ap world unit 4 terms

AP World History (McCormack) - Unit 4: Topic 4.4 - Maritime Empires Established. Write. He feared a mutiny if he continued pushing east ward, so he returned home, French explorer who realized there was valuable goods and rich resources available in the Americas, so there was no need to go beyond to Asia. Language. APWH Modern Unit 4 (1450 to 1750) Test Review An #APWH Modern review for Unit 4 #TransoceanicInterconnections #1450-1750 for #JSMORTON #AP World History students #APWH #TransoceanicInterconnections #1450 #JSMORTON #AP. Unit 5 - 20th Century - 1914 - Present. AP World History Unit 2 terms. Played 67 times. AP World History (McCormack) - Unit 4: Topic 4.8 - Continuity and Change from 1450 to 1750. STUDY. Created by. English explorer who claimed Newfoundland for England while looking for Northwest Passage, The first permanent English settlement in North America, found in East Virginia, An economic policy under which nations sought to increase their wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by selling more goods than they bought. Share practice link. A form of government, usually hereditary monarchy, in which the ruler has no legal limits on his or her power. With that victory, England declared itself a major naval power and began competing for lands and resources in the Americas, Where was the first colonies in present day USA located, The first colonies in the present day USA were Spanish settlements in Florida and New Mexico, Because it was located where a major river flowed into the ocean. English Questions. 9th - 12th grade . STUDY. Study Flashcards On AP World History Unit 4 at Cram.com. Home Terms to Know Important Places Continuities and Changes Quick Review WHAP Unit 4 Overview This website is your go to location for all thing Unit 4. The act of invading something, especially territory. Unit 1: The Global Tapestry You'll explore how states formed, expanded, and declined in areas of the world during the period c. 1200–c. 14 December 2020 . by j_delarme_95510. For this reason, we have identified the most important dates to know. Gravity. AP World History Unit 4: ... Unit 4 Key Terms Directions: Define the terms/events/people listed below in the corresponding chart and then explain the significance of each term as it relates to world history. Unit 4 - Week 4 (AP World) a quiz by rewigboldy • 13 plays • More. Prompt for In class DBQ rewrites 2007 DBQ rewrite for a higher grade. conquest brought wealth, rivalries, and religion, Chinas exploration of the outside world came into an end after When He's final voyage in the 1430's. The exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and technologies between the Americas and the rest of the world following Columbus's voyages. Again. jjenniferlin. Cram.com makes it easy to get the grade you want! What did Christopher Columbus's voyage in 1492 lead to? History. HOME; Topic 4.1 - Technological Innovations from 1450-1750; Topic 4.2 - Exploration: Causes and Events from 1450-1750; Topic 4.3 - Columbian Exchange; Topic 4.4 - Maritime Empires Established ; Topic 4.5 - Maritime … Unit … \ Unit 4 Terms Part 1 (AP World History) Unit 4 Terms Part 1 (AP World History) Mike Bryan. 11 Last Played. For general help, questions, and suggestions, try our dedicated support forums. what regions were linked by the trans-Atlantic trade route system? Create. primogeniture laws gave all of each estate to the eldest son, what are te long term of result of increasing naval technology by the late 1400's, A rapid expansion of exploration and global trade. Want a cleaner looking tab page? Created by. 1200 Terms Web Page Look no further! Start studying Ap world unit 4 leQ questions. Press play! PLAY. by using enslaved people, they realized that they could grow wealthy by raising sugar, tobacco, and other valuable crops. AP World history unit 4. Remember to go to AP Classroom to assign students the online Personal Progress Check for this unit. Primary tabs. 0:00.0. AP Human Geography Unit 4 Political Patterns and Processes Terms Definition Real World Example (with explanation) Ethnicity Identity with a group of people that share distinct physical and mental traits as a product of common heredity and cultural traditions Jewish - Judaism religion, languages like Yiddish and Hebrew, originated from Israelites. Unit 1. He was looking for a northwest passage through North America. AP World History Unit 4: ... Events, etc. AP Human Geography Unit 4 Political Patterns and Processes Terms Definition Real World Example (with explanation) Ethnicity Identity with a group of people that share distinct physical and mental traits as a product of common heredity and cultural traditions Jewish - Judaism religion, languages like Yiddish and Hebrew, originated from Israelites. Learning Objective 4.4.F-G This section explains the changes and continuities in economic & labor systems, including systems of slavery in the period from 1450-1750. Unit 1 - Classical Era - 8000 BCE - 600 CE. yk1001 . As a result, the Portuguese had already gained control of both the African and Indian coasts. Flashcards. Browse. STUDY. Log in Sign up. View (active tab ... raised in large quantities in order to be sold for profit, grown in the New World and sent back to Europe in the Triangle Trade. What part of the world was not affected by global trade, Polynesia, since it was far removed from trading routes, completion over trade routes in the Indian Ocean between the Ottoman Empire and the Europeans. what regions were linked by the trans-Atlantic trade route system? Ancestor veneration. Terms : Hide Images. AP World History (McCormack) - Unit 1: Topic 1.4 - State Building in the Americas. If you need to contact the Course-Notes.Org web experience team, please use our contact form. any map of the stars and galaxies. The document is for ALL Units 1-9. If you're having any problems, or would like to give some feedback, we'd love to hear from you. European interest in the Americas was rekindled when the Spanish came into contact with the Aztecs in Mesoamerica, and the incas in South America. ap world unit 4.1. Died on a voyage in the Philippine islands in 1522 but one of the ships in his fleet made it around the world proving that the earth could be circumnavigated, became a Spanish commercial center in the area attracting Chinese merchants and others, Used on small outpost rather than control of large territoreies, Port city in the modern Southeast Asian country of Malaysia, founded about 1400 as a trading center. 1200 Terms - Excel Document. Because of the Portuguese and Spanish occupations, many Filipinos became Christian. Log in Sign up. How did Newtons discovery of gravitation help? You need to be a group member to play the tournament. AP WORLD HISTORY Chapter 4 Notes 4.1: Technological Innovations Pushes for Exploration Primogeniture laws Laws that provided land only for the eldest son One of the causes of the explorer demographic Search for religious tolerance for minorities Developments of Transoceanic Travel and Trade Strong development in the Indian Ocean in the 16th century Europeans … Spell. 1/6: The Mughal Empire: 1/7: The Russian Empire Č. ĉ. AP World … Solo Practice. Finish Editing. Geography. What was the Encomienda 7. What event led to the first truly global trade routes? … HOME; Topic 0.0 - Essentials of History ; Topic 1.1 - Developments in East Asia from c. 1200-1450; Topic 1.2 - Developments in Dar al-Islam from c. 1200-1450; Topic 1.3 - Developments in South and Southeast Asia from c. 1200-1450; Topic 1.4 … Unit 3. Women traditionally handled markets and money changing service. You can use the unit Quizlet to help you fill in the definition section of the chart. Homework. It was present in Spain, Russia, and France. Test. a day ago. Laws that gave all each estate to the eldest son. However, knowing the order of events will help immensely with cause and effect. Italian cities with ports on the Mediterranean had a monopoly on European trade with Asia. Search. The practice of praying to your ancestors, Found especially in China; There’s a heavy influence of Ancestor vernation in Confucianism. Learn. Rivalries among the European states stoked efforts to expand before another power might claim a territory. PLAY. Topics may include: States in: Africa; Afro-Eurasia; East Asia; Europe; South and Southeast Asia; The Americas; Global and regional religions and belief systems; On … It connected the western and eastern hemispheres that led to the first global trade network. To find a new more efficient water trade routes to Asian markets avoiding the established Landroutes through Muslim controlled areas (and thus the taxes imposed by Muslim Middlemen), Lanteen sails from Chinese merchant ships allowed ships to sail in any direction, Bartholmeu Dias, Portuguese explorer rounded the Cape of Good Hope on the southern tip of Africa in 1488 stopping at the Indian Ocean, An explorer from Genoa, proposed heading west to reach Asia through an all water trade route (lacked knowledge about the Americas), Between the 1500s and 1700s Europeans motivated by trade explored the Pacific, The changing nature of trade and business in this period Was known as the commercial revolution, New economic theory adopted by many European nations with the goal of maintaining a favorable trade balance whereby a country exports more than imports, Trading posts built to establish commercial relations resulted from the control of trade routes, A commercial venture that spurred exploration by bringing together many investors in order to minimize the risks and costs of the investment, Faced little resistance from the unorganized Philippine government, Global exchange between the new and old worlds, Established centralized control over much of the Americas through the use of many bureaucratic offices staffed by appointed administrators, Missionaries quickly followed European explorers to the New World, Spanish French Dutch and English explored and claimed land in North America, A series of conflicts flop on a global stage from 1756-1763, A feudal-like system that used forced labor was established by the Spanish in the New World to ensure a cheap labor supply, Large agricultural estates in colonial Latin America, Repatimiento system (Mita system in Peru), Originating in colonial Latin America the system for us native Indians to work several months a year, Silver mining in Mexico and in Peru required a tremendous labor supply, People from Europe promised to work for a certain amount of time in exchange for their paid passage to the New World, And Islamic empire established in the 1400s lasted until the 1600s followed the decline of the Mali empire, Located in central Africa along the Congo river began its rise in the 1300s by the 1400s was a strong centralized state, Well established before the arrival of the Europeans, By the mid 1500s European demand for cheap labor supply to work on plantations and mines of the New World lead to an extensive trade in African slaves, Impact of the Atlantic slave trade in Africa, Africans who participated in the traditional slave trade enslaved Africans in the interior regions and then sold them to the Europeans, African culture spread throughout the Americas, a German monk often credited with sparking the start of the Protestant Reformation in Europe, Movement to reform the Roman Catholic church, Aimed at reforming the church stopping the spread of protestant ideas and possibly winning back Converts, A fragmented empire centered in modern-day Austria and Hungary controlled by the Habsburg family, A conflict centered in Europe and fought between 1618 and 1648, Concept originating after the 30 years war and the peace of Westphalia as a result of the fear of sovereign nations that any single nation in Europe may come to dominate the others, Monarchs have complete control over their subjects by divine right, A conflict between supporters of the English monarchy and members of the English Parliament who sought a constitutional state, England established a constitutional monarchy In which the monarch had limited authority influenced by the writings of John Locke, Beginning in the 17th century scientists began to challenge the validity of classical ideas the questioning spirit the renaissance and the Reformation reflected the growing secularization of European society, Galileo Galilei was a mathematician and astronomer Who learned to build telescopes in order to observe the skies and found evidence in support of the Heliocentric theory he was put on trial by the Catholic Church, A belief system that recognizes that a powerful God played a role in the creation of the universe but asserts that God simply oversees the world and allows it to function on the basis of natural laws, John Locke was an Englishman who believed in natural rights possessed by all human beings (life liberty and property), Enlightenment ideas were unpopular with many governments and with the church both of whom sought to censor new ideas about reason and nature, A Jesuit scholar from Europe who journeyed to the Ming court in the late 1500s, The revival of the civil service exams encourage the creation of an extensive scholar bureaucrats class which was responsible for much of the governance of the empire, Economic policies regulated interaction with outsiders and lead to an increase in commercial activity as well as an increase in population, Policy put forth by the Ming in the 1570s requiring a single national tax and all taxes be paid in the form of silver including those taxes paid by tributary states, Stone and brick fortification in the north of China built to protect China from outside invasion, Located in modern-day Beijing it was the capital of the Ming and Qing empires, Manchus from the north invaded China and claimed the Mandate of Heaven in 1644 and ruled until 1911, The Portuguese arrived in Japan in 1543 and established a commercial relationship between the two nations, Unification of Japan in the late 1500s led to the establishment of military government led by a shogun which brought nearly 300 years of peace and stability to the nation, 1453 the Ottoman Turks nomads from Central Asia captured the byzantine capital of Constantinople and renamed it Istanbul ottoman control continued until the 20th century, As a sultan of the ottoman empire from 1520 to 1566 he expanded the empire into southern Europe and created an efficient centralized bureaucracy, In The ottoman empire millets were legally protected religious communities of non-Muslims, Soldiers in the ottoman empire that trying to protect and serve the sultan, Following the battle of Chaldiran fought against the Ottoman Turks and 1514 the Safavid family consolidated their control over modern day Iran and ruled until 1736, Established in India following the defeat of the Delhi sultanate in 1526, Clearly established absolute authority of the empire and the policy of tolerance toward the many religions in his empire, Tomb built by Shah Jahan in memory of his wife, Beginning in the early 1600s Mughal emperors granted concessions to allow the British to trade in India, After breaking free of Mongol control in the late 1400s Muscovite princes began to take control over much of Russia eliminating the authority of local princes, Russian czar who continued to expand the empire and to consolidate the czars absolute authority, Following a period of civil unrest in Russia Mikhail Romanov's election as czar established the Romanov's as the new royal family, Occurs as societies are influenced by western culture and assimilate and or adopt western ideas, Russian czar best known for centralizing his authority and bringing western ideas to the Russian empire, Located on the Baltic Sea it was established as the capital of the Russian Empire by Peter the Great, A russian czarina she continued peter the greats policy of modernization while ensuring the absoltue authority of the monarch, As a result of unpaid debts many peasants were forced into serfdom, Oceangoing ships invented by the Portuguese in the 15th century, Mechanical device invented in the 15th century in Europe.

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