rocket raccoon quotes

This angered Ayesha, causing her to declare war on the Guardians and hire the Ravagers to capture them. Rocket talks down to Star-Lord's partial plan. Rocket and Groot were soon captured by Taserface under Yondu Udonta's command, forcing Rocket and Udonta to work together in order to break free and kill Taserface. Rocket would mostly operate with Nebula from the Benatar, reporting back in with the rest of the team from time to time. They then left Xandar to continue their work as the Guardians of the Galaxy, seeking new employment wherever they could. The demand was so high, Mojo stand to make a fortune until the Timely Inc. While the Laser Drill was flying away from the Sovereign, Rocket noticed that the generator was damaged. While Gamora asks Drax the Destroyer about not wearing one of the Aero-Rigs, Rocket listened on about Drax's uncomfortable to wear it due to his sensitive nipples, causing him laugh and mock Drax for it. Rocket then lamented that Rhomann Dey had informed him and the other that they could no longer steal anything or they would all be immediately arrested. Marvel Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. [34], Rocket, Star-Lord, and Groot traveled together until Rocket discovered that the process that created him was reversing, causing him to slowly die. Rocket then joined the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy as they all assembled together after destroying all of the Sovereign fleets. Rocket saw to the regrowth of Groot after the battle. Quill intervened before any harm was done and told Rocket put up with one night before he could be rich, but the outburst had caused Drax to leave. The Groot clones handed Rocket a weapon as Rocket prepared for a final desperate fight. When he declines the offer, he then offers to purchase Barnes' new vibranium arm, which is also declined. When they landed, Rocket asked Scott Lang where Bruce Banner was, as they were tasked with bringing in Thor. When the Avengers discovered a way to potentially reverse the Snap, Rocket and Nebula were called in to return to Earth so the whole team was together. As soon as Rocket and Drax noticed Star-Lord arriving, he and the group let him in the ship to give back the Orb. The Abilisk then arrived from Inter-Dimensional Portal, much to Rocket's stunned observation. When the exact same unknown ship that saved them from the Sovereign was about to approach the team, Rocket then started to prepare for an attack by equipping himself a blaster rifle, as the unknown ship became closer to the area. However, Rocket survived and was found by miniature clones of Groot. However, Thor started to get distracted, wanting to raid the wine cellar. Quill's taste in music seems to have rubbed off on Rocket as he seems to enjoy listening to songs from Star-Lord's era, especially while working such as making sure the Guardians had music to listen to whilst battling the Abilisk, when the Ravagers attacked him on Berhert and escaping the Ravagers with Udonta, the former even Quill found to be distracting. [6], Rocket and War Machine rejoining the battle. Angry at Groot's learning capabilities, Rocket tells which button is supposed press but Groot still got it wrong. Rocket happily accepted Thor's offer and prepared to travel to Nidavellir. During the ensuing conflict, Rocket managed to assist his friends in destroying Ronan, despite Groot being killed. Once the team had finally reached to Berhert, the ship was badly damaged, causing it to crash. 2. Gender Quill then went off to collect his Walkman and gave Gamora his bag, claiming it contained the Orb. 89P13 is a genetically enhanced creature who calls himself Rocket. [19], A few days later, Rocket and the crew were back on Hala taking part of an anti-Phalanx resistance, that Quill was secretly leading. Rocket reporting on the ship they boarded, In 2023, Rocket was messaged by Captain Marvel about a highly-suspect warship, so he and Nebula went to check it out as they were closer. Being thanked by Thor, Rocket then looked at Thor putting the Prosthetic Eye in his socket, telling that he should've washed it first before getting a signal. [4], At least one laser pistols as well as other assorted heavy weapons.[7]. As the water rises up to their necks, Rhodes farewelled his ally, believing this to be their final moments, much to Rocket's fear. Rocket then became a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy alongside the newly planted baby Groot. As the Guardians watched the ships salute Udonta in traditional fashion, Rocket realized that Udonta didn't chase them away or stole batteries, which Quill realized he was talking about himself. They then focused on locating the Infinity Stones throughout time, due to them appearing in the past for nearly all of the Avengers. Alongside his friend and partner Groot, Rocket traveled the galaxy, committing crimes and picking up bounties until they met Star-Lord, who convinced them to assist him in selling the Orb for a massive profit. With the generator damaged by the Sovereign, Rocket retrieved a detonator to use for a bomb and tells the team that he can build it with the Anulax Batteries he stole to blow up the core. After formalities were over, Tivan revealed what was inside the Orb: the Power Stone, one of the Infinity Stones, a powerful elemental objects created by the Big Bang; so powerful that only the most powerful of beings were able to wield it, even if the burden of the power was separated among multiple people. They then separated the quadrant from the rest of the galaxy with an impenetrable force field. Groot went to retrieve Udonta's underwear and showed them to the pair. After the Guardians retrieved Quill, they held a funeral for Yondu Udonta who sacrificed himself for him. Next, Nebula informed them about the Soul Stone and Vormir, where Thanos murdered her sister to get the stone. Once the Mad Titan Thanos had arrived on Earth, he managed to defeat everyone that stood in his way and successfully extracted the Mind Stone from Vision to complete the Infinity Gauntlet. Udonta managed to break through to the core of what Rocket is truly like on the inside, saying that they are the same type of person in the sense that, while they genuinely care about the people around them, they refuse to show it out of fear and insecurity. Rocket and Groot started to scream loudly as they go to many jump points to reach over to Ego. When the Guardians arrived on the planet, Rocket and the team search for the Abilsk with Star-Lord's Inter-Dimensional Tracker. Once Rocket settled their dispute on splitting up into groups, he was told by Star-Lord that he knows he is going to place where Thanos isn't, much to his mockery of being a captain. It allowed the reality system to stop just enough for the heroes to escape. While Rocket Raccoon desperately searched for Lylla, the Hulk had an encounter with Judson's chief scientist Uncle Pyko. Suddenly, the Phalanx came out of nowhere and attacked the team, and they were forced to flee. Having fun with killing the rest of the Ravagers, Rocket shot at the walls with Udonta, as they laugh together at this moment. Groot is a Flora colossus and the accomplice of Rocket Raccoon.Together, the pair had traveled the galaxy picking up bounties until they met Star-Lord and Gamora just before the four of them were captured and put into the Kyln, where they also met Drax the Destroyer.There, they agreed to work together to escape and sell the Orb for a massive profit. The team traveled to Sovereign, where the Sovereign hired the Guardians to take down the Abilisk that was eating their batteries. As Groot kept talking, Quill wondered why he could only say three words repeatedly, Rocket explained that Groot doesn't speak well enough as the people like him and Quill, as his vocabulary is restricted to I, am, and Groot. After Quill questioned his deal of getting people to hate him and working at it, Rocket witnesses the group leaving the planet before getting into Ego's ship. [28] Thor tried to defeat Thanos, but was apparently killed along his teammates and the Guardians. The four animals distributed the helmets. She is the older daughter of Barry and Kathy Burton, and has a younger sister named Polly.3 1 Biography 1.1 Early life 1.2 Sejm 1.3 Survivalism 2 Sources Moira was born around 1991,2 and lived in Raccoon City by 1998 while her father served in the … Rocket went to sleep in the group quarters while Quill was concerned for Gamora's personal cell where the prisoners. 89P13 Thus, his lifespan was likely enhanced as well by the experiment that "made" him. [11] A last assault by Jakes and Dyvyne was narrowly foiled by the animals, the robots, and the newly aware humanoids. In 2023, after discovering how to traverse through time safely, Rocket and Thor traveled back in time to 2013, where he extracted the Aether from Jane Foster on Asgard. Quill quickly grabbed the Power Stone, resulting in all its energy coursing through his body, slowly killing him. Being asked to what he's doing from Drax, Rocket noted that he was setting up a speaker system so they could listen to music as they battled, in which Drax told him how that was unimportant, causing him blame it on Quill. Rocket's presence shocked Stark as he thought that he was just a Build-A-Bear, although Rocket barely corrected him, not caring about other's calling him other names.[6]. Rocket then initiated his plan by switching off the prison's artificial gravity and took control of the Kyln Hoverbots, and used these Hoverbots to propel the watchtower room from the cellblock and into the prison's docking bay. When Stark asked what was wrong with Thor, who was sitting silently alone, Rocket told him that he felt guilty about failing, which was shared by all of them. Because of this discovery, the D'bari started fighting him. Portrayed by Rocket operates the Laser Drill's systems. Osmund Saddler(オズムンド・サドラー,Ozumando Sadorā?) They all then boarded the Benatar, with Rocket flying and Captain Marvel co-piloting, and departed Earth. Rocket tells the team that he is the best pilot. Rocket finds Star-Lord as a worthy bounty. [1], Rocket sets up some tunes for the Guardians. [25], The Guardians followed the returned Thanos to Earth, where he fought the Avengers alongside his own Zodiac. As the ship recovered for full throttle, Rocket still began to insult Quill's piloting skill. Rocket insults Star-Lord before his departure. Rocket laughed hysterically at Quill, making sarcastic remarks along with it. He then gave Hawkeye a shrunken Benatar for him to travel to Vormir in, which he made him promise to return in good condition. Quill gave Udonta a eulogy comparing him to David Hasselhoff, saying his peace with Udonta and how he became his pretty cool father all along. [39] In the following weeks, Rocket passed through many surgeries to save his life and the Guardians remained by his side until he was fully recovered.[40]. Rocket tried to question what he could get away with but found little satisfaction from this. [27], The heroes were attacked by the Badoon, who were working for Thanos, after escaping a near-death experience. They all then gathered inside where they informed Stark of the Snap's effects on the world. They all then suited up in their new Advanced Tech Suits, and made their way to the Quantum Tunnel. Pyko designed toys, weapons, an army of robots clowns, and the bat-like Drakillers.[7]. Rocket then began look up one of camera footage and noticed one of the Ravagers and shot him through the doorway. After they did a test run with Clint Barton, they were successful in achieving and harnessing Time Travel. He chuckles to himself as he leaves the offer to buy it on the table. Gamora then contacted Rocket where he was, telling her where he was located and keep themselves closely at bay. After turning to the dark … [17], They were sent to Hala to destroy a bio-tech reproduction facility. Rocket orders Groot to take evasive action while he goes to boost the stardrive to allow them to escape. When the three make their way to the big station where the Ravagers were alerted, Udonta used his Yaka Arrow to kill the rest of them one by one, as they drop all the way to ground. As Nebula insisted to hand the group over to the Kree, who would be wanting retribution for Ronan the Accuser's death, the Ravagers decided to leave Rocket and Udonta inside of a cell were Rocket continued to insult Taserface for his name. Rocket took this advantage by attacking Brahl and punched him in his throat, while the other Ravager accidentally fired at Brahl. Rocket then ordered Kraglin Obfonteri to leave the planet. Quill then opened his hand, releasing some of the Power Stone's energy, killing Ronan. Named for his dotty demeanor and oversized, green top hat, he is an elderly man that Alice encounters in Wonderland. Rocket, Thor and Groot arrive at Nidavellir. After bragging about escaping twenty two prisons and telling Peter Quill that he was lucky he was arrested, Rocket was told about being comparable by a normal Raccoon, in which he questioned Quill about it before telling him their is nobody like him. When Udonta asked of Star-Lord's whereabouts, Rocket noted that Quill was with Ego; before he insulted Udonta's teeth. [1], Rocket flying his M-Ship under the Dark Aster. Rocket drunkenly starts to party with his allies. Rocket steals some of the Anulax Batteries. Moira Burton (b.c.1991) is an American charity worker for TerraSave, an NGO which provides relief for victims of terrorism. From Thor’s formidable God of Thunder to Rocket Raccoon’s mouthy mercenary, there has been no shortage of charismatic members. Star-Lord then ordered Mantis to wake Thor up, as he rushed out of the table and heavily took a deep breathe. He is obviously exceedingly attached to Groot, as seen when he started crying when Groot was apparently killed and pleading with Groot to not save them because he knew that Groot would die if he did so. 2Avengers: Infinity WarAvengers: EndgameThor: Love and Thunder (unreleased)Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. Rocket angrily tells Groot to spit out a fly. On one such adventure, Rocket and Groot made their way to the Hub without money and desperate for a job in order to buy fuel for their vehicle. As Rocket settle inside the Space Pod, Thor bids the other Guardians a farewell on Knowhere before they departed. He then went with them and they returned to the New Avengers Facility. Groot, happily excited to escape with his allies, went off to do was he thought Udonta wanted, much to Rocket's doubt. When Nebula revealed she knew where Thanos was, Rocket showed them a planet that had just experienced the same power surge that Earth did when the Snap occurred. As they watched from afar, as their Mining Pods did not have the power to get closer, Rocket sadly informed Quill that Gamora would not survive and to go back into Knowhere. Rocket and Bruce Banner try to recruit Thor, They then informed Thor of the chance they had to fix everything, but Thor declined, as he had fallen into a deep state of depression and did not believe he was worth any help to them. When she said that she wasn't going to sen for a while, Rocket teased if it was to get another haircut, but she corrected him about the workload she has to cover beyond Earth.[6]. Rocket claims that his lifespan is the normal lifespan for a raccoon, i.e. Using the Bifrost Bridge, the trio traveled to Earth to join the Battle of Wakanda, where he fought alongside Winter Soldier. They then spotted Thor's mother walk by, which reminded Thor that she died that day. The group then noticed the Yondu Ravager Clan appeared, with the former having been called here by a vengeful Drax. [continuing recording his message to Pepper] Tony Stark: Some fuel cells were cracked during battle, but we figured out a way to reverse the ion charge to buy ourselves about forty-eight hours of playtime. Guardians of the Galaxy; formerly Nova Corps, Timely Inc. Adventurer, law enforcement officer, security guard, member of the Guardians of the Galaxy; formerly mailroom clerk. When Quill told Rocket that his statement of his eyesight doesn't work, he furiously told Quill not to call him a raccoon, only to get insulted again. He covers his insecurities well, but once he is drunk, he becomes very emotional and if possible, even more violent, speaking of how he did not 'ask' to be made into what he believed was a "little monster," implying that the experiments done to him were torturous. Star-Lord berated Rocket for nearly blowing him and Gamora inside the Eclector after giving the Yondu Ravager Clan a count of five. Rocket firing security hoverbots from the Kyln. Alias(es) We’re a thousand lightyears from the nearest 7 … [18], A couple days later, while waiting for Quill to get back from a reconnaissance mission, Groot caught up with the team again, but now he was only as big as a twig. Rocket is also stunningly intelligent, as he is much more intelligent than a normal raccoon. During the heat of the fight, Rocket had encountered Bucky Barnes while being surrounded by many Outriders. As Rocket yelled at Groot's mistake for alarming the guards, Drax fought the guards that attempted to fire at him and Groot. [2], Rocket is approached by a depressed Groot. [22], They then find themselves staring at an empty compartment where a stardrive should be and questioning why they are hearing voices like suddenly their lives just got a narrator or something. While Rocket was still shooting at the Abilisk and Star-Lord was grabbed by it, Gamora then observed its neck and began cutting its neck with her Godslayer to murder the Abilisk for good. Rocket hot wires the watchtower to escape. He can walk and talk like a humanoid creature while remaining (what appears to be) a raccoon. However, they were saved by Ant-Man, who got them away from the flooded area and to safety. Although he failed to recover Gideon's Bible, he did succeed in rescuing Lylla. Having Thor settled down and eat soup, Gamora told him about Thanos' goal on wiping out half the universe's population with the Infinity Stones. Rocket rushed through the palace, looking for Thor and trying to lose the soldiers chasing him. Rocket's victory was short lived once Gamora recovered and shoved him away. Rocket stood alongside the team as they watched Stark being memorialized, by his family. In a minor of inconvenience, Rocket dropped his weapon in dissatisfaction and was arrested under the authority of the Nova Corps.[1]. As Rocket continued his part of the plan until he was finally ready for all of the others to regroup with him, Rocket climbed up onto Groot's roots in order to get into the security tower. When Groot actually did steal the eye, Rocket burst out laughing into tears. Rocket tells Groot to hurry up on the bomb, Eventually, Ego apprehended all of the Guardians, including Rocket who was trapped under some rubble, before he began firing at the many energy tentacles. Wanting to leave Drax behind, Rocket told Groot that they should leave while they can to the farthest parts of the galaxy and possibly live in peace before Ronan finds them. As the Dark Aster began to fly into Xandar's atmosphere, Udonta ordered his clan to fire at it and tells rest of the team to submerge under Ronan the Accuser's ship. In the early 2000s, Saddler's leadership saw the cult become a dominant force in the region through … Rocket fires at all the attacking Ravagers. With the only family he ever knew gone, Rocket decided to stay with his newly found allies and became a member of the Avengers under Natasha Romanoff's leadership. An example of this was when he, Groot and Yondu Udonta escaped the Eclector and were going to save Quill. He recruits various criminals that the heroes have fought in the past. Rocket decides to stand up for his new team. Making noise from the high treetops, Rocket was noticed by one of the Ravagers and avoided the many ammunition that fired upon him. Upon their arrival, the team noticed that half the Asgardian's ship had been destroyed, leaving the rest of them to die in space. As he was about to leave, Rocket attempted to say something to Udonta until Groot spoke. As Gamora told the group that they should give the Power Stone over to the Nova Corps, Rocket objected her decision and suggested giving the Power Stone to Ronan the Accuser; however, Star-Lord abandoned the idea. Shipment Processing Device analyzes the situation and informs the duo they are caught up in an artificial dramatic construction. The tension was resolved when Quill announced that they were fine and had temporarily resolved their conflict with the Ravagers. Despite on attacking the Sovereign fleet with expect to kill, Rocket was informed by Gamora that the Sovereign's ships were remotely piloted. Rocket later reunited with Groot, and the two fought together. The three then joined Obfonteri in the Quadrant and departed from the Eclector as it blew up. The next day, Rocket came up with a plan to break Peter Quill, Gamora, and Groot out of the Kyln, as a team they would collect a prisoner's prosthetic leg and one of the guards' control devices attached to their arms in order to hack into the security tower. Rocket notices Peter Quill's imitation of Thor. Despite Rocket's apparent dislike of people, he is exceedingly attached to Groot, and is the first known individual who was able to understand Groot when he spoke, even while everyone else only heard 'I am Groot.' They built a complex to house and treat the insane, recording their medical observations in a psychiatric diary. After receiving a mysterious package filled with the same killer toy clowns from Halfworld, Rocket quit his job, taking one of the company's sentient shipping and packaging devices with him to quickly access an orbital weapons cache, and immediately set out to locate Groot. Rocket and Groot escape from the explosion, As Tivan was withdrawing the money to pay the Guardians, his long-suffering assistant Carina, seeing a way to end her misery under Tivan's control, grabbed the Power Stone. Rocket asks for the cost of Bucky Barnes' arm, After clearing their wave of enemies, Rocket was dropped onto the ground, leading to him asking Barnes on the price of his firearm although Barnes replied that it was not for sale. Rocket Raccoon meanwhile got the drop on Judson Jakes. TV Movie [37] Rocket reluctantly agreed and revealed a giant battlesuit he planned to use,[35] that doubled as a life-support system. Rocket tells the Guardians to get rid of Thor. Rhodes then made his way to Rocket and tried to lift the rubble off of him. As Eitri settled down and explained that he was forced by Thanos to forge the Infinity Gauntlet to harness the power of the Infinity Stones, before being crippled and forced to watch his people executed, Rocket and the group found the Uru mold that can be used to make a King's weapon in which he explained that it could even summon the Bifrost. Rocket asked the team why are they're answering the signal, in which Gamora told him that someone needs saving. Due to the inhumane experiments done to him, Rocket became bitterly, even bitingly sarcastic and cynical, as well as generally misanthropic, but in recent years seems to have adopted a more calm and temperamental demeanor. He has also grown wiser and more selfless, trying to console Thor after everything he has been through but also reminding him of their duty to the people they could still save. As the team looked around in horror, Rocket commented on the likelihood of any survivors that'll get them paid for their rescue. Rocket successfully completes his mission, He soon came across Thor, who was with his mother. [5], Rocket witnesses Groot's inevitable death. Rocket returned to Knowhere, angered at Drax for allowing Gamora and Quill to be captured and Ronan to retrieve the Infinity Stone. As Star-Lord distracted Ronan's speech on how he will destroy Xandar, by singing and dancing to O-o-h Child, Rocket quickly repaired the Hadron Enforcer as Drax the Destroyer went along with behind Ronan's back. Artificially Enhanced Physiology: Rocket, as a Halfworlder, is a cybernetically engineered creature. Rocket and all the others were then processed by the Nova Corps as he was stripped down and washed, abusing him. Drax approached Rocket and gently pet him between the ears, surprising him and causing him to slightly flinch, as he was used to others acting violent towards him and bringing him pain, but was comforted. Rocket jumped on War Machine's back and cocked his gun as Captain America led the epic lineup. We constantly drop Marvel movie quotes on one another in our daily conversations. Quill relinquished the new Orb to Yondu Udonta, though in reality, he switched containers. Amazing Fantasy #15 (Spider-Man's First Appearance), Tales of Suspense #39 (Iron Man's First Appearance), Incredible Hulk #181 (Wolverine's First Appearance), 373 Appearances of Rocket Raccoon (Earth-616), 39 Minor Appearances of Rocket Raccoon (Earth-616), Media Rocket Raccoon (Earth-616) was Mentioned in, 809 Images featuring Rocket Raccoon (Earth-616), 59 Quotations by or about Rocket Raccoon (Earth-616), Character Gallery: Rocket Raccoon (Earth-616), Rocket Raccoon (Earth-616) on, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function.

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