nanopowder battery company

very interesting and informative. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Energy we can generate from home. Mampilly goes on and on about how great of an opportunity this is and how the market will surge up to 20,300% and could turn into a $51 trillion industry. The ad has not changed and is still dated April 2020, and what follows is also unchanged from when we first published. What's being teased as Paul Mampilly's "No. These properties provide an impressive capacity of electric charge. 7” at Tesla was Gene Berdichevsky… and the company being teased is Sila Technologies. First off, it's not really even an investment yet... or at least not for the general public. COMPLETE ,STRICT CONFIDENCE. “And this leaves the outer layer of the battery’s electrode untouched … and undamaged. Thank You for being a honest Reporter. “Federal Order 841, a mandate from the federal energy agency, is launching a historic rollout to help ensure the use of this device nationwide…. Not only that, but order 841 by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) (Mampilly mentioned this) could further increase the market and demand for these batteries. The photo above is an actual scan of the CalBattery Silicon-Graphene (SiGr) Lithium ion Battery (LIB) Anode Composite Material, that shows uniformly embedded nano-silicon in graphene platelets.This scan is from a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). “What Intel Did to Microchips Is What This Company Is Doing to Batteries It's hard to say how good a company in it's early stages like this will actually do, but there is certainly big potential here. So yes, I’m sure the investment was a considered decision, and Daimler does see the potential in Sila, but it’s not going to make a difference to Daimler’s income statement anytime soon… and that’s going to be a really ugly income statement for the next couple quarters, since car buying has essentially stopped around the world due to the coronavirus. Its big investors are Volkswagen,Bill gates and others. Nano Battery: Discussion of how nanotechnology is being used to improve the performance of batteries and a listing of companies using nano techniques to increase battery power density, reduce recharge times, improve safety and increase shelf life. New batteries to be introduced in 2019 threaten to obsolete the lithium-ion battery … “That’s how it’s been for 40 years, and the battery has been stuck in the same place ever since. “The technology behind this is NOT the lithium battery, solar panels or any clean energy you’ve ever heard of. That powder is yellow, though, not black. Lithium nanopowder is utilized in lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries and are widely used the superior rechargeable battery in portable electronics. So that’s what I see coming out of this Mampilly tease… a pitch for a hot new technology that is not particularly unique and not directly investable, but if you believe strongly in that silicon anode tech from Sila Nanotechnologies you can invest indirectly in it through their largest partners, Daimler and TDK… and if you just want to invest in grid storage and electrification then I think Eaton is a reasonable “blue chip” idea in that space, or, of course, there’s always highflying Tesla as the poster child of the electrification revolution. “the tiny device in this box right here, sitting on this table, can hold the same amount of power as the Megapack! Here’s a Berdichevsky quote to that effect from an article about Sila Nano’s funding round a year ago that got them to “unicorn” status with a billion-dollar valuation: “The qualification time means there’s many years of work to make sure it is reliable for next 10 to 20 years. “To a combined $51 trillion mega industry, if my research is right. opinion—My COUSIN,now retired,was head of 1 of the TOP FUNDS IN THE WORLD/and about 6 yrs ago,he strongly suggested to me to get involved with a VERY SMALL,UNKNOWN STOCK,HBRM(HERBORIUM)–ACCORDING TO HIS ADVICE,I STARTED PURCHASING HBRM AT But, as always, there’s a kernel of truth underlying the tease. I have multiple guru advisors that I pay for,for information, Pauls record is the worst of all of them. Available in powder and granular form, our surface passivated Si anode powders are dispersible in battery solvents while preventing agglomeration. We’re always glad to help the small investors like yourself and I out, and we’re very appreciative of you offering to help us out with exposing teasers. NanoE provides ready-to-use standard and tailor-made products designed to perfectly match customers needs and processes. I don’t own any of these ideas, but if you have thoughts on the tease or the big-picture trend of battery storage, well, feel free to shout ’em out with a comment below. The business positioning was critical as a lot of people had lost money in battery companies. “What Intel Did to Microchips Is What This Company … But then, finally, we get to a little bit more teasing about the specific stocks he’s recommending. “All while slashing your monthly power bill by 70%, 80%, even 100%. 7", "this company does NOT make batteries. If you’re talking Sila Nanotechnologies and insist on investing in that company, the only really viable way to do that is by buying shares of the companies that have invested in them and partnered with them… the only publicly traded ones of consequence that I’ve identified are German automakers Daimler (DDAIF or DMLRY) and BMW (BMWYY) and the Japanese electrical/magnetic conglomerate TDK (TTDKY). They do carry some debt, but they can cover their interest for a year or two even if they lose money this year, and from a quick glance at their financials it looks to me like they shouldn’t be in a meaningful cash crunch — I don’t know when their debt maturities are, but they own a lot of assets and have a steady enough business that they should have plenty of levers to pull if things get uglier (though they probably wish they hadn’t done a few billion dollars worth of stock buybacks in the past few years). By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, September 10, 2020. At U.S. So if we’re throwing out another guess for the “batteries” beyond Daimler, TDK and Tesla, particularly with a mind to profiting from large grid storage projects, I’d toss Eaton (ETN) on the pile as an interesting stock in this sector that doesn’t (as far as I know) have any direct connection with Sila Nanotechnologies. NanoE is a supplier of high-purity ceramic nanopowders, such as alumina, zirconia, ZTA and ATZ composites. They just might get a nice piece of it. Back in 2012, Tesla introduced its premium electric Model S sedan's chassis and battery units in Tokyo. He certainly knows his stuff and has an solid background, but don't get too excited for his stock pick just yet. They talk about their “powder ” on the company website. CATL is public, and is pretty big (market cap is near US$40 billion), though it’s not easy to trade since it’s listed in China (300750.SZ). Look forward to seeing some of your other teasers. I am trying to get a large stake into it so need some time. “All told, Bloomberg projects battery power to ‘double six times’ by 2030.”, So I guess if those partnerships are “giving us the chance” to ride that market surge, then he must be referring to investing in the partners. This site and Stock Gumshoe publications and authors do not offer individual financial, investment, medical or other advice. “But this engineer has redefined the very chemistry of the battery for the first time, pushing the old lithium ion battery aside…, “And created a superbattery by incorporating this technology: this jar of black powder…”, The basic idea is that Berdichevsky’s company came up with a way to use more silicon in the battery anode, and that this can boost efficiency because silicon can handle much more energy density than graphite — the challenge has been that if you use too much silicon, the battery gets damaged by the expansion and contraction of the silicon molecules and won’t last as long. Researchers using the electron microscope facility have access to a variety of analytical techniques, including Z-contrast imaging and electron energy-loss spectroscopy for advanced materials investigation. 1 Stock for America’s New Energy Revolution. So yes, the numbers are based on something real but it’s mostly just made up — imagining the size of the future industry, comparing that to the current market for batteries, and turning that into a massive percentage growth rate that will inspire you to daydream about buying the battery-sector equivalent of Amazon (AMZN) in 1999. You can't take everything you hear to be 100% true and you certainly shouldn't expect this opportunity to be like investing in Intel in the 80's, especially when it's a sales pitch. Hopefully you can get a 100% recovery with time. “This means you get ALL of the power — with none of the changes in size that crack the battery.”. If I recall correctly they immediately got big contracts with a hand held rechargeable power tool manufacturer and Chevy Volt. Mampilly previously worked on letters for Palm Beach, Stansberry and Agora Financial over the past four years. Still, the stock persists in trading with some optimism that the year will not be completely lost, and that the bounce back will be fairly strong to “re-normalize” the business in 2021 and 2022. Just send me a email. apparently they are both publicly traded on NASDAQ since 2009 and a wholly owned subsidiary of Wanxiang Group Holdings? By piecing together some of the clues he provided on this company, I was able to figure out who it is. They are getting close to an IPO. Here’s one more quote to illustrate that point, then I promise I’ll drop it…, “This is why the experts are calling it ‘black magic powder’ … ‘magic sand’ … and ‘magic dust that’s sparking an electric revolution on the roads.'”. You can do better still by also redesigning the cathode and the other parts of the battery. That said, the future outlook for this company seems to be bright - and there are lots of big companies investing and showing confidence in its future. What’s the investment Mampilly is hinting at? I was checking to see if it is the same company I have been buying that does the same thing but actually has been making it and now just got tier 1 customer, should take off soon. The opportunity is really hyped-up. There's no universally accepted definition, but regulators around the world have generally defined a nanomaterial as a product that (1) has at least one dimension of 100 nanometers or smaller and (2) gains unique properties from that dimension. The Tekna silicon nanopowders can revolutionize forthcoming generations of Lithium-ion batteries. Paul Mampilly’s Endless-Energy “Nanopowder” Stock – Exposed! “Because the Tesla Megapack is NOT the final energy solution we are looking for. Our partnership [with Daimler] is geared towards mid-2020s production targets, but the qualification is something that takes quite a while.”. I have subscriptions to most of these guys. Paul Mampilly's current employer is Banyan Hill Publishing, which is an independent investment advisory company that publishes a variety of advisory newsletter services - Mampilly is the editor of several, such as Profits Unlimited, 100X Club, IPO Speculator, and Rebound Trader. So yes, Sila Nanotechnologies is indeed hoping to roll out some supply for smaller batteries this year, using their silicon anode technology in things like mobile phones… and get into bigger stuff over the next five years. This is how Mampilly hints at it…, “My No. A123 went bankrupt in 2012 thanks in large part to the recall they did and their partnership with the first iteration of Fisker, wiping out investors… their assets were acquired by Wanxiang shortly thereafter. "Nanopowder" consists of nanoparticles of silicon that are used in the silicon-graphite composite material of the battery anode, which as you know "supercharges" the lithium-ion cells. “Yet, few know his name or the new company he founded. Their big differentiator was that their powder develops less, rather than more, resistance as it is repeatedly used and the nanoparticles slowly organize themselves (cue the science fiction music.) Learn how your comment data is processed. 1 form of electric lighting…, “Decades after the light bulb was invented…, “This company’s nanopowder has the potential to make the battery THE power source for everything…”. Mampilly tells us that they are not lithium batteries, but he just must be talking about them not being "normal" lithium batteries, because these batteries that have silicon anodes are called lithium-silicon batteries... and still use lithium. on all of these guys. Yeah, don’t hold your breath on that. What is it? An efficient and economic way to increase the the capacity of batteries... sounds like a great investment... and is an something that could be used in a wide variety of industries, such as electric vehicles, green energy, emerging technology and consumer electronics. Editor’s note: “3 Quantum Glass Battery Stocks That Could Surge” was previously published in July 2020. No, there is not a new super-battery being deployed this year that can store 3MWh of electricity in the space taken up by a coffee table book. Or, frankly, just investing in the idea of energy storage, since these newsletter dudes just love to pitch a broad idea and then skip right over all the complicated details to give us the impression that sure, “one tiny company owns the future!”. More from the ad: “… the company that owns ALL of these patents is creating the opportunity to profit as this market surges up to 20,300%. Funny, if it turns out that ETN was the company that he referred to, I’ve owned 300 shares for about 5 years. 1 equipment supplier to chip companies. Such as the reason I was searching for the company name that had the silicon substance applied inside the battery Sila Nanotechnology ltd. Battery, we pride ourselves on providing our customers and global partners with dependable products and reliable support information that will allow each end user to feel confident they’ve made the right choice when using any of our world-class deep cycle flooded lead acid and sealed AGM batteries. It’s happening in Alabama, Utah, even Texas. Their longer term goal is to deliver 8-10% growth in annual earnings per share off of a sales growth pace of 2-3%, generating $3 billion in annual free cash flow, and I assume they’ll continue to be active managers, buying new businesses and jettisoning less profitable ones as they’ve been doing for decades.

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