchy in half and eats the rest of the honey. Synopsis: Itchy and Scratchy perform ballet. Simpsons episode: "Krusty the Clown" The audience member next to him, a matronly dog, is covered in blood and shushes Scratchy's headless corpse. There are currently 87 of them. Synopsis: This episode was only referenced in "Itchy & Scratchy Land". Itchy clobbers Scratchy with a bag full of money and prints Scratchy into money. Simpsons episode: "The Cad and the Hat" It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on May 11, 1997. Itchy accepts the offer, and tosses him into a kiln. How Munched Is That Birdie in the Window? Title pun: "O Sole Mio" Title pun: Fly Me to the Moon Synopsis: In a monochrome animation, Scratchy runs through a town, and passing Itchy's house, he wishes a merry Christmas to Itchy, who decapitates Scratchy with Christmas lights and pulls out his eye with a nutcracker. In 2003, Entertainment Weekly named "Itchy & Scratchy Land" and "The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show" the 7th-best and 23rd-best episodes of The Simpsons, respectively. Itchy starts sawing him with a chainsaw, when Poochie (with Homer's voice) shows up to say something important. Season 1: (2017–18) 1. Sideshow Bob then tells the Simpsons and the riders that they must watch … Synopsis: The first new cartoon after Roger Myers Jr.'s studio is back in business. Scratchy - Tackled by football player bears. At the end of the trailer, a voiceover says: "53 percent new footage". Note: The first appearance of Itchy & Scratchy during the regular season run. Synopsis: Scratchy strikes out at a baseball game and meets Itchy who suggests he should use steroids. Synopsis: Scratchy chases Itchy with an ax until Itchy stops and shows Scratchy a picture of a female cat, which makes Scratchy distracted by the picture and, while getting distracted, Itchy puts a stick of dynamite inside Scratchy's mouth and it explodes, which makes Scratchy's head to be beheaded. They use their telekinetic powers to launch blades and knives at Scratchy, dismembering him as the audience applauds. This is a list of the Itchy & Scratchy cartoons shown on The Simpsons. Announced on July 27, 2020, the series is created by Matt Groening. Synopsis: Scratchy is reading a newspaper. Simpsons episode: "Fraudcast News" Scratchy is struck by lightning multiple times while Itchy sleeps beneath him. Itchy catches the heart, sticks dynamite in it and puts the heart back in Scratchy's belly. Itchy and Scratchy high-four and dance around Tarantino's freshly decapitated body. Visibly annoyed, Itchy saws off the top half of the Space Needle, which hits Scratchy in the eye as he looks up. Title pun: A Kiss Before Dying Year: 2004 On Ice! Title pun: Apocalypse Now This is a parody of the Mickey Mouse short Pluto's Judgement Day. The Simpsons is an American animated sitcom.It was created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company.The show started on December 17, 1989 and so far over 677 episodes have aired in 31 seasons. Year: 1994 Itchy skin is an uncomfortable, irritating sensation that makes you want to scratch. Itchy sells Scratchy's fur at a fur shop and a rich couple buys Scratchy's fur, which a skinless Scratchy angrily reclaims. This episode, taken from season 3’s classic installment “Radio Bart,” is one of the … Year: 1997 Synopsis: As Harry Chapin's "Cat's in the Cradle" plays, Itchy opens the door. Title pun: Oswald the Lucky Rabbit/Mouse in Manhattan, one of the first Tom and Jerry cartoons Scratchy vows revenge. Simpsons episode: "Mypods and Boomsticks" While advertising Laramie Cigarettes, Itchy starts smoking a cigarette and a mutilated Scratchy soon joins him. Itchy and Scratchy is a parody cartoon within the animated comedy tv show The Simpsons. Synopsis: "Rock Around the Clock" is set in the late 1950s. Last updated April 2014: Guide. Year: 2012 As the clones come out from the machine, Itchy kills them all using various weapons. Title pun: Moo goo gai pan Year: 1993 Title pun: I'm getting married in the morning, first line of "Get Me to the Church on Time" from My Fair Lady Itchy sticks dynamite in Scratchy's mouth and Scratchy's head explodes. it will air on Disney Channel in 2021. Depending on the cause of your itchiness, your … Synopsis: Scratchy is at an Italian-type restaurant, and Itchy serves Scratchy spaghetti with a bomb. Synopsis: It's Scratchy's wedding, and unfortunately, Itchy is the minister. Station identification shown for Sky1 in the United Kingdom The mice Pilgrims eat a chunk of Scratchy's body. When he spreads this on his toast, Scratchy's eyeballs are seen, and after saying a quick prayer Itchy chomps down on the toast. Itchy gives Scratchy two bombs to replace them. Note: The title pun listed was used again in "Sunday, Cruddy Sunday", an actual Simpsons episode. Scratchy starts to eat it but the chunk he chews on goes down his throat and out his stomach back onto the plate. Year: 2000 Simpsons episode: "Pay Pal" Itchy uses Scratchy's head as the golf ball, which he hits to the moon. Title pun: Little Shop of Horrors In nearly every episode, Scratchy the Mouse violently murders Itchy the Cat.

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