mi familia movie quotes

It's a miracle you haven't cracked up yet! Ben: Yeah, you've been reminding me for a month. Susan Harper: Did it occur to you that your father-son chats may have put him there in the first place? Ben: Against TV, golf, and football that's not bad going. You undermine your children's self esteem so each of us has found our own way to escape. Ben Harper: No, I don't think of it as losing a daughter. Ben: Nick, I don't know whether you are genuinely insane or just winding me up. Nick: Oh, I've never seen it before. You see, Michael, there is something you can take away with you that'll help you throughout your life. Ben: Play your cards right, and I might snap your g-string. B&D? You didn't have to buy me a good luck present. Susan: First of all, I am not *breathing*, I am expressing myself sub-vocally. Janey: Yeah, it's a children's story. All those jobs, all with severance pay. Nick: [Nick brings cello to Susan] Here you go, Maestro. [Janey is in the bedroom with Kate while Ben is in the bathroom when he hears a buzzing sound coming from the bedroom and rushes into the bedroom to find Janey using an electric toothbrush]. Ben: [after being egged by trick or treaters] Be back by six, she says, that's when the fun starts! [Michael breaks the living room window with a bazooka]. I call it a Nick-tini. Nick: No need, sinner. Susan Harper: Honestly, Ben, I don't control. Ben: Is that defecating rodent still here? Come on, it's urgent. Except you can't see the bars in mine. Janey: Oh, please mum. Hubert: And the second prize goes to Simon Dimpton for talking his grandparents into becoming vegetarian. Roger Bailey Jnr. Picture With Quotes Submitted By Cowin. Hip hasn't been "hip" for years. Ben: Roger, you're always in love. Brigitte McKay: I've lost my keys to the surgery. A bell. I'm thinking of taking Abi to modern latin dance classes. Ben: All right, Susan. I took him to the shops; I chatted to some of his friends... Ben: No, I swear to you I said nothing wrong, nothing. Like a violin. OTHER SETS BY THIS CREATOR. Susan Harper: But they're not. Ben: Oh really? I am looking very much forward to working here in England. Best Horror Movies. She's lucky I don't post my boot up her ar... [Sees that Abi's filming]... aah, how I miss that cheeky little monkey! He wants to meet up with you! Michael: Actually, we had been planning to start up our own high-speed food delivery service. The character of Janey left in 2002, then returned in 2004 and remained until the end. Ben: Maybe the newspaper was right. Just Bible study and silent contemplation. The character of Abi, as played by Siobhan Hayes, was introduced in 2002 and left in 2008. With friends like you, who needs animals? Ben Harper: Susan, you know I'm not very good at this... Look, the reason I haven't got much written down is because I find it... you know, very difficult describing what you mean to my life, because you *are* my life. I quit years ago. Before you know it, Michael will be gone too. [passes the letter to Ben]. Sit her down, father to daughter, and explain how you feel. Nick: All right, it's going to be completely brilliant. Susan Harper: Are you planning on sleeping long? Hollywood's 100 Favorite Movie Quotes. Ben: Drop the accent, all right? Brigitte McKay: You don't just misplace a 1974 psychedelic lime green van with a portrait of Bob the Builder on the front. Richard: [chuckling] I don't know how to put this... this is the worst stag party I've ever had. We may need an entire wall. Susan Harper: Oh, Ben, it's not that bad. Ben: Michael's almost 16. Modern Family Quotes .. Good Morning Happy Thursday ... Mi familia. They'll disintegrate. I'm her father; I know what she thinks. Mr. Bradley's Son: Hey, what are families for? Susan Harper: Well, at least she's improved her French. [Susan is running Nick through a tour-guide lesson]. You're right. They've got washing powder here, right, just like we have; only it's called "Fairy"! Susan: Perhaps "suck"'s too strong a word. Michael: Um, if I said it was nothing, would you believe me? Brigitte: I know. Now, where's my cash? How continental. It's... it's a cheese nightmare. And if my family can't respect me as a husband or a father, then surely they can respect me as a family dentist, otherwise... what's the point of me? [pause] Is the romance going out of our marriage, Sue? I don't like pain. Ben: Oh yeah, yeah, I'll be surprised, I'll be surprised. Susan: (After finding Michael kissing Fiona) Don't be a smart-arse, Michael. Ben: In a court of law, yes. Susan: Of course, but that's not why I'm here! Ben: Really, shouldn't you be making an appointment first? I don't want to know. I wrote to her yesterday. Nick: I'll think I'll try for 4,000 this time! My backpack fell down a waterfall; my passport got stolen from a bar; my girlfriend turned out to be a man! Susan: Does everything, no matter how awful, come down to fashion? As a lesbian. Cain 98 ratings, 2.65 average rating, 4 reviews Mi Familia y Yo Quotes Showing 1-1 of 1 “cuando descubrí a Kuba y Sierra besándose furtivamente.” May I suggest you look for him in the usual place at the top of his class. Susan: I don't think it's very wise to keep it all in cash. Janey: Mum, we're not saying you could have done better. Susan: Michael, you could've taken someone's eye out. Nurse In Dream: Hello, Mr. Harper. [pause] Hang on, there's something wrong. Yes, well of course I know where he is; he's at school. A riddle. Makes me want to throw up. Ben: [looking at his cereal] Has that rabbit been in its cage all morning? Her favorite: kipper balls. What is it? [starts kissing Susan] Oh yeah. Mr. Bradley's Daughter: It's lovely telly. Mr. Bradley: Thanks for helping me shift it. Janey: What, what I don't understand is how mum could tell you after I told her not to. Maybe you should worry about Michael. Nick: Mum, Dad, this is my new friend, Gareth. I've got three things to say to you - shut up, shut up and shut up. Quotes. Mi Familia y Yo by V.D. Ben: You don't want a room. Nick: All right, father. God has been good to us. Nick: No, wait! Brigitte McKay: Someone has stolen my van! Don't be flippant. [clenching jaw]. Ben: Roger, you've not even asked the girl out yet. I mean, what are they thinking of? Susan Harper: [about her mother] She's trying to trick me into visiting her, the manipulative cow. MI5 Officer: I have to say in the 15 years I've been carrying out these interviews for MI5, I have never come across a family like yours. Susan: The house is full of men doing their men things. No-one could possibly get high off that. I ran out of beef. You know, every time I tried to finish with him, somehow he'd get me back into bed with those three little words. Abi: [calls from the kitchen] Porridge is ready! I came here to follow my dreams and ended up being pursued by a nightmare. Susan: Actually I'm boiling up some of Nick's underwear. [to Nick] You, you're just you. I'll bring your coffee up. Brigitte: No, I think it's a disgrace you can't make any time for your children. Ben: No, your mother wants us to have a talk. What topped the list? Janey: The story about the kitten who didn't floss. Ben: Come on. Susan: That's why I spoke to him in Spanish. Where's that beer? Ben: And don't ask me what happened! Michael: Whoa! Please! Well, in that case, I've got nothing. Four words I never expected to hear in the same sentence. Michael: The fact is, that now that Mum is "hands-off", it's like there's two Bens, and one of you has to go. I can't remember booking you in, unless the prospect was so awful I screened you out. Michael: I mean, did you get him drunk or something? Nick: [walks into Ben's dentist as a Spanish man, speaking with a Spanish accent] Hello. We have had a very good life. Susan: Oh, come on, it's a little bit funny. [Nick has just announced his intention to form a motorcycle stunt display team]. : Hello, all. They needed all the drivers they could get. Ben: Things are looking up. Ben: [when Janey runs upstairs crying] I don't know what's going on and I don't want to know it. How can we help her if she won't give us anything? Susan Harper: You've been listening to Don Giovanni. Ben: Ah yeah. Susan: Janey! I'm a chess player, and I'm thinking three moves ahead of you. Matthew, 5: 6. Susan: It's nothing personal, but I liked my name. [Susan takes the Jammie Dodger]. Ben: Protection from what? What does that tell you? Susan: No, I mean the way you handled things with Nick tonight. Ben Harper: Your mother was worried about the phone call. Abi: Nick, I thought you were going to find me a proper exorcist. Susan: Give Nick a job, and I think you'll be surprised. : Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. Susan: That's it. And I feel when I got married I was evicted from it. Ben: Nick, don't you think that's not going to give you like enough time to practise? Susan: No wonder they call these combat trousers, it's like Apocalypse Now in here. by THR staff. Ben: It's all right, they're only raisins. Susan: Where were they when you last had them? [Janey shows her parents that she's pregnant]. Then I'm off to a seminar on lesbians in the third world, and then I thought I'd pop into the Lesbian Bookshop for a browse. You won't miss her! Ben Harper: Have you tried searching for them? Susan: Have you ever been disappointed when I've said trust me? Janey Harper: Earth to idiot, you're not dreaming. Wasn't it yesterday she was that airheaded shopping machine from hell? Ben: I meant when you spoke to him in Spanish. Zut! Ben Harper: Susan, we very nearly became a Greek tragedy! Ben: Yeah, the kitten who didn't floss and then it ended up with lots of cavities, it's a good story. And then sadly I find... he is. Ben: Susan! Can't be any lower than mine. Saved by Monica Perez. Ben: [to patient] Mr Fisher, have you met my part-time assistant? Ben: Oh, yellow pages! Isn't it a little early to be ruining my day? Well they don't take *anyone* in yellow pages. I used to stream like the fountain of Trevi, but now I just stand there and let gravity do the work. He needs care, love, and tenderness. Ben: [to Abi] You, you're unhinged. Nick: Oh, well, it is actually, 'cause I'm a professional tattoo artist. Susan: I'd like to spend our anniversary on a romantic weekend trip to Dorset. I had a fantasy man for about a year. Susan: To supplement her student loan. Whenever you want to talk. I heard a clonk. Ben: That's what being a man is all about, too. Loo... umm, might sound weird, but I would like you to be my mistress for half an hour. Janey: That's right, make me the bringer of bad news. Ben: Bye. Susan: Janey's had an appointment with you for six months now and you keep fobbing her off. No point. I've got a plan to move back in, but you cannot tell the mother or the father. Have you ever heard anything so disloyal? Susan: That's nothing, he called me a control freak. So, er, any plans to move in with him? Ben: Hah! But don't worry, it's all good news. Great, 40 tons of pine needles on the living room carpet, chocolate raisin turkey on the horizon, and no Christmas pudding. Your mother will be proud. Susan Harper: Swingers? Ben Harper: Great! I have Dad's bnk card." Susan Harper: Look, all I'm trying to say is if you go through life with your head in the sand, all people will see is an ass. You don't need a room. A boy tries to assault my daughter, the little snot. I was getting off the bus, when it started raining sausage! Do you think I'm so stupid I'd launch a rocket through our living room window? [Nick is drinking milk directly from the bottle].

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