pretty southern girl names

Ruby: A beautiful jewel name for a beautiful baby girl! Dixie Rose: Dixie Rose is just one of the many hundreds of name combinations for the name Dixie. Caroline: The name is famous in South for the song “Sweet Caroline”. Amelia: Mostly girls love this name as it’s a character from the children’s book, so your girl is really going to love it in her childhood. Our list of classic names includes popular Southern girl names, boy names, and gender-neutral names, so you’re sure to find just what you’re looking for. These Southern names are created by a choosing a traditional name and combining it with a … Old-fashioned names are making a comeback, from old man names like Bernard to cute old people names like Eileen. Henrietta Pearl: The name means “keeper of a place”. The actual word “daisy” came from a combination of the words “day’s eve” or twilight. Girl Names That Start With J J is for Jade, Jennifer, Julia, and hundreds of other baby girl names that start with the letter J. 52. 91. 47). Savannah: A lovely one which sounds amazing and I personal love it for the Southern girls. 80. Harper: Harper comes from an old word for a minstrel or harp player. How To Start Your Own Out-of-This-World Travel Blog in 7 Steps. 72). Other than being a great movie, this film carries a wonderful message about how beauty is about what is in the heart and not about how someone looks. 85. Eloise: Believe it or not, this name comes from the German name, Helewidis. 62. 37. 6. Amelia: Mostly girls love this name as it’s a character from the children’s book, so your girl is really … If you are living in South and want to give your baby girl a Southern name, you are on right place. 60. Tabitha: It is a Hebrew Name that means beauty and grace. 7). 60). 86. Required fields are marked *. Visit Here: Dirty Questions to Ask a Girl. But, I will say that there is some difference in the names … 76. Clara: Clara, Clara Belle, Clara Marie and Clara Ray are all great names for a southern girl. Constance: Constance simply means constant or stable so your girl would be a stable person in her life if you give her this name. Start Here: Cute Nicknames for GirlFriend, Boyfriend, PET (Love). Basically, every southern name can be modified by adding the name “Jo” at the end of it. 99). 75. 14 Noah. What Does It Mean When You Dream About Your Crush? 56). Annalee: It is a really beautiful name in these Southern girl names having a beautiful meaning. Bee: If you want a simple name that is easy for a kindergarten student to spell, Bee is a great option. Tennessee: A strong one from these Southern girl names, right for those who have leading skills. Amy Ray: The middle name Ray is extremely popular in the south, and basically every southern name can be easily matched to the middle name Ray. Constance: When you name your daughter Constance, it indicates that you want her to be a constant, stable girl. The name peaked in popularity in 1905, so no need to worry about anyone else having this same name… 53). Lucinda: It is an Italian and old English name, it means a graceful person. 28. Nola Marie: A biblical and a Hebrew word. Always reliable, always beautiful, and 100% Southern thanks to its location links, Charlotte is a baby girl's name that… Lulamae: The old school name is also a right one for the girl who has the South character. Brook: Brook is a famous one from the 90s, but it is still loved today. Originally, it comes from the name Charles, which once meant “manly”. 100. Callie: The name Callie is from a Greek word that means the most beautiful. 95). 26). 96. 100). 61. Simply this name means happiness or a happy song, other than this, it also means those two states South America. Later on, it was modified into the French name, Heloise, which sounds more similar to the English name, Eloise. Ranging from classic southern names to popular naming selections from the South, these names are perfect for your future child. 18. Daisy: Daisy is a natural name on the name of the flower. Ruthanna: This name is quite popular in the south. Aden. 92. 44. In all honesty, there is quite a bit of overlap. Abbott. 74). 43). 30. 77. 33). Cecilia Ann: Just like Cecile, it looks good with the word Ann. What are some popular … Sloane: It is very professional joystick the Sheridan and it is always great for both genders. Magnolia: If you love southern magnolias, Magnolia is a beautiful name for a girl. HOW ARE COWGIRL GIRL NAMES DIFFERENT THAN SOUTHERN GIRL NAMES? 14. Marianna: Another word for the French name Marie. While your daughter is young, she will love the fact that one of her heroines has the same name. 5. Margaret: A classic, if older sounding, southern name. 44). 3. Today I am going to share 100+ Southern Girl Names with you. Cora Beth: A Greek name that means maiden. Mae: Simple, easy to say and beautiful! Grace: If you want your daughter to be imbued with beauty and grace, the name Grace is an ideal choice! Belle – Belle means beautiful or lovely. This is the best list of old-fashioned boy and girl names for 2021. Due to this, Blanche became a popular nickname for fair-skinned girls. 37). Here, 14 adorable combos that we love the most. 2. 62). 93). BabyCenter is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. These feminine names for baby girls are so pretty, they'll make you wish you were having twins (OK, almost). Avalou: This name belongs to the French culture. And … 16. Originally, this name was a combination of words that meant healthy and wide. It also happens to be the birth name of Kate Middleton, who is currently married to the heir to the English throne. 79). 51. 98. Basically, this word Brook means a small stream. Our content is doctor approved and evidence based, and our community is … Stream the original series Disney Family Sundays, plus all … Janellyn: This word means someone who is inspirational. Florence: Other than being an Italian city, Florence was the name of a famous World War I nurse called Florence Nightingale. 6). 1. As such, it is a wonderful name for a beautiful baby girl. Pearl: A really marvelous, it means having wisdom, so you can also gift your baby girl a pearl while naming her. 46. Alina: The noble one Bella: Beautiful Bellezza: Beauty or beautiful Belinda: Pretty one, very beautiful Bonita: Pretty Bonnie: Pretty or attractive Caily: Pretty … 11. Whether you're inspired by the biblical Noah, or Noah from The Notebook, any boy with this name … Maggie: Maggie is a shortened form of the name Margaret, and it blends well in combinations like Maggie Mae or Maggie Ray. 17). Azalea: Other than being a beautiful flower, Azalea is a beautiful and unique southern name for a young girl. 67. Sheridan: I listed this name because it really sounds formal and a really unique one. Mary Jane: This name sounds cool for South girls without any meaning and is a famous one in all these decades. 1). Lee is a word that means meadow, but it is also a popular southern name. Originally, these states were named in honor of an English queen. 2. 59. 89). 4. 57. Southern girl names range from frilly to simple, containing all sorts of names for you to explore. 13). 90). These are all Southern girl names that will really good for every girl having a different personality. Anabelle: Belle is an Italian word for beauty, which makes this a great name for a southern gal. Willow: This name is based on the gorgeous tree “Willow”. Traditional Southern Baby Names. Quinn: We love this name because of its simplicity and the fact that it works for both genders! It also has its French version that is “Heloise”. Baby girl names Alexandria Annamae / Anna May Augusta Belle Beulah Bonnie Callie Carol Ann Carolina / Caroline Charlotte Clementine Coralee Della Dixie Flannery Florence; Georgia Grace Ida … Helen: This is a Greek name and it gained popularity because of a beautiful woman Helen of Troy and according to the story uncountable numbers of ships were released to bring her back. What Does It Mean When You Dream About Someone You Don’t Know? Elizabeth: Elizabeth is a great name because it can be easily turned into nicknames like Liz, Eliza, Beth or Liza. 50. Katherine: Kate Middleton is the reason behind the name Katherine that can be shortened to Kate or Kathy. 35). Zinnia: A Zinnia is a lovely flower and a very unusual-sounding name! Lula Mae: Mae is another one of the most popular nicknames in the south, and it easily flows from your mouth after names like Lula. Looking into nature is always a great way to find country inspired names. Longer picks like Clementine and Henrietta are plentiful as are sweet one-syllable finds like Bea and Mae. 40. 31. 68). 74. 47. Hollice on April 13, 2020: I was named after my father. Iris: Iris is a beautiful, exotic flower. Priscilla: It is a very less common in girls so you can go with this one. 21. Amelia: This name also goes well with just any girl’s name. 23. Coralee: In English, Coralee meant maiden. Rose: It is a really pretty name on the flower’s name “Rose”, so perfect in these beautiful Southern girl names. Centuries ago, white skin was highly prized, and women went out of their way to prevent their skin from tanning in the sun. Choose your favorite—and make sure to leave a comment at the bottom of the article if we have forgotten one of your favorite southern girl names. Your email address will not be published. Melanie: If your daughter has a really warm color then Melanie is the right one because it means dark. 80). 15. All of these name come from the Roman last name, Caelius, which meant heaven. But it sounds cool on Southern girls too. Virginia: Naming girls after states and cities is extremely popular in the south. 54). Augusta: Augusta is a city in Georgia, but it is also the feminine form of the ancient Roman emperor Augustus’ name. 10. 4). Violet: A violet is a beautiful flower, and this name can be modified into Viollette or Violetta if you are looking for something more unusual and fancy sounding. Find the correct meanings, origins and spellings for these rustic girl names that will be perfect for your little country cowgirl. Edie: Edie sounds like a true southern name. Sloane: Sloane is a great name because it can be used for both genders and sounds extremely professional. 102). My full name is Hollice Virginia Wells. 78. This name means being happy always. 56. 17. So, have a look at my list of cute Southern girl names find the one who inspires you the most to name your baby girl. Sue Ellen: Sue Ellen is an exceptionally popular southern name. Alice: Alice sound really cool if you have a middle name that perfectly matches with Alice. Kay: A simple and lovely name “Kay”. This popular southern name calls to mind lazy summer afternoons spent sipping sweet tea on the patio. In this name, the word Lee means the grassland or the meadow and the word Anna means Favor. 22). 69). 50). Elizabeth: It is a name that is widely popular and almost every second person knows this name. Sally: A well-known name in Southern areas. 83. 51). In real life, Coralees tend to be optimistic girls who love adventures and making new friends. Eloise: The main origin of this name is the German name “Helewise”. 99. Bonnie: Bonnie is a popular southern name, and it was the name of a famous historical figure in the Wild West. Plant a magnolia tree when your daughter is born and your Magnolia’s magnolia can grow as she does! Susannah: This popular name means white lilies or graceful lily. 8. ^_^ No offense but please don't give me Scarlett :/ Source(s): pretty southern girl names … In the United States, Loretta is often thought to mean pure. Brook: Brook was an extremely popular southern name in the 1990s, and it still remains common today. The name means being healthy. 98). Plus, there are several movie characters named Annabelle, which is always fun for young children. Amelia - The pretty moniker means 'Industrious' and 'Striving' and is often associated with 'defender'. Betsy Ann: A female Celtic name that suits on Southern girl. RELATED: 18 Southern Baby Names … Dixie Dawn: Just like Dixie with an added word Dawn which means sunrise. Popular Post: 200+ Cute Names to Call Your Girlfriend. Want your baby’s name to be original? 75). Glory: This name has a great meaning and it indicates a young woman who loves going to church. Josephine: You can also have nicknames like Joey and Jo or Joe. 16). 9. Isabel or any variation of this Southern baby name is perfect for any little girl. 32). Hopefully, your daughter does not become a modern part of Bonnie and Clyde! Kay: If you want a simple, lovely-sounding name, Kay is the one to choose. 91). Tara: A popular name, this one sounds beautiful with most middle name options. 96). 70). Also, it means a pure lady. Willow: Willow is a gorgeous tree and a whimsical-sounding name. Margaret: This mean sounds old and classy. I love … More: Vintage Baby Names Making a Comeback in 2019. Bee: Bee is also a nature name as you all know the meaning of the word “Bee”. Georgina: Other than being a modification of the name Georgia, Georgina is also the name of a character in the classic novel, Jane Eyre. Henrietta: Henrietta is the feminine form of the name Henry. 41). 92). 86). Olivia: Olivia is a modification of olive. Dixie Rose: Same as the name Dixie but with a beautiful combination having word Rose in my list of Southern girl names. If your girl has Hazel eyes then this name is really a blessing. 81. 53. Isabelle/Ella/Bella. Mary Jane: Considering Mary Jane is a nickname for an illicit drug, we expect this name to drop in popularity over the next few years. Belle: Belle means lovely or beautiful in Italian. Anna is from a Hebrew word that means grace or favor. Andalyn: This name is a unique one among Southern girl names. 61). Julia: Julia is a shortened form of Juliet. Alfred. 71. 83). 40). A classic Southern name can add some character, family heritage or history to your baby's name. Related: Best Baby Girl Names with Nicknames. Priscilla: Priscilla might be less common than some of the other names on this list, but it is still quite pretty! Loretta: This name has meanings like Family and victory or honor. 36). Evaline: This name doesn’t have a specific name but you have it if you like names from the poetry books. Annalee: Annalee is a mixture of the names Anna and Lee. In the past, a brook was a small stream, so this name has nature connotations attached to it. 4. Other than being a name of a southern state, this name also means chaste or virginal. Georgina: It is from the character of a novel and it also modifies the name Georgia. 36. Your email address will not be published. They are named after Civil War battles or battlefields, like Harper or Chantilly. 70. 38). Whether you're having a baby boy or a girl, it can also be a unique choice if you live somewhere other than the South. Julep: Name your daughter Julep in the hopes that raising her will be as easy as sipping mint juleps! 38. Which is a shame, because it's such a pretty name! 55. 20). 84). Ambrose. My character was 16 when the Civil War started and she needs a name. Nellie: It is kind of popular in South. Bella: A really feminine name and the meaning of this word is “beautiful”. Ace. Mary Ella: If you are looking for something simple, this is the name to choose.

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