lich race 5e

They are immortal until their phylactery is destroyed, but if killed in combat, roll a 1d10 to see how many days it will take for them to come back in fullAlignment. In order to be a lich, you cannot be a race that is a construct or undead by default. He was convinced that Toril would suffer a great apocalypse and \"naught will be left save shattered thrones with no rulers. Rejuvenation: If it has a phylactery, a destroyed lich gains a new body in 1d10 days, regaining all its hit points and becoming active again. Your phylactery is powered while a soul is being consumed. First of all, this process is based entirely on GM-approval. A lich is a decayed, gaunt, mostly skeletal humanoid. Blood from a creature with magical origins or innate spell-casting, (elves, dragonborn, etc...) lasts for 14 days instead. According to the Player’s Handbook, the most common character races are dwarves, elves, halflings, and humans. Liches can't reproduce as well, so finding love isn't a priority either. It requires 10 pints of blood from any living creature every 7 days. Skills: Choose any three from Arcana, Deception, Investigation, History, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Persuasion, or Religion. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier. If you do not understand balance please leave comments on this page's, Those who become a lich unwittingly may find themselves missing their humanity, but now they have new tools at their disposal to make the most of their situation. Male: Szenquc, Vrosgadh, Vraemdik, Phelak, Putradh, Uloc, Qras'qagher, Shos'qugox, Suggaroog, Czadzuagi, Female: Del'qol, Yrrug, Prekter, Vhic'mar, Tsaed'zid, Paqnal, Qhouth'gygiz, Nuz'dhilo, Zhean'ghagniz, Drut'zakur. He appears as a skeletal figure wearing a tall, pointed, crownlike helmet with long horns which could be either part of the helmet or his original body. Fully embracing magic, you now work tirelessly to fill your bones with dimension rending power. They are often draped in robes, without any substantial armor on their bodies. That said, being a lich is not all fun and games. At level 1, you also get the ability to siphon health from living creatures. It can remake save on its turn to not be paralyzed. At level 9, you may spend an action empowering the next spell you cast. You die. You have become adept in the ways of necrotic energy, being able to pull off terrifying feats of magic. You must power your phylactery. At level 18 you gain resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing from magical weapons. time the phylactery's consumes a soul by 5 days, and cannot be done if there is less than that amount in the phylactery. You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: Starting a level 1 you become an undead who uses an unfinished phylactery, with the following advantages and disadvantages. However, there are many ways a "lesser lich" can be created. Edit this Page | All pages needing balance. Other methods of revival will cause you to lose your Lich status (see: Your phylactery functions as an Arcane Focus, but you can acquire a second one. Some of their body will have withered of course, usually a limb or somewhere on the torso. Your size is Medium.Speed. The hound’s future master then murders the trapped beast. You regain this feature after a long rest. A lich's phylactery can be anything from something important to them when they were human, a magic item, etc. 2 new npc followers: Musika & Sans. The lich has the following wizard spells prepared: Cantrips (at will): mage hand, prestidigitation, ray of frost. You do not require food, air, or sleep. Bright pinpoints of crimson light burned in the empty sockets of those whose eyes had been destroyed or otherwise lost or were so ol… As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. Lich Introduction. Lich Prerequisites. When you fall to 0 HP, you do not get any saving throws. When an attack would reduce you to 0 HP, you may make a Constitution save with a DC of 8 + 1 per damage taken. If you succeed, you fall to 1 HP instead. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest. Liches typically care little for appearances, and wear the tattered and rotten remains of ancient, once fine clothing. Doing so will cause you to revive in 1 hour with 1 HP after the last spell slot is used. Liches often take on names separate from their living forms. This is the path that is traditional among liches. There is no difference in the height and weight of male and female goliaths. Other than pale skin, and sunken eyes, there is little to distinguish you from a living member of your species... though the lack of breath and heartbeat is a dead giveaway. You may expend one hit die to heal 1d8 for every enemy brought to 0 HP. **Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier), You can help D&D Wiki by better balancing the mechanics of this page. Rejuvenation: If it has a phylactery, a destroyed lich gains a new body in 1d10 days, regaining all its hit points and becoming active again.The new body appears within 5 feet of the phylactery. Well, you should! If you are a Dark Mage, you know your choice of three cantrips from the Dark Mage spell list. The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. Hit Dice: 1d8 per Lich level Recently, Acererak is believed to have regained his original form as a lich. If you do not understand balance please leave comments on this page's talk page before making any edits. You regain this feature after a short or long rest. After spending a number of days equal to 3 + your Constitution modifier with no power in your phylactery, you begin taking one level of exhaustion damage per day. The process of becoming a dracolich was discovered by Sammaster the Mad, a fallen Chosen of Mystra, who was inspired after re-translating The Chronicle of Things to Come by the prophet Maglas. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Intelligence score increases by 1. As a Lich you gain the following class features. How to Become a Lich 5e. You can cast a Lich spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you have the spell in your book. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier + your Intelligence modifier These features replenish after a long rest. Either way, they take advantage of their resilience as they do not have to fear the consequences of hitting 0 HP, as well as their ability to drain life from the living. You augment your phylactery, gaining new abilities, but at a cost. Your phylactery is powered by blood. 5 types of Lich races: Human, Elf, Orc, Argonian, Khajiit both Male and Female. Full face morph and customization support. You have started to become a true Lich, your body becomes resilient.

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