top 10 deadliest dinosaurs

- RaptorOnFire1206. Well, there's no reason to exaggerate: in real life, Liopleurodon measured "only" about … Well, Utahraptor may be 19 feet long and 8 feet tall, but for such a deadly dinosaur like Deinonychus, 10 feet long and 5 feet tall is way more than enough. This should be at least #5 if not higher. Fortunately, it was not the world's deadliest. Some sources may list the tsunami figures along with the earthquake or volcanic eruption death figures and not split out the amount killed just by the tsunami. They most likely had feathers, were short, and had a very long, upward-pointed tail. Carnotaurus, featured in Disney: Dinosaur, is a large theropod capable of taking down large sauropods with his great jaws in the Late Cretaceous South America, feeding alongside the larger and probably more deadly Abelisaurus. That throne is for Giganotosaurus! But studies prove that Mapusaurus is a slightly different dinosaur, with a smaller, lighter build, weaker jaws, more of a pack hunter, and a slightly larger brain. For example, on March 11, 2011, Japan was struck by a magnitude 9.0 earthquake that was centered in the ocean 80 miles (130 km) east of the city of Sendai. With the IQ of a crow, Troodon was a small, intelligent raptor that usually hunted during the night. Fraction of the size of t-rex, but deadly, twice the intelligence, and able to crush a raptor in those jaws. I like that it's tall. The Sumatra Earthquake of December 26, 2004, The 8 Most Powerful Earthquakes Ever Recorded. ThoughtCo. The Official King of Dinos! I've been enjoying dinosaurs for almost ten years, and after comparing the statistics of the carnivorous dinosaurs, here's what I think of as the perfect Deadly Carnivore Dino list (sorry I'm not putting Tyrant King at first). they weren't "6 foot Turkeys", like Jurassic park said. But you are right. Think crystal clear azure waters, pristine white sand and palm trees gently … Everything from huge dinosaurs to giant centipedes roamed in full glory. They looked nothing like Jurassic park said. That's a hybrid from Jurassic world dinosaurs couldn't bunch together as one Dino! Also, some numbers may be preliminary and are revised down when missing people are found or revised up when people die of diseases in coming days brought on by the floodwaters. Thousands were killed as a result of both the earthquake and tsunami and many more were displaced. A few years ago, the BBC TV show Walking with Dinosaurs depicted a 75-foot-long, 100-ton Liopleurodon lunging out of the sea and swallowing a passing Eustreptospondylus whole. Last year saw a retro-remake … Ancient, graceful, beautiful. - RaptorOnFire1206. The venom in a single bite can kill 10 – 25 humans. But, not being the brightest of the bunch, Torvo is tearing flesh in the Top 20. The sail is Spino's oversized spine, so if he is flipped over, his spine will break, he will be unable to move, and, paralyzed, will become a tasty meal to other dinos of the era, such as Carcharodontosaurus. I lived in a different place and time than t-rex, but it did live with another colossus; Carcharodontosaurus. Should be higher than Giga. B ack for an 11th time, welcome to the 2020 Indie of the Year Awards, a celebration of the years finest indie games chosen by you and us. Liopleurodon (Wikimedia Commons). NEEDS TO BE IN TOP 10! - RaptorOnFire1206, "Size isn't everything! " So to all the Acro fans reading this:OOF. They say Utahraptor has a brain the size of an Eagle's! Ancient Greece (Islands of Crete and Santorini)Estimated Number of Deaths: 100,000Year: 1645 B.C. Oil Comes from Dinosaurs - Fact or Fiction? Briney, Amanda. I knew it was big, dangerous, and deadly because of Jurassic Park. The bacteria from the rotting meat will start to weaken the victim, so even if ...more. - RaptorOnFire1206. l! Its true. One of the largest theropods of all time and closely related to mapusaurus and giganotosaurus. T. Rex is no match for S. Maximus! When the ocean floor moves enough, the surface finds out about it — in the resulting tsunami. Well, he's this 32-34 foot long PUNYsaurus (at least puny for his family branch, the allosauridae) that hunts down the much smaller sauropods such as Mamenchisaurus and the stegosaur Kentrosaurus. Allosaurus was matchable at 39 feet long, able to take down massive sauropods such as Diplodocus and Brachiosaurus. Dilophosaurus is known from fossil remains found in the Kayenta formation of Arizona USA. The dome was the reason why Majungasaurus used to be "Majungatholus", because "tholus" was Greek for "dome". Evidence suggests that Mapusaurus traveled in family groups, since bones showed baby, juvenile, and adult Mapusaurus bones scattered near each other. This is NOT a real dinosaur, so this doesn't count, and it only exist in King Kong movies. Rajasaurus is a large Indian predator that ruled the Late Cretaceous India alongside Indosaurus. In packs, this raptor could take out anything but a sauropod. With big size comes great clumsiness. At the same time, Giga is proven to have a lighter build then T-Rex, which means Giganotosaurus can run faster (studies have shown that while Rex runs up to 15 mph, Giganotosaurus can be as speedy as 20 mph or more). They would have been extremely dangerous, they were indeed pack hunters. The monster stretches up to 60 feet long, while Giganotosaurus is only 50 feet long, Carcharodontosaurus at 45, and T-Rex at 41 (avg.). Spinosaurus' titanic claws and large, crocodile-like jaws made it a formidable to other dinosaur that dare to go anywhere near it's kill or try to make a meal out of it. I loved it when it showed the Tyrannosaurus in Jurassic Park as it got loose from it's enclosure and it was walking around the vehicles because the kids were inside one of them. The only thing that sets Carchar apart from Allosaurus is that Carcharodontosaurus is about 45 feet long, longer than a 41 foot long T-Rex, and much longer than a 39 foot long Allosaurus. This South American behemoth lived along side massive titanosaurs such as Argentinosaurus and Saltasaurus, so it's safe to presume it would have had to have been a great hunter in order to at least hunt down a juvenile. Until I see otherwise, I do think that Giganotosaurus is the largest predatory dinosaur and most likely was the deadliest. The earthquake was so large that it triggered a massive tsunami that devastated Sendai and the surrounding area. Well, here is why: Also known as "T-Rex", Tyranno is not as big as earlier giants such as Spinosaurus, Giganotosaurus, Carcharodontosaurus, Saurophaganax, Tyrannotitan, or Mapusaurus. Whattaya 'bout Yang? Second, Tarbosaurus lacks T-Rex's binocular vision, and third, Tarbo lacks T-Rex's poisonous saliva. - RaptorOnFire1206, Carcharodontosaurus can kill anything because it is larger than the stupid T. Rex, Spinosaurus only hunts fish so Carcharadontosaurus can best it easily and it can beat giganotosaurus 60 percent. "The 10 Deadliest Tsunamis of All Time." Your one stop shopping destination for everything Discovery Channel, Science, TLC, ID, Velocity, American Heroes, and Destination America. Carnotaurus is a carnivore and 2. Velociraptor hunted Protoceratops in Mongolia, being second top predaator next to the tyrannosaur, Tarbosaurus. This early-mid Cretaceous probably competed with larger predators such as Giganotosaurus and Mapusaurus, since all three lived in the Early Cretaceous (115 mya) in Argentina. It had a mighty bite force, and usually hunted rodents and lizards but sometimes became a cannibal. Thousands were killed as a result of both the earthquake and tsunami and many more were displaced. Let me tell you that that SIZE DOESN'T MATTER. Also, more people understand the phenomena and heed the warnings to move to higher ground when a tsunami possibility exists. Carnotaurus probably used his horns to cause wounds in victims, or maybe just for display and attracting mates. Millions of years ago, Earth was quite a dangerous place. Well, first of all, Deinonychus, like most raptors, hunted in packs. Not even a Rex or a Spino. Not only that, it was one of the fastest dinosaurs ever. You probably haven't heard of the last one, eh? I love this dino, I love that it's ranked 11 instead of 52, but I have to say, Acro had one big oof getting ranked 11, no 10 or better. The horns make the carnotaurus look awesome, Oxalia is a large spinosauridae, about the size of a smaller allosauridae, such as Torvosaurus or Yangchuanosaurus. None of that is true. Top 10 Most Dangerous Snakes in the World. - RaptorOnFire1206, I personally think the Carnotaurus should be above the deinonychus because the Carnotaurus could bite then well, it's dead. that is really the only thing they say. - RaptorOnFire1206. Mapusaurus is about the size of T-Rex and Allosaurus, at around 40-42 feet long. This thing was THE killing machine. Has larger and thicker teeth, and a slightly thicker skull. Large Rajasaurus were up to 40 ft and heavily armored with a good bight force and relatively fast it is at least as Deadly as T-Rex, though I Barely Favor T-Rex because of its Intelligence advantage. Sources on death figures can vary widely (especially for those being estimated long after the fact), due to lack of data on populations in areas at the time of the event. It was a piscivore, meaning that it ate fish, but was also an opportunistic hunter, meaning that if it had the chance to go for other prey, it would go for it. A living weapon unlike anything we've ever seen! First, Tarbo is quite smaller, at around 36-38 feet long (although some scientists believe that Tarbosaurus is over 40 feet long). Spinosaurus was in fact bigger than tyrannosaurus. I have NO idea why Sinraptor is named a "raptor", but... Well, sue the namers. This beast was the most dangerous predator to walk the earth. Carcharodontosaurus was smarter and had steroscopic vision as well as it hunted in packs. So the Rajasaurus always had to rely on the smaller but more deadly Indosaurus for food. So to bring it, T-Rex is NOT the largest dino in history (sorry to ruin your childhood). For the next 4 weeks it is up to you to vote for your favorite indie games so that they may make the top 100 which will be announced on the 11th of December. One last thing, I'm suprised that oxylania wasn't on this list! Tyrannosaurus Rex! Still, Velociraptor is quite an intelligent dino, and is one of the fastest dinosaurs too. C.C says. Even though 9 feet longer (Rajasaurus = 29 feet, Indosaurus =20 feet), Rajasaurus doesn't have the speed and wit to hunt like Indosaurus. These are living dinosaurs, folks! Sauro is much bigger than his close relative, Allosaurus (39 feet), though. Even the greatest jedi of all time said "judge me by my size, Do you? " Plus, Giganotosaurus has longer arms then the puny... Um, stumps, of T-Rex. Can actually kill a T. Rex and its name means King of the Lizard Killers, Mapusaurus is a close cousin of Giganotosaurus, if not a juvenile of Giga. Well, Yangchuanosaurus got pushed down the list because... Well, he was SMALLER. The best dinosaur in Jurassic Park, it may not have looked like that... but you did not want to cross them. Oxalia is basically a miniature Spinosaurus: But this 35 foot long spinosaur rarely hunted other dinosaurs except in rare conditions, such as the riverbed drying up. (tie) Portugal, Morocco, Ireland, and the United KingdomEstimated Number of Deaths: 100,000 (with 60,000 in Lisbon alone)Year: 1755, Messina, ItalyEstimated Number of Deaths: 80,000+Year: 1908, Arica, Peru (now Chile)Estimated Number of Deaths: 70,000 (in Peru and Chile)Year: 1868, South China Sea (Taiwan)Estimated Number of Deaths: 40,000Year: 1782, Krakatoa, IndonesiaEstimated Number of Deaths: 36,000Year: 1883, Nankaido, JapanEstimated Number of Deaths: 31,000Year: 1498, Tokaido-Nankaido, JapanEstimated Number of Deaths: 30,000Year: 1707, Hondo, JapanEstimated Number of Deaths: 27,000Year: 1826, Sanriku, JapanEstimated Number of Deaths: 26,000Year: 1896. Rajasaurus often battled Indosaurus for meat, usually Indosaurus killing a herbivore with his speed and wits, and Rajasaurus, scaring Indosaurus off with his size. Wait a minute, how did this get into number 5? That is so cool. Acro is probably one of the largest predators on land, tied with T-Rex at 40-41 feet long. Tyrannotitan is a very new dinosaur, discovered in 2005. This ought to be on the list. Deadly carnivore with a huge sickle claw and razor sharp teeth. - Some Random Guy said. Amanda Briney, M.A., is a professional geographer. V Rex was 90 foot in lent and 60 feet tall weighing 80 to 90 tonnes.It was like a zill 1998, Top Ten Most Pointless Laws Around the World, Top 10 Hidden Images in Logos of Famous Brands, Countries With the Most COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Cases, Best Fitness Center Chains and Gym Franchises. The Allosaurus is an very aggressive predator able to easily take down a carnotaurus 1 on 1 and maybe even 1 on 2 plus it likely traveled in packs meaning it could even take down large herbivores like the camarasaurus, it also had it's fatal hatchet strike thanks to it's strong neck. Had similar built and they both had short arms. - RaptorOnFire1206. In an open plain, a T-Rex would probably win. The Utahraptor lived in packs and could hunt down even the deadliest of dinosaurs, in a pack, it could take down a Spinosaurus or Tyrannosaurus, and was on top of the food chain at its time. I liked seeing it as it bolted towards the fence and slammed it's weight and it's head against the fence. My name is Raja so does that mean this dinosaur is my spirit animals? ThoughtCo, Feb. 16, 2021, The dinosaurs made their debut back in the summer of 2019 and brought in a record-breaking number of guests to the Santa Barbara museum. Even though not much has been known from this new theropod, he is able to shove into the list with his big size. After all, Giga deserves to be number one in my opinion. But the true monster, Utahraptor, is averaged at 19 feet long and 8 feet tall. Majungasaurus (formerly Majungatholus) was a large African hunter from the Late Cretaceous period, and one of the only dinosaurs discovered in Madagascar, an island near Africa. The third-largest land predator after Spinosaurus and Giganotosaurus, Carcharodontosaurus is basically an oversized version of the famous Allosaurus. About the Architecture of Tsunami-Resistant Buildings, The Great Kanto Earthquake in Japan, 1923, M.A., Geography, California State University - East Bay, B.A., English and Geography, California State University - Sacramento. This monster DESERVES a bronze medal. (accessed February 18, 2021). Actually, he is pretty small, since he's a dromeosaurid like Utahraptor and Velociraptor. This 2 foot tall reptile would spot prey in even the darkest of nights. Briney, Amanda. Isn't a very bright dino, and B. Which brings us to... Yeah, Sinraptor is from the early-mid Jurassic Period, unlike Allosaurus, whom comes from the Late Jurassic period, and unlike Yang, who came into play during the mid-late Jurassic. Giganotosaurus is also known to hunt in packs, since many Giganotosaurus skeletons are found together, probably so they could bring down large sauropods such as Argentinosaurus. Carnotaurus's name means "meat-eating bull" because 1. Deinonychus also, like all raptors, have huge, hook-clawed feet. And any dino, even the two smartest dinosaurs Utahraptor and Troodon could not turn doorknobs neither outwit a human. I saw it looked big and dangerous, and that instantly sparked my interest and love for dinosaurs, The largest living raptor the world has known, this 20 foot long Utahraptor is Mr. Titan among these hook-clawed thieves. Carcharodontosaurus fought spinosaurus and the spino's only chance of survival was run or battle in water. A tsunami is a series of ocean waves generated by large movements or disturbances on the ocean's floor. Like all raptors, Deinonychus's brain is WAY above average, with the brain almost the size of a crow's. This dino is a quite small Allosauridae, only reaching up to about 25 feet long and about 7 feet tall. But, like Yang but unlike Allo, Sinraptor is from China. Nature Tube Dinosaurs. Allosaurus is more aggressive than other bigger hunters. I love the T-rex. So, really, how did this tiny allosaur reach the list? Which brings us to the subject of Sinraptor's speed, which can overpower ...more. Mapusaurus probably hunted in packs so they could bring down the large Argentinosaurus of his time. - RaptorOnFire1206, Yeah, It is exertremely fierce and able to take down a fully grown argentinosaurus, Probably the most famous theropod dinosaur next to T-Rex, Velociraptor, and Spinosaurus, made famous by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's the Lost World: A Novel, Allosaurus was one of the most wide-distributed dinosaurs of his era, and being 2nd top predator next to Saurophaganax (though recent studies showed that Saurophaganax was probably just a larger specimen of Allosaurus). 10 of the Most Dangerous Beaches in the World Beaches are all about relaxing, taking in the scenery and generally having a good time. Yes, I'm going down the list now. The second toe acts like a kitchen knife: It sliced through flesh in seconds. Allosaurus killed prey with his regular carnosaur features: Claws, teeth, and, of course, size. It was in fact only a trifle smaller that spinosaurus, and was just as vicious. - RaptorOnFire1206. Acrocanthosaurus is huge, I gotta take that, but he is only down here because he A. Another reason about why Deinonychus is so deadly is because of his cunning. The other of the two reasons is that Spinosaurus sail sometimes is a weakness. Carnotaurus has two large horns on the top of his eyes. Well, that Random Guy is correct. Shaped like todays Gharial (a fish-eating croc), Spinosaurus's weak jaw is built for catching fish, not slicing prey. They were both 2nd to the top: Carcharodontosaurus was ruled by Spinosaurus, and Allosaurus was under the mighty reign of Saurophaganax (though Sauro is thought to be a new specimen of Allosaurus by some scientists). The dinosaur had a dome on the top of his head, probably for showing off to the females. Utahraptor wasn't as speedy as the 35 mph Dromaeosaurus (a member of the raptors aka. Last of all, ...more. Sometimes even being big won't bring you into the Top 10! I know this is from this dinosaur is from a movie, but it is still a carnivorous dinosaur! Retrieved from Although that jaw would gobble up any small dino now and then. Smaller than the already puny Yangchuanosaurus, Sinraptor is known for his cunning, a little bit smarter than the not-as-bright allosaurs later in the day. Velociraptor, the most famous raptor (because of Jurassic Park), is an average sized raptor at about 6 feet long and 3 feet tall. Dilophosaurus is a genus of theropod dinosaur. "The 10 Deadliest Tsunamis of All Time." Deinonychus, a bit larger, is around 10 feet long and 5 feet tall (J.P. potrayed Velociraptor's size to be the size of Deinonchyus). Tsunamis can occur close to the shore or travel thousands of miles if the disturbance occurs in the deep ocean. BUT the Tyrant King also HAS many objectives in his favor. Tarbo also has his cousin's above-average sized brain capacity. As far as dinosaurs go, Troodon was the rocket scientist of all dinosaurs. Usually in groups of 7 or 8 (unlike Utahraptor's groups of 3 thru 5), Deinonychus could bring down dinosaurs several times his size, such as its favorite prey, Tenotosaurus, a 30-foot-long iguanodont. At 42 feet). - RaptorOnFire1206, Sinraptor really isn't a raptor, but a closer relative to Allosaurus and Yangchuanosaurus. Nature Tube Australia Deadliest Animals. Dromaeosaurs), but Utahraptor already tops the speed at 30 mph max., far outrunning other bigger predators such as T-Rex and Giganotosaurus. -RaptorOnFire1206. Most lists support T-Rex as number 1 because of his dino "royalty", made famous in Jurassic Park. Torvosaurus was a large, bulky allosaur, dumber, slower, and a bit shorter than Allosaurus (Alllosaurus = 39 feet long, Torvosaurus = 32-36 feet long). The earthquake also caused smaller tsunamis to travel across much of the Pacific Ocean and cause damage in places like Hawaii and the west coast of the United States. This dino also reffered as the Asian t-rex was the apex predator of Asia and is the same height as T-rex but 3-5 feet length shorter the only difference is that the Tarbosaurus is faster and the T-rex is stronger. Still, Carcharodontosaurus is a formidable predator, and is very experienced at fighting after all these years sharing the homeland of Spino. The Top 10 Deadliest Carnivorous Dinosaurs, in my opinion in scientific research and/or the web. I can spit out random facts about the tyrannosaurus rex that you probably never heard before. I could name over 5000 different dinosaurs when I was three and was stumping experts with questions when I was 5, and I have to say that gigantosaurus is the most deadly because it has a stronger bite force than spinosaurus, is way larger than the t rex, and has powerful arms, unlike the puny stumps that the t rex has. - RaptorOnFire1206. Why? The size of Velociraptor in J.P. is based on Deinoychus, who is 5.5 feet tall and 10 feet long. Anyhow, this 30 foot long dinosaur is a terror to behold. The causes of these disturbances include volcanic eruptions, landslides, and underwater explosions, but earthquakes are the most common. They had the retracting claw on their feet. A good deal bigger. According to the website's URL, it does NOT say Torvosaurus, it says Sinraptor.

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