how did sam bass die

He came to Texas while still little more than a boy and worked for Sheriff … At that time, four men from Company “E” — Corporal Vernon Wilson and Privates Dick Ware, Chris Connor, and George Harold — were camped at Austin. By falling with evil associates he had become within a few months one of the most daring outlaws and train robbers of his time. With his usual boldness, Bass, after he had passed Dallas County, made no attempt at concealment, but traveled the public highway in broad daylight. Required fields are marked *. So who was the real Sam Bass? The soldiers said they were on the lookout for some train robbers that had held up the Union Pacific in Nebraska, never dreaming for a moment that they were conversing with two of them. As the three bandits passed into the store, Deputy Sheriff Moore, who was standing on the sidewalk with Deputy Sheriff Grimes, said he thought one of the newcomers had a pistol. In 1876 Bass and Collins went north on a cattle drive but turned to robbing stagecoaches; in September … While still an exemplary and honest young man, Bass came into possession of a small race pony, a little sorrel mare. Exterior view of Sam Bass Cave located near Pilot Knob. Sam Smith - How Do You Sleep? He entered the store and in a little while engaged Collins in conversation. At the words, the robbers pulled their guns and killed Grimes as he backed away to the door. Sam Bass would have been 27 years old at the time of death or 164 years old today. Finally, Collins came to the store and, after buying clothing and provisions, told Mr. Moore that he and his companions were going back to Texas and would be up the trail the following spring with another herd of cattle. He would frequently visit Fort Worth or Dallas at night, ride up with his men to some outside saloon, get drinks all around and then vamoose. He drew his units from different companies along the line. When he overtook the two men he told them their descriptions tallied with those of some train robbers that he was scouting for, and declared they would have to go back to the station and be identified. Sam Bass Warner, Jr.’s most popular book is How the Other Half Lives. Crockett at the Battle of the Alamo . Bowie and Travis did not get along: Crockett, ever the skilled politician, defused the tension between them. We must be there as early as possible tomorrow. Moore’s suspicions were aroused and he became convinced that Collins and his band were the real hold-up men. While skulking about the prison one of his eyes became infected. By James Buchanan Gillett, 1921. Bass, always of a kindly nature, pleaded with the man to desist, declaring he believed the messenger was telling the truth. After a 44-year radio broadcasting career – including the past 40 years at KyXy 96.5-FM in San Diego – Sam Bass, 69, has decided to hang-up the headphones. Seeing Ware rapidly advancing on them, Bass and his men fired on the Ranger at close range, one of their bullets striking a hitching post within six inches of Ware’s head and knocking splinters into his face. Naturally, Bass was selected as leader of the gang. His reputation … Bass promptly quit and this was probably the turning point in his life. Sam Bass: 100 years later, 1878-1978: 976.406092 B293S: The Black Sheep: 364.922 M264B: Tame the restless wind; the life and legends of Sam Bass: 920.7 B293G and 923.41 B293GR: A sketch of Sam Bass, the bandit : a graphic narrative : his various train robberies, his death, and accounts of the deaths of his gang and their history: 923.41 B293m 1956 The following morning General Jones went to Round Rock. This delay was providential, for it gave General Jones time to assemble his Rangers to repel the attack. Jackson dismounted and wanted to stay with his chief, declaring he was a match for all their pursuers. He was found under this tree one hour later. Bass was not satisfied and insisted that Murphy be murdered then and there. The company of Rangers nearest Round Rock was Lieutenant Reynolds’ Company “E,” stationed at San Saba, 115 miles distant. From this robbery, they secured about $3,000. Er war eines von zehn Kindern und seine Eltern starben, als er noch sehr jung war. Sam Bass was killed in a shootout with local lawmen and Texas Rangers in the town of Round Rock, Texas in 1878. Bass Reeves worked a total of thirty–two years as a deputy U.S. marshal in the Indian Territory. Sam Bass was born in Indiana, as everyone who has ever heard the “Ballad of Sam Bass” knows. Frank Jackson made his way back into Denton County and hung around some time hoping to get an opportunity to murder the betrayer of his chief. Each unit would be detailed to camp in Austin, and about every six weeks or two months the detail would be relieved by a squad from another company. Lieutenant Reynolds ordered two of our best little pack mules hitched to a light spring hack, for he had been sick and was not in any condition to make the journey horseback. Soapy Smithand his cousin, Edwin, wit­nessed Ware's shot. As a child, Sam received no formal schooling and he chose to strike out on his own in 1869. They halted on the Gabriel River for a breakfast of bread, broiled bacon and black coffee and the horses were fed. They declared they did not believe anyone had recognized or suspected them and decided it was now best for them to divide the money, separate in pairs and go their way. He asked Collins if he had not driven a herd of cattle up the trail in the spring. History of Outlaw Sam Bass This webpage provides a history of the Sam Bass outlaw gang. This assault never halted Ware for an instant. Bass declared he had never advised or solicited Jim to join him, and said it was a low down, mean and ungrateful trick to betray him. Killed during the shootout was Williamson County Deputy Sherriff, A.W. Grimes. Make a detail of eight men and select those that have the horses best able to make a fast run. Before he reached town he met posses of citizens and Rangers in pursuit of the robbers. Though Joel Collins had bought his cattle on credit and owed the greater part of the money he had received for them to his friends in Texas, he gambled away all the money he had received for the herd. On July 19, 1878, Bass and his gang were scout­ing the area be­fore the rob­bery. The next day Moore resumed the trail. The bandits then determined to quit the country. How long will the footprints on the moon last? Bass eluded his pursuers until his … The lady sent him a quart cup of water, but the poor fellow was too far gone to drink it. The letter was written at Belton, Texas, and received at the Adjutant-General’s office on the last mail in the afternoon. Then, mounting his own horse, Jackson and his chief galloped out of the jaws of hell itself. First Sergeant C. L. Nevill, Second Sergeant Henry McGee, Second Corporal J. As he lay on the ground Friday night where Jackson had left him the wounded man tore his undershirt into more than one hundred pieces and wiped the blood from his body. As they left camp Jim Murphy, knowing that the bandits might be set upon at any time, suggested that he stop at May’s store in Old Round Rock and get a bushel of corn, as they were out of feed for their horses. He was fired upon, one bullet striking him in the knee and badly shattering it. When all was ready these six men, heavily armed and masked, held up the Union Pacific train at Big Springs, a small station a few miles beyond Ogallala. The Rangers camped on the banks of Brushy Creek while the lieutenant drove into New Round Rock to report his arrival to General Jones. The wounded leader told his companion to tie his horse near at hand so he could get away if he felt better during the night. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Soon they spread out a blanket, and to Moore’s great astonishment brought out some money bags and emptied upon the blanket sixty thousand dollars in gold. Sam Bass. You must make that stage at all hazards, save neither yourself nor your horse, but get these orders to Lieutenant Reynolds as quickly as possible,” he ordered. When they bought some to­bacco at a store, they were no­ticed by Williamson County Deputy Sher­iff A. W. Grimes. On July 6, 1947, the Denton Record-Chronicle published an article entitled, "Explorers Feel Curse of Sam Bass Cave." The army officer mounted his men and pursued Collins and Heffridge. The general declared he understood Murphy’s position fully, but Bass was an outlaw, a pest to the country, who was preparing to leave the state and so could no longer help him. The bandits had built a big fire and were laughing and talking. With Dale Robertson, Chuck Connors, Michael Landon, Ray Teal. The three boxes each held a similar amount, all in $20 gold pieces. When Collins had been gone a day’s travel, Mr. Moore hired a horse and followed him. After entering the woods the evening before, Bass became so sick and faint from loss of blood that he could go no farther. Remorse, no doubt, caused him to end his life. Marshal, Bass Reeves arrested 3,000 felons, killed 14 men, and was never shot himself.

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