the real mount sinai

Arabia is identified with the region east of the Gulf of Aqaba. The Real, Smart People podcast from the Mount Sinai Health System features bite-sized portraits of the most innovative minds in medicine today. The Caldwell Family Archive today remains the largest collection of photos and video of the area. Back to home page. With Robert Cornuke, Scott Rummell, Jim Schmidt. Geology. Explorer Ron Wyatt knew that locating the Red Sea crossing site was the first step in finding the real Mount Sinai. To Gallery and Slide Show for more photos. The volcanic rocks are alkaline to peralkaline and they … Start Exploring the Archaeological and Historical Evidence for the Biblical Exodus and Real Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia. Your browser does not support the audio element. Watch new and undeniable archaeological evidence of the real location of Mount Sinai! It’s a topic of endless fascination. Video, photos, and reports. Product Description. This program tells the amazing story of two explorer's search for the real Mt. So Where is the Mountain of God? New York Times bestselling author and teacher Joel Richardson traveled to the Middle East to thoroughly investigate a mountain that some believe is the real Mount Sinai. BOMBSHELL: COVID-19 ISN’T A PANDEMIC PLAN, IT’S AN EXTERMINATION PLAN FOR HUMANITY, AWE-INSPIRING HONOR TO OUR BEAUTIFUL HEBREW QUEENS. Nuweiba, Egypt is a large beach on the Gulf of Aqaba across from Saudi Arabia. Two explorers take an incredible expedition into the blistering Arabian Desert and turn up what many scholars believe to be one of the greatest discoveries in history...the real Mount Sinai, the holy mountain on which Moses received the Ten Commandments. You can imagine the amount of water that had to come forth from the Split Rock in order to supply this great demand. Sinai has to be in Midian: "Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh and dwelt in the land of Midian; and he sat down by a well" Ex. Maps indicate Midian is east of the Gulf of Aqaba in Northwest Saudi Arabia, in the area shown on the map above. One modern commentary to the Torah contains a map showing eight possible candidates for Mount Sinai. Now Available for Purchase!!! All tents are air condition and organized into groups/camps, each with a kitchens and bathrooms. When the Hebrews and the mixed multitudes came out of Egypt, they were an estimated 1.5 to 6 million people in total. Jim & Penny Caldwell Interview. Indeed, the quest to find Mount Sinai has baffled explorers and scholars for millennia, and the scriptures seem to suggest that the mountain’s real location might never be … see the pillars that were placed … BLASPHEMOUS WORDS ADDED TO SCRIPTURE-part-1. A very large ancient dry lake bed surrounds the Split Rock, all in an area (the west side) that gets only an average of 1/2 inches or 1.5 cm of rain each year. Natural stone (uncut) rock formation in the shape of two cattle chutes with an stone ash pit at the end. Such is the case for 1st Kings 19:8-9 referring to Elijah’s Cave at Horeb, but the cave is actually located on Mount Sinai (Jabal Maqla). Sinai, They crawled into forbidden military installations, had to use night vision goggles to avoid being detected as they pursue their mission and discover over a dozen significant remnants still remaining at the site. Discovered in 1992 by Jim and Penny Caldwell, The Split Rock at Horeb is up on a large hill and the rock itself is four stories tall, and split cleanly down the middle. Jebel al Lawz THE ADAM AND EVE STORY! TO ALL RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD! SHOCKING! Its smoke ascended like the smoke of a furnace and the whole mountain quaked greatly. The discoveries made by Bob Cornuke and Larry Williams will shock the world and rewrite history. The Evidence for Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia Problems withe the Traditional Site of Mount Sinai The traditional site for Mount Sinai, or "the Mountain of Moses" (where God appeared to Moses, and the Ten Commandments were given), is a location in Egypt. The Pictures below are of the Altar of Mosheh at Mount Sinai made with uncut stones. We have just begun creating this website so please forgive the lack of information on here. Guest: Joel Richardson. The traditional site of Mount Sinai is in the south central part of the Sinai Peninsula. 137 likes. Welcome to our new website! Bull and Cow Petraglyphs at large outcropping of stones. Up until now, you’ve seen brief video clips. Don't miss an urgent PNW update. Where is the Real Mount Sinai? Your email address will not be published. – Sept 23, 2020, Jabal Maqla (Sinai) in the Jabal al-Lawz (Horeb) Mountain range near Al Bad, Saudi Arabia, [ Explore Other Exodus Sites | Interactive Exodus Map ]. “And Mount Sinai was altogether in a smoke, because the LORD descended upon it in fire; and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly.” Exodus 19:18. || Visit: ||Uploaded this to help spread this find. NOTE: Links on this page have been updated. Mina includes all classical city supporting infrastructure and services from water, sewer, medical to slaughter houses and stock yards. The group has committed to a close-up look at a controversial site believed by many to be the real Mount Sinai — where God gave Moses the Ten Commandments during the Jewish people’s journey from Egypt. Bible Texts Locate the Real Mount Sinai. No remains of the Exodus was found. LEVITICUS 19:27-28; WHAT DOES IT MEAN? THE BEAUTY OF YAH’S CREATION!! Pre-order: DVD's will ship on Wednesday, Jun 15 Dodging military gunships patrolling the Gulf of Aqaba, trespassing the Jordanian desert under the cover of darkness, smuggling ancient Israelite artifacts past Arabian border guards, enduring months of interrogation while awaiting trial for interna Mt sinai found mount sinai found in saudi arabia jebel el lawz mount sinai google my mt sinai found A O The Real Mount Sinai Found In Saudi Arabia MidianMt Sinai FoundMt Sinai FoundMt Sinai FoundJebel El Lawz Mount Sinai Google My MapsMt Sinai FoundA O The Real Mount Sinai Found In Saudi Arabia MidianMt… Read More » Two explorers take an incredible expedition into the blistering Arabian Desert and turn up what many scholars believe to be one of the greatest discoveries in history: The real Mt. On Jabal Malqla is Elijah’s Cave (photo2), the Plateau of the 70 Elders. NAME OF THE CREATOR REVEALED! #caldwell Jim and Penny Caldwell (1990s and 2003) - Split Rock Research Foundation Jim and Penny Caldwell are known for having explored the Real Mount Sinai area more than any other westerner. Further in the valley in front of Malqla is the Golden Calf Altar site (photo2), land large enough to camp millions (see report), and further north outside of the camp area is the Ancient Pre-Islamic Graveyard. EXPOSED SHOCKING SECRET COVENANT OF THE WATCHERS | FALLEN ANGELES!! “ Mount Sinai was completely in smoke because Yah descended upon it in Fire. AND WRATH! A symphony of archaeology, anthropology, epigraphy, and linguistics must harmonize to unveil truth. Mount Sinai displays a ring complex that consists of alkaline granites intruded into diverse rock types, including volcanics.The granites range in composition from syenogranite to alkali feldspar granite. The Real Mount Sinai - In Saudi Arabia T he actual site of Mount Sinai where Moses received the Ten Commandments has been misidentified for centuries, since the time of the Roman Emperor Constantine. This is their amazing story as discover over a dozen significant remnants still remaining at the site. There is a large underwater land bridge that come up from the vast depths of gulf, where a large group could cross. ATTENTION!! Sinai, the holy mountain on which Moses received the Ten Commandments. Did you know that the Mount Sinai … THUS SAID YAH!! DO NOT MAR THE CORNERS OF YOUR BEARD! MOST POPULAR. Mount Sinai's rocks were formed in the late stage of the Arabian-Nubian Shield's (ANS) evolution. 2:15 NKJV. THE DECEPTIVE GLOBAL CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC SCARE! SHOCKING!! The mountain, today called Jebel Musa (“the mountain of Moses”), has an elevation of 7,497 feet above sea level. The Real Mount Sinai. Share this article: Watch new and undeniable archaeological evidence of the real location of Mount Sinai: Liked this article? Centuries of tradition place this holy mountain in the Sinai peninsula of Egypt, … Said to be where God revealed himself and his laws to mankind, it is depicted as the most hallowed site on Earth. Mount Horeb is called Jabal al-Lawz (the Mountain of Almonds), which is the highest peak in the area next to the city of Al Bad, Saudi Arabia. Your email address will not be published. If you check a map, you’ll probably see Mount Sinai located in Israel. Mount Horeb is called Jabal al-Lawz (the Mountain of Almonds), which is the highest peak in the area next to the city of Al Bad, Saudi Arabia. VENGEANCE! Saudi Arabia has armed guards and barbed wire fences around the real site of mount Sinai where the ten commandments were given, see the charred rocks on the top of the mountain, see the stone where millions of gallons of water came out in a desert that gets .5 inches a year of rain, see the altar where the golden calf was placed. Sinai generates the most discussion in the Q&A that follows my lectures.For my 2006 book, Riddle of the Exodus, I did research on the … Could the valley in front of (east of) Jabal al-Lawz (Horeb) and Jabal Maqla (Sinai) accommodate millions of campers in tents? The Caldwell Family lived and worked in Saudi Arabia during the 1990s. According to the Bible, God appeared to the Israelites on top of Mount Sinai. HOW TO COUNT THE MARK “666” OF THE BEAST SYSTEM: WHO IS JESUS CHRIST? Directed by Steve Greisen. East of Maqla, at the front or base of the mountain is Moses’ Alter, the 12 pillars, the Brook at Sinai. BEHOLD!! Saudi Arabia has been closed for tourism over the past several decades but has decided to provide tourist visas to those interested following their the second delegation of … SHOCKING!! The Real Mt. ATTENTION!! Joel Richardson:  Photos from his trip that covers the entire Mount Sinai Area: – 4 story tall natural stone monolith split cleanly in half, water washed at its base. NOW YOU NATIONS! Sinai 11/13/2018 By David Naff I have never in my life seen a documentary of this nature. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sinai. On the west side of Lawz (Horeb), on the route they took coming to the front or east side of Lawz and Malqla, is the Split Rock at Horeb (photo2,photo3). According to Wikipedia: "Mount Sinai is a 2,285-metre (7,497 ft) moderately high mountain… The debate goes back actually goes back thousands of years. Here’s an excellent way to tie it all together… This is an introduction and walk-through of the real Mount Sinai site. But is it? Located in New York City, the Mount Sinai Health System is an integrated health care system providing exceptional patient care to our local and global communities. THUS SAID YAH! You can see why some Biblical references to going to or at “Horeb” can refer to the entire area which would also include the lesser peak of Jabal Malqla (Sinai). Directed by John Schmidt. OF ALMIGHTY YAH!! Indeed, the quest to find mount Sinai has baffled explorers and scholars for millennia, and the scriptures seem to suggest that the mountain’s real location might never be revealed (Moses 1:42). TRUE HEBREW PEOPLE YOU’RE NOT ISRAEL! Thank you for stopping by as we make available our documentation and data on the search and discovery of the real Mount Sinai in the land of ancient Midian in NW Saudi Arabia. Remains of Marble Columns at Arabian Sinai Candidate. A documentary of the true story of two American adventurers who follow mysterious clues to find the true Mt. However, the Apostle Paul seems to have known Sinai’s location. NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF THE 7 MALAKIM | ARCHANGELES, O’ YAHDAIM REMEMBER THE WORDS OF MOSHEH | SEEK THE ANCIENT PATHS. In AD 530, St. Catherine’s Monastery was constructed at … The waters contain chariot fossils easily seen and filmed by divers in the late 1980 and 90s. WHEN DOES A DAY BEGIN? THE TRUTH ABOUT LUNAR SABBATH. Forgotten history lays dormant – buried in sand, engraved on walls, and scripted on fragments of aging parchment. ANGER! Not a single one of the features of the sacred mount, such as the cave, the grazing ground, the brook, the large camp-site, etc, can be found at or around the traditional site at St. Cathrine’s mount. But the Bible gives us clues to point that Sinai may be located in the mountains of Saudi Arabia and not in the traditional Mount Sinai in the Sinai Peninsula. Archaeological and Historical Evidence for the Biblical Exodus and Real Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia, On the west side of Lawz (Horeb), on the route they took coming to the front or east side of Lawz and Malqla, is the. BEHOLD! The real Mount Sinai is in Saudi Jebel al Lawz. ALMIGHTY CREATOR OF HEAVENS AND EARTH! They were worshiping their Egyptian Idol god the golden calf..Apis the bull. FURY! Required fields are marked *. Cave on the lower slopes of the east side of, The High Plateau at Sinai – 70 Elders Worship Site. The Real Mount Sinai (Jebel al Lawz) Ancient history conceals giants of mystery. WHO IS THE SUFFERING SERVANT IN ISAYAH 53? They also came with their cattle and livestock – which all needed water. The REAL Mount Sinai!!! Picture real bible events through diligent research and amazing photography! Finding The Mountain Of Moses: The Real Mount Sinai In Saudi Arabia By Doubting Thomas Research Foundation August 25, 2020. James D. Long, author of Riddle of the Exodus: Startling Parallels Between Ancient Jewish Sources and the Egyptian Archaeological Record told Breaking Israel News, “The subject of the real Mt. Ask any questions you have here we will try to answer it for you. Discussion Group on the Real Mount Sinai, Jabal al-Lawz in Saudi Arabia. LAST WORDS OF THE YAHDAIM BLOODLINE 12 TRIBAL FATHER’S! Although Mount Sinai is the best-known name for the site, the Old Testament actually refers to it by two other names: Horeb and the Mountain of God. Mt. Behind it are the remains of marble pillars, some partially buried. With Robert Cornuke, Larry Williams. I really believe that this is factual as it lines up with the scripture, 2nd, it makes more sense than anything I have seen in the past, 3rd, the geological as well as other factual information doesn't leave much room for doubt that we have a Creator who knows what He is … INSPIRING TORAH 72 PRAYERS OF HOPE | HALLELUYAH. ALARMING! Proto-Hebrew Inscriptions in the Mount Sinai Area. The Real Mount Sinai is the uniquely blackened mountain peak that is locally called Jabal Maqla (the Burned Mountain). Exodus 12:37-38 —  600,000 Israeli / Hebrew Men, Mina is used by Muslim Pilgrims that go to Mecca for the annual. This page is also available in: हिन्दी (Hindi) Modern scholars differ as to the exact geographical location of Mount Sinai. © Copyright 2010-2021 The Real Mount Sinai is the uniquely blackened mountain peak that is locally called Jabal Maqla (the Burned Mountain). SHOCKING!! Right […] In fact, none of these identifications can be found anywhere in Sinai – on any mountain. One can easily see the Split Rock is highly eroded and flaked from a great water pressure.

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